At the commencement of this week, the Money Market showed signs of im- provement ; and on Tuesday Consols were per cent. above the prices given in our last. This improvement was cadged by a purchase of 100,0W/. being effected by one of the principal brokers, at 94; but as this operation was met by sales to a corresponding extent from equally influential quarters, and as some of the principal Jewish speculators evinced a disposition to sell stuck, the above high quotation was not long supported ; ' the price declined during the after part of Tuesday, and continued to fall, until it was yesterday nearly 1 per cent. lower. The usual weekly meeting of the Bank Directors was held yesterday ; and during its sitting, several rumours were afloat as to the intentions of the Directors: which drove Consols down to their lowest point of depression : but as soon as the meeting broke up, the price recovered. Among other reports, was one that the Directors would raise the rate of diacount to 51 per cent, The Directors have, however, given out, that circumstances have recently arisen which will compel them to take measures for contracting the circulation ; being more especially driven to this course by the recent rise in all sorts of Foreign Stock, which by inducing the Coutiueutal holders of those Securities to sell in this market, will give the to large remittances from England, and thus, by causing a fail in the exchanges, render the exportation of gold to a con.. siderable extent a matter of certainty. In pursuance of this intention, some very extensive sales of Exchequer Bills have occurred on behalf of the Cor- poration; and these Securities, which were at 2'3 prem., declined in the course of yesterday to 21s. By advises received yesterday from New York to the 7th December, it appears that the exchange there was on the decline, and had dropped from lunl to 1064. hence it does not appear likely that the ship- ments of bullion from America will continue.
lit the Foreign Alarkut, SpanishStuck has been the subject of much fluctua- tion; having risen tin the receipt of intelligence of the relief of Bilboa to s,a , an improvement of per cent. upon our last prices: but this high quotation has not been maintained, and, after having been at '24A, the Bonds close to-day at 243 The Deferred Stock has also improved ; and after being 10i, closes to- day at toi ; %% laic l'assive, which had reached 7i, map be quoted at 7.i .
The Portuguese Stocks have improved in nearly the same proportion ; the Five per Cents. having been at 49, and the Three per Cents. at 81 : but both have since given way about 2 per cent. We are without any late advicaa from Lisbon ; and this rise has therefore been the result of the improvement in Spanish Stock.
Tie Dutch and other European Stocks have been mainly governed in their
netentions by the oscillations of the C011,01 Market. The various securities wli•ch are curient on our Exchange are generally well held, and react rapidly after every depression. The South American Stocks have continued within 2 per cent. of our last quotation-1. Columbian has touched 251, after being at ; and closes about 24. The fluctuations of the other stocks have been in similar proportion. The Railway Shares have improved very materially ; the rise in some of the heavier ones Laving been t31. per Share. Same inqiiiry has also oceorred for sonic oh' the lower-priced ones, the bills fur which did out pass the Ilouses of
Parliament last year ; and they are generally at a small advance of price. They have, however, all receded from 5s. to 5!. per share.
Up to this moment we are without our usual accounts from France, the mail of Thursday not having arrived. The Consol Market is very strong— the price for Account being 90,E a. The various Stocks the books of ‘rhich were closed previous to the Dividends, are now open for private transfer. The public grew to have taken advantage of the low prices of Stock during the shut- ting, and to have purchased largely, especially in Consols, which Stock is so scarce that the jobbers find great difficulty in delivering all they have sold. Spa- nish Stock has unproved, and the Active is now 25k. Deferred is 105 11A ; and Passive 73 11. Portuguese Bonds are also higher, and the South American Stocks are at yesterday's prices,—Columbian being 271J, Mexican 25i 6i, and Peruvian 1820. The Railway Shares are higher, as the following quotation will show London and Birmingham 73 6 prem. ; Great Western 16 17 prem.; Stevenson's Brighton 3 4 prem. ; Southampton 5 3 dis. ; Greenwich 1 2 prem.
Consols for Account have been very lively, and during the afternoon have been, buyers, at 903; the closing price is, however, 20a a. In the Foreign Mar-. hat, Spanish Stock has been as high as 251 for the Current and 26 for the next Account; but closes at 25A A. The Deferred Stock is 1l 4 , and the Passive 7/1E. Portuguese Bonds continue unchanged. The South American Stocks are about 6 per cent. above the quotations of the morning. The Dutch and other European Stocks are at a slight advance of price, in consequence of the improvement in Consols. There is not much variation in the Railway Shares : the Great Western are, however, about 21. higher ; the last price being 18 20 prem. ; and the Southampton are rather heavier, leaving off at 6 to 5 dis.
3 per Cent. Consols 8x11 9 Danish 3 per Cents. '75 6 Ditto tor Account 901 4 Dutch 24 per Cents 85 6 3 per Cent. Reduced 88i 9 Mexican 6 per Cents 254 64 New 34 per Cent Anus ex.div
Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts. 48* 1 India stock shut Ditto 3 per Cent. 30* 31
Bank Stock shut Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip . 51 52 Exclaspler Bills
Prussian (1818)5 per Cent — Belgian 5 per Cents
2100212 pr.
Russian ( lt422) 5 per Cent...
109 10 1 Brazilian 5 per Cents 85 86 Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 251