anwrica-Opening of Congress, 1. Ad- drea., of the President of Texas, 3. De. struction or the Post and Patent Offices at V esItington. 36. Release of Santa Anna, 147. Election of Mr Johnson as Viec-Preahlent, 242. Riot at New York, 298. Farewell Address of Presi. dent Jackson, 347, 362. Memorial to the President on the commercial dis- tress of country, 554. Opening of Con- mess: Message of Vau Buren, 913, 1226. Celoities - Canada - Destructive fire at Quebec, 2. Appoiutrnent of Sir John Harvey to be Governor of New Bruns. wick, 291. Speech of Sir Francis Head on the closing of the session. Upper Cattada.'362. Indignation or the Lower Canadian,' at the "atrocious resolu- tions." 506. Disgust at Lord Gos- fottl'a conduct, 553. Lord Gosford's
proclamation to prevent politi- cal meetings,674. Opening of an ex- traordinary session, 863. Correspou• dense between Mr. Wallcott and M. Papiaeau, 873. The Assembly refuses to continuo the sitting, 914; debate on the address, 938. Resolution of the Confederation of the Six Counties. 1130. Insurrection in the district of Montreal, 1202. Despatch of the engagement with the rebels, 1227. St. John's, Nen found- land-Stopping of the Supplies, 1134. Demerara-Closing of the session, Sir James Smith's speech, 555. France-Debate on the address, 2, 26, 49; carried. 74. Acquittal of the Strasburg conspirators, 73. Discovery of a con- spiracy to assassinate the King of the French, 170. Rejection of the Disjunc- tion bill, 210. Death of the Abbe de Pratt, 273. Distress of the Working Classes, 347, Formation of a uew 51i- uistry. 362. Condemnation of Meu- nier, 386. Disturbances at Tours, 434; at Brest, 458. Marriage of the Duko of Orleans, 506, 510. Opening of the Railway from Paris to St. Germaine. 025. Marriage of the Princess Marie of Orleans, 98e. Constantine taken : death of General Damremont, 1009. Case of Lady Lincoln, 1064. Plot to assassinate the K jug, 1178. Acci- dent to the Duke de Nemours, 1186. Opening of the Chambers. 1202.
Greece-- Dreadful earthquake iu four of the Greek islands, 410.
Hanoi er-Entry of the King of Hanover into the capital, 623. Suernsion of the constitution of 1833, 9,3. Inten- tions of the King regarding the cumin- tut ion. 722. Dissolution of the General Assembly, 1065. Protest against the King of Hans ver, 1154. Banishment of at:nen Professors, 1227.
Hollatet-Death of the Queen of the Ne- therlands, 9e5. Conduct of the King of Holland towards Belgium, 1178.
Italy -Cousistory at Rome on the treat. memo( the Archbishop of Cologne. 12e7.
Port ugal -Opeuing of t he Cortes, 98. For- mation of a new 111i uistrs, 554. Mili- tary insurrection near Oporto. 697. Entry of Saldanha into Coimbra at the heed of the insurgents. 793. Procla- mation of the Duke of Terceira, 826. Acconchement of the Queen, 914. De-
feat of Saldanha, 937. Resignation of the Ministry, 961. Unpopularity of Iasi 1 lownrd de Walden at Lisbon, 1023 Reconstruction of the Ministry, 1116.
Prussia - Arrest of the Archbishop of Cologne, 1130.
Russia-Publication of a new tariff, 74. Military' Insurrection at St. Petersburg.
321. Publication of an net of amnesty to the Polisb exiles iu Siberia, 818. Defeat of the Russians by the Circas- sian,. 865.
esitth America-Revolt of the troops at Qaillata. and murder of Don Diego Portalis, 867. Insurrectiou at Bahia, 1227.
Spans-Raising of the siege of Balton, 1. Death of General Mina, 2. Attack on the for; ificetious of A metaagana, 242.
Pefeat of General Ewes at Hernani, 266. insurrections at Tarragona and Barcelona, 434. Defeat of the Carlists at T. Iernaui. 457. !run taken. 465. 481. Ittscat of I wiliarren,596; his death.511.
General Evans's farewell address, 554.
Defeat of the Callists by Barou Meer, 578. Meeting of the Garrison at Iler• nails 630. Defeat of Don Carlos by
General Oraa at Valencia.697. Madrid ace-tared in a state of siege. 732. Dis-
turbances at Malaga aid Burgos, 793. Formation of a uew Ministry, 8r8. Meeting of the troops at Vittoria and Miranda, 818. Defeat of General line- rens, 842 ; of O'Donnell, e39. Murder of soldiers of the Legion. 911. Changes in the Ministry, 1033. Punishment of the I'ampeluna mutineers, 1106. open- ing of tire Cortex, 1130. Breakiog up of the legion, 1202. Formation of a new Ministry, 1227. Turkey-Earthquake at Constantinople. 170. Defeat of the Turkish forces by the insurgents of Tripoli, 410. Decree of the Sultan on the administration of " justice, 813.
Accident to the Duke of Sussex, 50. The King holds Investithres of the Orders of the Garter and Bath, 247. Death of I.:ois 110 L'Isle, 345. Birth. day of the Queen, 389. The King visits
. the National Gallery. 389. Illness of Prince Esterhazy, 415. Departure of the Duke of Cambridge fur Rotterdam, 415. Death of the Queen's mot her. 439. Birth-day of the Princess Victoria. 485 ; of the King, 507. Illness of the King, 507, 559; his death, 580 ; outlines of his personal life, 582; post mortem mination, 5:37; the funeral. 631, 653. Proclamation of Queen Victoria, 581. The Queen and the Dulebess of Kent pay a visit of condolence to the Queen Dowager, 606. Departure of the Doke of Cumberland for Ilanover, 608. The Queen goes in state to prorogue Parlia- ment, 680; visits the National Gallery, 705. Invitation to the Cite. 731. Din- ner to the poor of Windsor:796. Com- pletion of the Household appointments. 824. Arrival of the King and Queen of the Belgians, 818; of the Duke of Cambridge, 842. Departure of the King and Queen of the Belgians. 890. Re- ception of the Queen at Brighton, 938. Death of the Dutehess of St. Len, 967. Insult to the Queen by Captain Goode, 1039. The Queen goes in state to open Parliament, 1114 ; to thank Parliament for the Civil List, 1212. Drawing-rooms, 389. 460. 507,630. Levees, 197, 224, 247, 317. 369. 389, 415, 439, 460. 680.
Removal of the remains of the Duke of Montrose, 4. Conviction of George Forbes Atkinson, 4. Case of Jose- fine d'Alhorroz. 4, 51. Death of Sir S. Hulse, 9 ; of Mr. Ponteatume, 9. De. cisious in the case of the Bank of Eng- land and the Loudon and Westminster Bank, 27. Murder of Ready by Pegs- worth, 27; execution of Pegsworth, 225. Reverend Sydney Smith's pamphlet, 56. Report of the Committee of the Chariug Cross Ilospital, 58. Drury Lane dinner. 74. Anniversary dinner of the London Freemasons, 77. Meet- ings of Dissenters for the abolition of Church-rates, 103. Opening of the City of London School, 104. Accident to Mr. Vernon Smith, 106. General Evans's address to his constituents,131. Case of StockrIale v. Messrs. Hauser& 151; of Lord de Ros and Mr. Cum. ming, 131, 134, 153; of Mr. Morrison and the Inekly Dispeeeh, 131, 153. Lord Ranelagh's letter to Lord John Hay, 132. Subscriptions for the erec- tion of monumeuts to the Scottish Martyrs, 176. Accident to Lady Ash- burton, 177. Death of Dr. Burgett', 177. Dinner to Ministers at the Man- sionhouse. 198. Meeting tin the relief of the distress it, the Highlands, 247. Tory dinner at the Colosseum, 247. Examination of Kearney for stabbing Mr. Loch. 247 ; suicide of Kearney, 248. Death of Viscountess Cauuing, 248. Reply of Sir F. Burdett to the electors of Westminster, 270. Appre- hension of Greenacre and Sarah Gale, 291; committed, 318; trial. 346; exe- cution of Greenacre, 417. Death of the Marquis of Bath, 297; of Mrs. Fitz- herbert, 297. Report of the Chute!' Commissioners, 293. Distress of the Spitalflelds wearers, 318. Dinner to Messrs. Wakley and Duncombe, 369; to Sir George Murray, 990. Resigna- tion of Sir Francis Burdett. 392; his reelection, 439. Death of Lord La ttle- ton. 417. Murder of Eliza Wadley. 441. Celebration of the birthslay of the Prin• cess Victoria, 483. Ball for the relief' of the Spitalfields weavers.508. Opening of the 1 liimodrome, 533. Tory dinner in Gray's Inn Lane, 558. Arrival of Ge- neral Evans, 586. Election of Sheriffs, 606. Dinner to the Duke of Wellit g- ton at the Mnusionliouse, 653. Fa al accident to Mr. Cocking. 706. Death of the Bishop of Hereford, 707; of the Dutchess of St. Alban 'a 755. Amid, nt to the Medway. Gravesend steamer. 7be. Bursting of the Thames Tunnel, 796, 1034. Explosion of powder on board the brig JoeS,797. Dattuer to Mr. Wek. ley at Ilighbury Bans 818. Abstract of the new Wills Act, 823. Mr. Buck- Wearies farewell lecture, 842. Colli- sloe between the Apollo mud the alo• narch, 842 ; inquest on the bodies, 867, 915. Sale of the lItonplon stud, 848, 1014; letter of Sir F. Bunten. to Lord Melhourue or: the sale of, 804. Death of Mr. Rees, 872. Great tea sale, b96. Report on the Colporatiou of Lundell, 962. Murder of Chaplin by Smith, 962; inquest. 987; trial. 1034. Death of Samuel Wesley, 966. Address of the Working Men's ASStleinti011 to the work- ing classes of America, 990. Dinuer to the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, 1033. Queen's visit to the City. 1034, 1058. Celebration of the acquittal or Hardy. Tooke, and Thelwall, 1059. Arrest of
Stuber for a meditated attack on the Queen, 1065. Death of the Earl of Egremont, 1085. Dinner of the Work. pug Men's Association, 1114. Reform dinner at Southwark, 1135. Meeting at the Crown and Anchor inconsequence of Lord John Russell's declaration, 1161. Meeting of the Finsbury Ube. rals. 1184. Discovery of smuggling at the Customhonse. 1228.
Meeting of the Birmingham Reform As- sociation, 4. Dinner to General Palmer and Mr. Roebuck at Bath, 4. Charges against Messrs. Longsbaw and Co. for overworking factory children.7. Bribery at Ipswich. 28. Murder of Mrs. Mans- field at Denver, 28. Sir William Moles- wortha letter to Mr. Goodman, 51. Death of Mr. Petted, 51. Birmingham Reform dinner, 51. Mr. Beaumout's letter to his constituents, 52. Dinner to Lord Morpeth and Sir George Strick. land, 57 ; to Mr. Ewart, 57. Presentee Lion of a piece of plate to Mr. Divett at Exeter. 78. Tory dinner to the Mem- bers for Warwickshire, 78. Mr. Buck. ingham's retirement. 153. Discovery of money at Sautlieud, 198. Trial for election bribery at Bury, 271. 51r. Ward's speeches at Sheffield, 292. Din- ner to Sir William Metlesworth and Mr. Baines at Leeds, 293. Conviction of Edward Arnett, his wife, and sister. for coining, 294. Fatal accident to Sir. Campbell at the Mauchester Theatre, 294. Meeting of the inhabitants of Leeds for the abolition of Church-rates, 319. Death of Dr. Bathurst. 321. Conduct of the Marquis of Waterford at Melton. 346. Greensmith's murder of his children, 346. Riots at Mau- thester, 371. Disgusting conduct of the Gloucester hangman, 391. Death of Mr. Blackbanie, 392. Appointment of Mr. Stanley to the Bishopric of Nor- wich. 464 ; enthronement of, 797. Ex- plosion on board the Union steam boat at Hull, 536. Meeting of the Birming- ham Political Union, 584. Opening of the Grand Junction Railway. 632, Murder of Mr. Meredith, near Nana- wieh, 732. Arrival of one of the Dor- chester labourers, 754. Address of Mr. Roeleuek to his friends at Bath, 802 ; of Lord Palmerston to the constituency of 'l'ivertou,820. Meeting nt South Shields in favour of the Ballot. 820. Letter of the Reverend Charles Wodehouse. 843. Tithe Riot at Langham, 845. Dinner to Mr. Biddulph, 169. Accident on the
Birmingham and Liverpool Railway, 870 ; on the Manchester and Liverpool Railway.916. NorthDerbyshire Reform dinner, 891. Celebration of the return of Sir Francis Burdett for North Wilt- shire, 891. Sir Culling Eardley Smith's letter to Lord Joint Russell, 891. Dia- turbance between the military and the people at the Dorchester races, 893, 916. Reelection of Lord Morpeth and Sir G. Sttickland, 963. Tory diluter to Lord Smelt= and Mr. Cressvrell at Liverpool, 987. Dinner of the members of the North Durham Reform Society, 1011; Newspaper remarks ou Lord Dur- ham's speech. 1015. Ballot meeting at Framlingliam, 1015. Dinner of the Liberals of East Cornwall at Bodmin, 1035. Meeting at Manchester to pro- mote national education, 1036. Dinner of the Devonshire Liberals at Barn- staple, 1061. Disturbance at Bradford, 1115. Arrival of O'Connell at Bumming. ham, 1183. Meeting of the Bath Re• formers on the subject of the Ballot, 1229.
Races- Ascot. 535; Doncaster, 892; Efi' ham. 821 ; Epsom. 437; Goodwoo.1,731. Division Lists, 227, 1118. 1139.
Revenue, 12, 323. 637.970. Report of the Select Committee on the Poor-law Amendment Act, 659.
Meetings, not prink:al-Canada Company, 291. Belgrave Literary Institution,359. London Orphan Asylum, 390. Literary Fund Society. 417. Protestant Assuci- Mien, 460, 489. Proprietors of not India Stock, 3, 460; grant to the Mar.
qtli3 Wellesley,1034. Colonial Society, 632. Proprietors of the Greenwich Railway, 819. Directors of the Thames Tunnel, 842. British Association fur the Advancement of Science, 869. Pro- prietors of Bank of England Stuck, 890. British Medical Association, 932. East India Company, 936.
Sir John Maxwell's address to the electors of Roan-reeler... 8. lustallation of Sir Robert Peel as Lord Rector of Glasgow University, 30. Dinner to Mr. Oswald at Glasgow, 31. Grand banquet to Sir Robert Peel, 54. Meeting or the Glas- gow operatives. 55, Death of the Earl of Rosels 0, 57 ; of Lord Balgray, 132. Mr. Ferguson of Ruith appointed to the Lord-Lieutenancy of Fafeshire. 154. Reply of Sir Henry Parnell to the Dundee Radical Association. 272. Diu tress of the Scottish weavers. 464. Meeting of the Geueral Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 488. Return of Mr. Dennielouu for Gloms, 509.
Address of the Edinburgh Radical As- :iodation, 633. Celebration of the in• ventiou of printing at Edinburgh, 707. Elt ction of Peers to serve in the new Parliament, 823. Dinner to Mr. Mac- leod at Invernest, 847; to Sir George Sinclair at Cnithness, 847. Entertaiti- mod at Haddo Hall on Lord Haddo attaining his majority, 943, Appoint- ment of Lieutenants and Sheriffs Prin- cipal, 965. Installation of the Duke of Montrose as Chancellor of Glasgow University, 1085. Meetings of dele- gates of Anti-Corn-law Associations at Glasgow, 1162. Ballot meeting at Edinburgh. 1185. Present of a vase to the Sheriff of Peeblesshire. 1231.
Termination of the Longford election, 7. Reply of Mr. O'Connell to Mr. Beau- mont, 7. Affair of Mr. Wyse, 8. Din- ner to Mr. Sharman Crewford by the Reformers of Belfast. 28. Meetings of the National Association, 28, 32.53, 57, 79, 105. 297, 370; O'Connell's letters to the,391,633; Mr.O'Connell's motion on Lord Durham's letter, 691: dissolu- tion of the National Association, 1034. Dinner of the Sheriff of DUI)Ii3. 29. Explosion of gunpowder in Limerick, 30. Death of Sir William M•Malion, 54. Protest against the Orange-Tory meeting at the Dublin Mansionhouse, 78. Death of Mr. Kavanagh, 78. Ap- pointment of Mr. O'Dwyer as Filacet of the Irish Court of Exchemter, 105. Mr.O'Brien's letter to the electors of the county of limerick, 105. Mr. Crawford's dispute with his coast ituent s, 103, 132. Decision of the Barons of the Exchequer on compensation to jurors, 105. Fatal Orange affray at Bally- jamesduff, 154. Case of bribery against West and Hamilton, 177. O'Connell's letter on the Poor-law, 272. Mr. Craw- ford's letter to the people of Ireland, lea. Subscriptions to the O'Connell annuity, 509. Destruction of the sal- mon fisheties at Waterford, 609. Nlur. der or Catholics in Monaghan, 633, Meeting of the 'finites Union in Dub. lin, 656. Letter of Lord John Russell to Lord Mulgrave. 707. Mr. Crawford's letters to Mr. O'Connell, 82e, 845, 870, 893, 917. O'Connell's letter to the Bpeople of Ireland, 845. Dinner to Mr. arron and Mr. Wyse at Waterford. 845. Mulder of two Protestants in Sligo, 846; inquiry into, 917. Dinner to Mr. 0' Ferran at Kildare, 871. Cor- respondence between Colonel Verner and Lord Pluuket.843. Annual dinner to the Mayor of Dublin, 943. O'Con- nell's letters to Lord Cloucurry. 988, 1013. Attack of Sir. ColquIttem on Mr. O'Connell, 1003. O'Connell's let- ter to the Protestant clergy of Ireland, 1084. O'Connell's objections to the Poor-law, 1211,1230.
Disasters at Sea-Wreck of the Mexico, 106; the Jane and blarearet. 177; the Albion steam-vessel, 302; the Splendid, 799; the Colonist. 1038.
Fires - In Loudon - Messrs. Spottis- woode's, 271 ; Messrs. Creswick and Ryan's, 319; at Vauxhall Gardens.607 ; at Shoreditch Chun:11.753; St rand. 867: Davis's Wharf, .'Conley Street, 1228. In the Country-Liver pool Mechanics' Institution, 320; tire Mayor of Cam- bridge's premises, 821; Ellen's Bower, 823; Tully Wharf, Hertfordshire, 916. Fire in Suffolk Street, Dublin, 392.
Opening of the Session: the King's speech, 90. Address. the, 99; agreed to, 101. Opening of Queen Victoria's first Parliament : Choice of Speaker, 1082. The Queen's speech : the Ad- dress agreed to. 1106. Access of l'areuts to children, 1181. Address of condo- lence to Queen Adelaide. 580. 602. Ad. mission of stringers to the gallery. 102. Army, the, 314; Jobbing at tire Horse Guards, 344. Attendance of Finite's on divine worship, 507.
Ballot, the, 2`22. Battle of the Dian:mull ; conduct of Colonel Verner, 1153. Bish- ops' Irandsn Paddington Railway, 269. Brighton Railway's, 534. British Museum, 151. Budget, the, 537, 608. Business of the Utilise, 269.
Canada, misgovernment of : Lord John Russell's resolutions, 218; postpone• ment of the debate on. 269, 316 ; Coln. mittee on, 387; conference with the l'eers,415 ; the reeulta ions agreed to,438. Catholic Relief Act. repeal orate, 1131. Church of Scotland, 102; petition from the General Asienibly, 625. Church- rates, 175; Government plau for abo- lishing the. 199,223; blr. Rice's motion. 242: carried, 246: postponement, 392 ; debate on Mr. Bernal's resolution. 482. Church-lands, 344; Committee
appointed, 555, CiviS List, the, 1112; Mr. Harvey's motion, 118G; Mr. Grote's motion. 1202; bill passed. 1204 ; read a first time in the L01115, 1206. Clergy, convocation or the. 415. Colonial slavers', 1114. Committees, publication of evideuce in, 369. Cumpeusatiou to Lord Canterbury, 1139. Conduct of liritish troops at Buenos Ayres, 437. Controverted elections. 459, 1113; second reatling. 1131. Cops Held, laws relatitte to : Sergeant Talrourd's 4C8, 602. Cortelaws, 246. County- rates, 'ejection of the bill for the better management of. 343. Criteintil law, re- form or the, 267, 383, 627. Curreucy, the, 533.
Mulish claims, 1157. Demise of the Crown: duration of Parliament, 603, 627. Distress of the hand loom weav- ers, 1203. Divisions, etibliestion or, 102.
East ludia maritime office's, compensa. t ion to. 316, 433, 557. Education and Charities, 102. Education of Negroes. 1 i H2, Election brib. ry, 556; stet it ions. 1151. Electors, registry of, 41.0. Ent- phomeut of naval casters. '269. Eng. lilt, umration of the. 178,191. E xelusiun of Jevis from Municipal Councils, 1153.
Factory children, 317. Fictitious votes. 130. First Emits and Tenths, 414. . Foreign gralu ami flour in bond, 268. 413; Mr. Itublitson's bill, 438; second reading. 557. Freemein admission of, 333; po•tpuued, 436. French compeu satinet' IntstLelaims ou the, 485.
Glasgow writ : charge against Mr. Sinn- ' ley, 5116; weavers : ease of the, 11S2. Imprisonment for debt, abolition of the, 130; second reading, 151. 197 ; recom- mittal, 367 ; passed, 625; read a second time in the Lords, 1159. Increase of the It:ivy : power of Russia, 1182. Inquiry into the condition of the hand-loom w eavers, 626. Internal corn- umnication, taxes on, 460. Ireland, mit ienal education, in 195. 147; state of. 1130. Irish National Association, 101; Corporation reform : conduct of the Irish Government, 120, 151; Lord lie„erton's mcoion. 170, 267; third read- 1141,333 ; read a first time in the Lords, 341; second time, 386; postponed, 418, 537; Grand Juries: tossed, 152; Poor, 147; second reading. 387 ; committal, 410, 437. 231 : Church, 412; Tithe bill, second reading ot the, 538; Stipendiary Magistrates, 1134. Java, trade with, 121. Joint Stock Banks and the Bank of England, 129. Justice in Ireland, affiniuistration or, 269.
Bing of II anoyer's pension. 1183. Lilies' gallery, 5118. Law of libel, 413. Longford election, 415, 4514. Marriage and Registratiou Acts. 102, 613. Members of Parliament, qualification of, 149; Sir W. Moleswort h's motion, 136. Mercantile shipping, 344. 534. M inisterial policy, 437. Mint, the, 197. Nlimicipal act amendment bill, 151; third reading, 197. National education, 507,1133. Naval offi- cers, dismissal of, 315. Newfoundland, 415. Newspapers, duty on. 341. Observauce ut the Sabbath, 415,533. Ope- ration of the Poor-law, 603.628.
Parliamentary papers : evidence in Com- mittees, 102 t publication of, 506; agents, 247; libido, 531. Pension-list, 1162, 1778; exclusion of Mr. Harvey from the Committee on. 1206. l'a'irs magistrates, 247. Puoulaw, the : ap- point mitt of a Committee, 1134. Post. office, reeirm of the, 197, 603, 1134; voters, 1134. Postage of letters, 437, 506. Primogeniture, law of, 314. Pri• vilege of Members : Mr. Lechtnere Charlton, 103; of the House of Com- mons' printers, 30, 151 ; Sir E. emblem- totes complaint against the lforning Post 368: Breach of: case of the Morning Chronicle. 197. Provision for the Dutchess of Kent, 1180. 1208. Pub- IM business, state or, 459 ; appointment of a Committee to inquire into, 530. Public Works in Ireland, 557. Qualification of Members, 316, Queen of Spain, assistance to the, ISO.
Railway jobbing, 152, 175. Ileform Act. amendment of the, 436; ratepaying clauses of the, 223. Registration or Voters; postponement of the bill, 269. ltiotons cuudnet of Members, 1157.
Sale of Beer, 317. Scotch Prisons, itn• movement uf, 344. Seats of the Bishops lu Parliament, 149. Septennial Act. re• geal of the, 435. Severn Navigation al, rejection of the, 344. Slavedratie, 637. Spain. British intervention in, 362; adjourned debate, 365; War in, 557. Stalfind, new writ for, 151. Sun- day travelling, 460.
'leant ion, reauctiott of. 315. Texas, 224 The:mica' annusemetas, 221. 'Trade with Portugal ; Russian aggression, 130.
University reform, 311, 414, 439. Univer- sity or Darold, cooduct of the, 1209. Van Diemen's Laud, Colonel Arthur's government of, 507 ; Colonel Wadies 's charges against Colouel Arthur, 507. Voting by proxy : Mr. Dunconthe's re- solution, 435.
Wills, amendment of the law relating 10, 170, 1153. Window-tax, 415.
The Prorogation, 674.
Aborigines of South Au/Malik 1071. Abliceses of Lord John Russell and !ii Robert Peel to their Constituents, 618.
Advice of Mr. Rome to the Radicals, 563. A Foxhunter's Religion, 463.
A nti•Colonial Office, the, 396.
Aristocracy, Picture of tote, by Lord Mel- bourne, 394.
A Representative of the People, 49L Aristocratic Gamblers : case or Lord de Ros, 159.
Army'-Lord ill's Patronage. 634; the Queen's Aides-de-Camp, 552 ; Bayonets nod Belts, 1121.
A Welsh Petition. 512.
Ballot, the, 136, 611; Morality of the Op• ponents of, 734 ; It Pract ical 1mprove• meta, 830; Lord Sandell and t he, 994 ; Necessity of Agitation, 1070; Lord John It ussell's Opposition to. 1140. Ballot Ilia, 155; Mechanism of t e, 204. thinking ; Colonel Turreus's Pamphlet, 36,
Baron Munch:men nt Cool , C85. Birmingham Festival, 899.
This 01 (the) Town-Clerk Job. 254. Brougham (1.0111) become Radical, 1120. Catlisle's Lectures, 411.
Causes of Newspaper Failure and Success, 638.
Church-Tory Schismatics, 14: Title of the Church to Church-rates, 61 ; Epis- copal Tyranny : Case of Gumpertz r.
Weston., 159; Churell rate tile. 254; Plunder of the, 302; The Rich Man's Church, 323; 'f he Protestant Patriots of Putlsey. 374; Government Plan of dealing wit It Church rates, 467 ; The Salall Majority of Five accounted for, 490 ; Sir P. Burdett's Speech, 490; A Declaratory Act, 513: Address from
Arundel Nth(' QUeell, Actual State of the Church-rate Question, 590; Pre- hendaryWodeliouse :11111 the Irish Policy of the Tories, 853: The Ugly Question of Churelerat es, 994.
Colonies-Refusal of the Supplies by the Canadian House of Assembly, 203; Coercion of the Canadians, 228, 275; Conduct of the Whigs accounted for, 252; Lower Canada and the Colonial Office. 302 ; Canadian Commissioners, 326; Jobbing at the Colonial Office, 374; The Globe, Mr. Ward, King Ste. Oen. Ministers, and the Tories, 395; Lord Brougham's Protest against the Canada Resolutions, 469; Sir Wilmot Horton and the Government of Ceylon, 876; Resemblances bete eert the Rising in Canada and the Revolution in Ante. rien, 1233; Mistbkes and Mystifies. Bons, 1234.
Conduct of the Gloucester Hangman, 492; Petition front the Inhabitants of Gloucester on the, 613.
Coast Rummies of Scotland, 514. Cutton•tax, the, 326.
Dissentets-Exclusive Dealing, 62; Speak Out, 491.
Disunion between the Middle and Work- ing Classes, 201.
Durham Manifesto, 660.
Elections-Cost of : retirement or Mr. Hall, 61; Numerical Results of the, 613; Retirement of Sir John Elky, 660; Hint, to Honest and Sensible Electors, 685; Probable Result of the, 734; Official Discipline; Sir Henry Pitmen's Speech at the Dundee Nomi. nation, 734; Interference of the Clergy in, and its Consequences, 759; " Re- gister, Register, Register:" Instruc- tions to Objectors, 783: Correction of the Election Accounts, 803; More Last Words on the, 850; Means of Protect- ing Constithenciea, 853; Unconstitu- tional Interference ha, 893 ; Remedy for Vexatious Objections. 898 ; Necessity of Improvement in the Decision of Dis. puled Elections, 948; Whig Intimida- tion of Voters, 971; " Purity of Elec- tion " Cost of the Southwark Election, 1043; Trial of Election Petitions, 1083. Committees : Mr. Buller's Bill, 1166. Elopement by Steam, 635. Evils of the Transportation System, 323. Failure of the Reform Act, 874.
General Assembly of the Chute!' of Scot- land, 491.
Government by her Majesty's Conserva- tive Opposition. 804. How to Punish Duellists, 469.
How to Raise the Price of Land, 830. Imprisonment for Debt. Abolition of. 1166. Improvements in the Steam-engine, 327. India, MacAulay Code of Laws fur, 540. influenza, the, 33.
Irelnnd - Pool-law for. SI. 103; Irish Parties and the I ... gislature, 136 ; The Impracticable but Inevitable Poor-law, far, 157; Colonel Torrens's Pamphlet on the Poor law for. 182: Professional Ed IleatitIll Apothecaries' flail. 445; The Irish Magistracy Colonel Verner, 898.
Irish Church-Why don't the English Agitate tor Irish Church Reform? 1041 Jobbing at the Admiralty : Appointment of Captain Pluntritige, 373, 394. Key to the Beauties of Penny a-Line Writing, 661.
King of Ilanover : Courier's Charge against the Spectator, 70,1,
Lies of the. Press, 587, 850, 874. 894, 897. Londou Courts of Justice, 637.
Lord Denman and the Law of Libel, 540. Lord Slethotune awl the Queen, 925 Lord Mayor (the) and Mrs. Fraser, 926. Lotteries, 255.
Marquis of Waterford and the Cobler. 14; Conduct of the Marquis at Mellen. 374. Melbourne Whigs (the) and the Mere Whig*, 85. Military Jobbing : The King's Bargain with Lord Melbourne, 84.
Ministerial Regulation of Ministerial Pensions, 992.
Ministry-Signs of Change, 35; Plan of Ministers, 60; Ministers Pledged to Abolish Church-rates, 108; "Pat them on the Back," 109 ; Present Politics, 135; Danger of the. 157 ; Apathy of the Reformers, 131 ; Fruits of the Whig. Tory Policy ; Sir Henry Parnell and the Dundee Radicals, 277: How Lang will Ministers Rub on? 467: Necessity .1 Peerage Reform, 512: Hopes of the Whigs: Return of Lord Inirliatn, 539 ; State of the, 584; The Reform•Dan, is lug, 664; and the Ballot. 710 : The
Patient !Sties, 947 ; Peke. tion of Radical Suppurt, 1S.70: (Steam Victoria's Civil List and 1'C:14011S, 1119; sterials for a Radical Nit eistrs , 1166 ; Aetna) Position of the Whigs and Radi- cals, 1213.
M isa ppl kat in et of Charitable Bequests at Oxffinl std Cambridge. 350.
Nev11/1, in Loudon mid the Prov inees ; Meet hies at the I '11■Wil
and AlW1101. :Uhl at Birmingham. 1 iti5. 1'a:07:3a:A Pretties. 445. l'ark Geese v. the l'ark Commissioners,
Parliament-Parliamentary Tactics, 83; Despatch of Business in the House of Commons, 181; The Private Bill Sys- t. tn. 513; Notes on Parliamentary Pro ceedinge, 636; Maiagemeet of the Iloisse of Commons, 753; Misrepresen. talkie of the People in, 829 ; Mole eyed Part isauship : Letter or Detector, 851; Whig Poputnr Measures, 1215.
Parties in the llonse of Comsoms, 85. Party Polities : The London and Hist- minster Reric,c. ; The Quarterly and Edinbergli Rerteirs, 1021.
Patents ha IIIVC to ion : Mr. Mackinnon's Bill. 565.
Patrician Pay: East India Company's Grant to the NI arquis Wellesley. 1042. Peel, Sir Robert. Sick and Sly, (37. Peel's Bung-, 109.
Peers-Losis to the Soil, 204.
Peenge Resent-The Pear-ripening Plan. 563.
People, au Ungrateful, 1213.
Political Economy and Polities of tl.e Cortslaw Question, 253; of England, Mr. Middle's Opera:Mils on the, 444; Gossim6S4.
Poor-law (the) and the Corn-law -. First Report of the Pour law Committee, 3131, 1191. of the, 275; Petitions for a Penny Post, 5s9 ; Want of De. spatch iu the, 852; N hall Report of the Commissiotters, 875; Petitions from Common Council itt favour of Mr. Hill's Plan, 992 ; Opposition to, 1111; Post- office Expresses: the Glasgow Writ, 512.
Practice of Plucking Members of Parlia- ment, 918.
Pressure on the Means of Subsistence, 710. Princess Victoria, 490.
" Principles" of Canaidates: Mr. Hors- ley Palmer at the Merchant Tailors' Dinner. 661.
Proceedings of the Huddersfield Non- electors, 421.
Progress of Smith Atistralia, 103); of Democracy in France. 1235. Projected Brezikwater in Mouut's Bay, 160.
Pnuisliment of Death : Execution of Greenacre. 421.
Qualiticationa ter a Itishopric,:i'02. Questions to Lord Bowels on the late Brevet Promotions, 158.
Reform -Relortn without llarrenen to Party. 13; RetrogrAde March of. 709; Obstacles to the Progress of, 1139; Sir William Moleswortles Address to the Electors of Leeds. 1141 ; Reform of the Criminal Law. 300; Itersrm of the Re- form Act, 970; intention of the Reform Act, nee.
Relief or Destitution; Refuge for the II 011SCIVS%. 35.
Representation of West rn inster. 373: Con- test for, 4.0; Defeat or Mr. Leader, 441: Mats lebotse : requisition to Mr. Hall, F95.
Right or the King ..f Hanover to be a Privy Cutamillor, 5s9.
Sale on the Hampton stunt, 893.
Scarcity in the S tisti Ilighlatele, 229. Scotch Judges and their Salaries, 561. Sho;» (the) at Christ mss, 1213.
Some Thoughts for the Consideratiou of Glasgow Reformers, VS Some Odd Points in the Debates. 231, Spectator's Policy and Position, 828. Spectator's Practieal Measures : No. I., The Civil List and its Pensions, 923; Sit pplement to No. I., 'rue Last King's Pensioners. 1043 ; Sequel to No I.. Report oa the Civil List. 1133; Er• rots in the Civil List. 952; No. II., Pensions. 950; No, 11., cutmluffisi, The It mutely. 973; No. Army Expen- diture. 1013; No Ill.. oncluded. 1066. " Practical Measures;" publication of the Socretter's Supplement, 10,8; Mi- litary Pluralism, 109e; Further Test. or Qiieeti Victoria's ('ivil, 1214. State of the Scottish Counties, 1331; count ry, 319, 540,
Tagliotti. the. 637.
l'eArade,Stste of the.?/5.
"'l'he Infinite Smallness of the Great," 372.
Too 'Much Lean' Acuteness. 1043. Tories- Free Press at Malta. 14. Torvism at the Horse G MI DIS : the Brevet.Pro- m eions, 61: The Irish " Aliens" and the " Stunted Corporal," 189; One Good Turn Deserve. Another, 513: Costly Elections Good for the, 540; A Stale Trick Newly Revived by the, 563; The Queen of the, 6,41; Prospects of Conservative Ascendancy, 757; Fit- ness of Sir Edward Sugasu fur the Speakership. 805; Conduct of the 'furies in Opposition. 1042; Factious Opposition of the. 1070.
Transaction of Business in the House of ( sermons. 611.
T, eatment of the Aboliginal Inhabitants or British Settlements, 877.
Viol:eke' or Mr. Elphiustotte's Polling- law, 469.
Wallet's (Mr) ) Independent Conduct on the Address Debate, 1140.
White mid Black in the ruined States. 918; Miss It Mews's Let ter, 978. Nt'te king of Radical Self reliance, 324.
:ili:i1.1.g%ti,111.111tisIt7r; of the Principal Trea.
t i..s of laser, 1123.
Adventures of Captain Bonneville. 471. At:nual itiogr.ipby and 01,ittlary. 39. Architecture n1 tfic Ileavens, 6e).
Arteltusa, the, 450.
Asylums Coe the Insane 612.
A Items. Rohrer's, 39S.
Attila, 234.
A ither's India-The 'Marquis NVellesley'S Despatches, 209, teal.
Aunt Dorothy's ', 522.
Austria ilea the A list Hans, 305.
liasqpie Provinces, Sc Adveto Ines amonsse the Csrlists and Christ Mos, 739, Manch (the) and the 11 in, BASS Bivouac, the, 713.
Illnek Sc, :Ina Circa Ada, 520, Bride of Messina.
Bridgewater Treatise, 542.
(satire Nation, Wrestles, of the. 520.
('amp' ,ell's Poems, illustrated Edition of, CeItinitr?ti Society of Education, 593.
Chelsea Hospital.
Chemist ry ur Nature. 1094.
Christmas Library, Itek. City of the Sultan, 543; of the E ast. 618. Civilization iu Europe, General History tit 352.
toekinakar, the.3f6.
Coleridge, Early Recollect ;one of, 421. Culotta ('rocket's Exploits in Texas, 496. Colonies of Africa, 591.
Co.ltnio, 7 Resources and Mercantile and Monetary Systems of British India.
Comparative Tables of Taxation, Cur- rency, and Prices. 557. Conquests of the Immediate Successors of Columbus, 1163.
Cooper's England, 493.
Correspoutlenee of the Dulehess of Marl.
borough, 1237. Country Stories, 664. Citrate of St einholt, 522.
Curiosities of Medical Experience, 39.
Dissenter, 11w, 808.
Divorced. the, 157.
Domestic Economy, 834. Education Reform, 185.
Erotuent British Statesmen,51G; Literary and Scientitic Meta 1093.
England under Seven Administrations.
Ernest Staltravers. 976.
Et hell c imrchill, 917.
Eureka. a Prophecy of the Future, 547.
Europe, Recollections of. 143. Evenings with l'rince Cambaceres, 330, 398.
Evils of the Factory System, 137.
Excursions through the Highlands and Isl., or 5:50;1:ma, 426.
Faikeer. Ill.
Family History of Enelaml. 163. Felonry of New /south Wales, 400.
Female Beauty, Mrs. Walker on, 41.
First Impressions in Ilindostan, 353. Frederick the Second and hie 'limes, 232.
Ga mides's Dream, the, 133.
Gem lentan .1 ack, 378. 426.
Geraldine, 640.
(Sift - Ituok s of the Season. 979, 1019.
Glance at the Magazines, 835. Goethe'sCorrespontleuce with a Chilc1.930. Gulasmit les Miseellauerets Works, 2e0.
Gore's (Mrs.) Tales, 1141. Greek Expletive Panicles. Stephens oa t he, 496.
Greed's Americans, 15.
alone the DantOns688.
Halle (th..) or John Halle, 1'26.
II i ehlanders of Scotland, 157. History of Party, 162,1111.; Ireland. 473 planking in Anwrica, 473 ; Eugland, in I m el ner's Cs clomedia. 953; British Birds, 1001 ; the French Rtvolutioo.
Illuud's Comic Annual. 1144.
Human Life, illustrations of, 323.
Hunters of the Prairie. 856.
Hussar, the, 425.
Indian Archipeltem, 495- Irish Tontiet. 521.
Jack Brag, 250.
Jane Lomax, 1213.
Koppel Craven's Excursions 1193. Lady Mary Wortley Moutaga, Lori W hatmeliffe's Edition of, e5, Lady .tuninnetta, 1046. La !rogue lie de Ramble, 67. Letters from the South, 234; on the Face tory Act as it affects the Cotton Mann- Lame. 544; of a lteprementative to his Constituents, 855. Life of Aleuin. 139 Henry the Eighth,
330 ; Escott.278, 399, 496,617. 954,1239
Sir John Sinclair. 117 ; Tho1widl.
tr l'hon1:IsJeTerson.795; Coke.1072 ; Maceish, 1219; and Letters of l banes Lamla 662: and Iteigu of William the
m114903; and Times of Whitelield, 1191.
Laesary and Scientific Men of Greateliti•
tni II. *W.
Literature of Europe, Hallam's Introdue. ien to t he. 63. Lives or the Rritish Admirals. 138, al', olloch's Reading Rooks, 1219.
snitell:t. Ill.
Memoirs of a Peeress. 307 :aid Corre•
spentlence of Charles Shaw, 615; of Lafayette. S30.
Metallic Currency, Morrison on the.164.
issionnrs Enterprises in the South Sea Islands. 760.
M.,lerit India, 329.
Money and its Vicissitudes in Valtie, 592. )look of Cinder, 139.
:qtrileott in Council. 256.
Ner oils System. Hall's Memoirs en the 1093 ; Changes preduced in the, by Civilization, 1123.
New Dictionary of the English Language, ;la
Nen Zealand, Rrilish(', lenizationo1,14.925
Nick of the Woods. 521.
No eft on Nets, 1002.
Deices of Secretary of State, Lord Privy seal, &e • 519.
01,1 Commodore, the. 902.
Paper Currency, Pamphlets on, 207. Pas nett, or the Disappointed Mau, 163. Peel's Glasgow Orations, 139.
Peninsular War, Napier's,37. Phillip 's Geology, 1170.
Philosophy of Health.1026. Picaroon, the. 402.
Piechda, or Captivity Captive, 259. Pictorial II istors of England-Keightley 's History of England. 7:8. Pic' un'atone Annual, 999. Poems, Wyatt's. 197.
Pepular Politics. 90.
Protestaut and Roman Catholic Churches, 618.
Rambles in Egypt and Cerullo, 67. 87 ; in the Footsteps of Don Quixotic, 1143. Rambling Tour throng!' France, Switzer- land, and Dal), 258. Recollections of Sir Walter Scott, 17.
Remarks on Ancient awl Malern Art, 546; on Military Law and Floggiu, 567.
Remarks on Demonstrative Reasoning,
Residence in Greece and Turkey, 1024. Rise awl Progress of the British Power in India, 449.
Rury &More. r3, 401. Scenes and Shadows of Days Departed, 1142.
Schools for the Industrious Classes, 882.
Scott Mb Ale- Brewer. 642.
Self. Formation. 1003.
Semilasso in Africa, 355.
Sir George Head's Continuation of his home Tour, 1075.
Sketches in the Pyrenees, 563.
Sketcher's Manual, 965.
Society in America,447. South Attstr aian Protestant Emigration Community. 808. Southey's Poetical Works, 1002.
Souvenirs of a Summer in Germany, 544.
Spas of Germany, 664.
Sporting. by Nimrod. 1170.
Squirc, the, 1074.
State Prisoner, the. 281.
Steam Navigation to India,110. 545; Ex- pedition up the Niger, 711, 740. Stokeshill Place, or the Man of Business, 762.
Student of Padua, 13.
Summer in t he Pyrenees, 304.
Taunus, Inch-dotes. 90.
Translation of Huber's Stories of Spanislt Life, 929.
Tr.-tautly of Trelawne. 1169. Travels in Circassia, Krim Tartary, &c.,
Tribe% the. 833, Turkey, Greece, and Malta. 639.
Uncle Horace. e32.
VeDettg. 472.
Vicar of 'Stettin% 891.
Views io India, 1193.
Walpole's Correspondence, 16. Wanderings in Greece, 619, 806.
Western Virginia. 496 What Next? or the Peers and the Third Time of Asking,33.
Whishaw on Railways, 231. Zulneida, 40,
SIIORT 7,909Iees.
Ages of Female Beauty, 1195. Antimil ties of Greece, 259; of Athens, 745. Atlas of Modern Geography, 859.
Beauties of the Country. 67. Birds of Western Africa. 331. 1096. Book of Human Character, 211: of the Car- toons. 1095 of Beauty, 1146. Bridal of N %wort Is. 239. British Annual, 1193.
Catalugue Ithisonae of the Works of the
most Eminent D act), Flemish. out French Pictures, 620. Carreguin, the, 113. Carthusian. the, 113. Cheltem ham Annuaire. 211. Chemical Reerea. thins, 1195. Child's Fairy Library. 956, 1196. Cicishem the, 91,6. Classilicto lion of the Insane. EsItny on the. a5e. Conspiracy of Qeerini awl Tiered% 629. Coot ention of Death and Line, 67, Cowboys, 210. Cusmo de Medici, 259. Curiosities of Literature, 1144.
Disquisition on (internment, 19. Dove. ton, 579.
Edinburgh General .% das, 379. Election• Day. 236. LiMMOMIts of 13017111V, 331. English Pleasure-carriage., 6664 Ate uual, 953. Ermaugatde, 239. Essays
and Correspondence, chiefly on Sciip- t oral Subjects, 1145. E t belittle, 239. Family Poetry. chiefly Devotional. 210. ',fittings of Fancy, 67. Form recom. menults1 for the Solemnization of Matri- mony, 936.
Gams 1ud gpOttil, 211. German Gram- mar, 715. Gil Blas, illustrated, 211. Glenlunely, 19. Goethe's Novel, 67. Grananisr of Mtelerti Geography. 1036. Grand J unctien Railway COMI.111:Q., 1096. Guide to Go. Prommciatiou of t he French lenge:le. 859. Hearts' E•160. or a Itemeris against all Troubles. 1144. Highland Rambles, 309. Huts to Mot hers 1096. History or ihe Reformation, 19: of I: recce, 2,0 Scotland, 331: tI anchester. 6613; the French Revolution. • 1095 of Lendon, 1194; the Rise and Proeiese of Jeint Stock !balks in En:G.111d. 1194. Holy Wells of II eland. 67. llua ma Eni- gma Latium, 1195.
Illestrat Mos of Scripture 906. imperil, Classics. the. 113. 1 radian Reininis• C,'Itee4, 67. I mpliry into the Nature a al Form of the Hoek:: of the 2ucicnts.
7.5. Interesting Tates 11..lung St Witte, 905. 1 ntroluctory I es ens in t lie French Lanett:tee. 21 t. !tors:m:- 9ot, to Phrenology. 260. 1 tivestigation, or Travels iu t he liontleir, 594.
ingly Vale, 906. Kirkstearl, or the Pleasnres of Shunting 1096.
Isitoolage of Birds, 715. Letters De. seriptive of the Vii gi Mau Springs, 859. Life of Thomas Jefferson, 331. Little Villagers Verse- !look. 331 Lit tie Conch. ologist, the, 1096. London as it Is, 715.
Manual of Cm-elect, 1145. Marcus Man- HOS. 259. 51aternal Instructions on confirmation. 595. Nte,lical Vocabulary, 19. Memoirs and Trials of the Paliti. cal Martyrs of Scotland. 112. Memoirs of celebrated Women. 570 ; of a smug- gler, 1145. Memorials of CambriiLle. 1196. Meteorology Considered in its Connexion with Astronomy, Climate, &e., 210. Miscellaneous Papers on Sci- entific subjects. 3e3. Moral Axioms for the Young, 20. Mosaic Deluge, 619. My Travelr , 69. My Book, or t he Ana- tomy- of Conduct, 864.
Nabob's Wife. the. 1144. New Excite- meet, 935. New flints on the Art of Miniature•painting 1145. Notes Abroad and Rhapsodies at thrnre.591.
Ornithological Guide, 67. Outcast. the, 67. (bailees of Naval Routine, 1195. Parliamentary Companion, 2114 Alma- nack, 1095. Passages from the Diary Or a hate Physician, 1195. Peerage lur the People. 379. Philosophical awl Practical View of the Social Bearines and Importance of Education, 210. Pictorial Hite ory of England, 210:
tion of the Book of Commou Prayer, 955. Picturesque and Historical Re-
collections. 570. Pisa and the Pile feet, 331. Pocket Guide to Modern Geogra• ribs, 67. Poet's Daughter, the, 570.
Policy of England towards Spain, 113.
Popular Astron any. 21). Practical Sy stem of Arithmetic. 3''8 Treatise on Warming Buildings with Hot Water, 1095. Principles of the Law of Real Property, 378. Progress of Creatieu, Considered with Reference to the Pro. sent Cowlition of the Earth, 595, P Tereutii Afri Comedite Sex, 259.
Questions on the History of Europe, 906. Relveddee, Baron toe '210 Roman Denarius and English Silver Penny. an Essay on the, 958. Rose Talbot, 98. Russian Watson the Black Sea, 113.
Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons, 210, 570. Satirics (the) and hustles or Horace Interpreted, 1113. Science of Book•keepiug Exemplified in Jones's English Systems 01' Single and Double Entry, 996. Sce tile Annual, the, 1194. Selections from the Poems of Louis the First King of Bavaria, 663. Sell'. formation, 331. Sermon on the Ten Commatolmen's, 210. Semiel to Senna. tology. 210. Sketches of Popular Tu mulls. 663: in London, 936. Star Seer, t he, 379. Statistical Journal, the. 939. Stories of Aunt Alice. 68 Ta es in Prose for the Young, 1 134. of the Martyrs. 665. Ten Minutes Talk ou the Ballot. 938. Tint s of Totem, frum
M Pencils, 19. Thom Letters to ths People, by One of t he Middling Cl ...ea 211. '1' raditious of Perth. 3:1. Travels on the ("'as'. of B ruin, 665. Treatim on Painful and Net suits Dis- eases, 260. Turkish Grammar. 715. Tao Essays on the Clouds of Aristo• phanes. 19. Two Thousand rve dreil Practical Beers in Family Cook. cry, 19. Two Bonin-1.s. the. 905 Universal Mythology, 1194. Use of Ta- lents, 63.
Vestal, t he. 308. Viet ims of Socha y. 377. Visit (.,) to Lundeu, 19; to the Great Da-is, 649.
620. Watelerinas and Exettr- shnis its Smith Wale% '2 !6. Weather Alma-tack. lo95. Whine's Offering, 5139. Wonders o: the Earth. !,1•411. and Sky ;159. Wortswurth's Poetical Works, 303.
XerEula. 259.
Ad -Th.. Dotch......, di. la Vatilsr1119res
10; The 111,1,11..,11, ,it till 1,..ectien. 33 Peaeaek furl the cies 132; Devg99, Tra..esti •. 15;; 11 • at Pasha, or the :11a1o..; 170: Roth Toattr, 3.104 Peregrimatious of l'ickeick, 349; Rory FINE ARTS AND EXHI- BITIONS.
Abases in Government Encouragement of Art ; A Council of Taste Proposed, 595.
Animal Magnetism revived in London, 833.
Appo:ntment of Mr. Peon! as Painter in Watercolours to the Queen, 883. ',Abington (Dr.), Beltue's statue of, 332. Bartholomew, Mr. Valentine, appoiuted Flowerpainter to the Queen, 1017. British Medical Association, 79.
British lustitution-Openiug of the, 79; Modern l'ictures at the, 113, 140; Pre- sents to. 439; Old Pictures at the, 522, 547; copies of the Old Pictures, 1076. Burnet's Etchings of the Cartoons of Raphael, 1115.
Caricature sculpt lire. 763.
City Medal of the Queen, 1051.
Clothing of Statues, 894, 931.
Collection of Bronzes, 1194.
Colosseum, the, 659.
Comic Cards, 907.
Diorama, the, 397.
Duvernay, portrait of. 178.
Faust, Mutat:aloes of, 178.
Free Admission to l'ublic Buildings: Meeting at the Mechanics Institution, 1194.
Gallery of British Pictures for Queen Victoria, 860.
Gossip on Art, 300.
Government Picture Purchase, 644. ilaydon's Lectures, Conclusion of, 63. 1111's Political Cuicatures, 140, 332, 499, 741. ., II II's Political Calle:dare, 1146. Blest...thous of Coleridge's "Ancient Madams" 549; of the Landscape Au• tonal, 906 ; Keepsake, 1076. Lewis's Fac-simile of Clued,. 499; Sketch ...a con.t.IIIIIIOlge, 633 Louis Philip's Collection of Spanish Pic- tures, 763.
Medallion Profile of the Queen, 1077, 1219. Napoleon Medals, the, 907.
New Prints, 115,'260, 332, 333, 403, 452, 499,716, 1076. 1°26, 1124. Ornithotogical Works, 1096. Panorama of Mont Risme. 114 ; of Dub- lin, 446; ur Ni". Zealand Scenery. 1219. Parliamentary Inquiry into the State of the ails- algett's Evi4ence,981. Pieterial Periodicals. 4l. 690 linden's Royal Gallery tit' British Art, 1031, Picture.Books of the Seasou, 1027. O'llore, 920; Valsha. the Slave Queen, 1010; Fail of Constantiaa, 1167. Christmas Theatthals, 1236 Covent Garden -l'he Dutchess tie la Val- Ill; Country Sqeire, 62; appear. once. of Mr. Hamblin, 156: Noureddiu and the Fair Persian, 293 Strafford. 423: New alaeager of. 710: Opening of, 920: The Novice, 969; The Origi- nal, 1097 ; Joan of Arc, 1137 ; Amille, on the Lose Test, 1137.
Drury lane - Reduction of the Prices, 11 ; Norton, 613; closing of, 696; Ca- therine Grey, 515; Caractacus, 1070; Daughter of the Dantibe.1118. Ilas market -Opening of the, 56G; The Bride:, 614; Tale of a Tub. 636; Love and Murder, or the School for Sympa- thy. ;84; appearance of Mr. Phelps, 805; St. Patrick's Eve, 8514 Queen of the Beggars, 996: The Love Chase, 968. Olympic -'1flie Sentinel. 180; Rape ot the Luck, 300; A Quiet Day. 993; Dream of the Value,', 1072 ; Carlo, or the Watehelog. 1097 Why did you Die ? 1118; The R insoles-es, 1188.
St. James's-1'1w French Emigrant, 179; The Engle's II Mtn, 423; The Cornet, 946; Wasted a Brigand, 1167. Theatrical 1nIt'lIuptious, 376; Exits, 517. Visit to the Theatre at Itiehmoutl - a Debut there, 831.
Ballet, the, 279, 615. Beethoven Conceit, 695. Benefit Concerts, 422. Iiirmiagliam Festiva1,P19. Brit ish Concerts, 86.
Classical Concerts, 161, Crucifixion, the, 303, English Operaliouse-La Chime de 11 senberg, ; None di Figaro, 160: Pierre to Rouge, 349; appearance of Vernet, 591; Blauche of Jersey, 803; Highland Cateran, 379; Fidelio, 920; Exile of Genoa, 534. Fair Rosamond. 206,
Gresham Professorship of Music, 1017. Italian Opera-house-Opening of the. 140 ; Le Brigand tie Terraciva, 207 Belli- sario. 327; appearance of Signora Al- bertazzi, 379, 443; arelval of aladame Pasta, 590; liclegonda, 686; closing of the, 305; opening o4 1037; L'Iugauno Felice, 1133,
La Societit Annonica, 351, 499, Asinine Past a, 470.
Madrigal Societ y, 63, 993. Most:hetes' Pianoforte Cuncerts, 183, 279, 516.
Neaw's (Mr.) 9oirees, 591,
New English Opera: The Barbers of Bas- sora, 1037.
New Musical Publications, 19, 211. 293,
522, 64, 716, 809, 859, 8±3, 1023, 1097, 1124.
Philharmonic Concerts, 206,235. 327, 396, 422, 470, 516; close of the, 566. Parcell Club, 137.
Quartet Concerts, 161.
Sacred Harmonic Society, 879. Vocal Concerts, 33,1-6, 136, 183, 232.
Portraits of the Reformers, 741. Promeets of Art under the New Reign, 715
Royal Academy-Election of Mr. Wilkins as Professor of Architecture, 332; Open. ing of the New' National Gallery, 426, 451, 475. 498, 5 8; Mr. Wilkins's Pic- tures, 620: the Nation v. the, 810. Royal Portraits, 547, 644, 931 ; Chalon's Portrait of (lie Queen, 859. School of Design, tire, 571.
3chool of Design " Job, 90.
Sketches of the Architecture of Spain, 41. Society of Painters iu Water Colours, 164,
335, 3;2, 390. 402; of British Artists, 21;0, 232.
spout:AI Sketches, 260; Pict twee, the, 741 ; Painters, anecdotes of, 810.
Statue of Sir l'Itomas Munro. 956. Treasure secured for the National Gal- lery, 571.
Abuses in the Government of the Army by X., 59, 80. A dilemma, by J. C. Symons, 783. the !Ministers, and the People, by .1. C. Symons, 831. Bath Election, true to-count of the. 878. Brighton Railway s, by Detector, 947. Cardinal Reform, the, by J. C. Symons, 161.
Cis d List Pensions to Men of Science, by VigiI.932.
Cheap Popular A mtisements,by A. T., 902, Cherch•rate Question, by Rigby Wastrel. 251.
Church Living of Eccles, by a Subscriber, 274.
Colonial Ammilitinents, by a Colonial Subject of Great Milani, 927. Corregio (I) Magdalen, the. by Edwin • Atherstinie, 811.
Defeat of the Liberals in Parthshire,by a Freeholder of Perthshire, 739.
Devil's (the) Last Trip, by Rough and - Ready, 1935.
East Cornwall Election. by a Friend to Trelawney ant Vivian. 731. Etitteatithl of the People. by A. II. C.,1045. Extension of the Franchise. by au En- franchised Rate.payet. 134. Feelings of the Working Classes, by a Working Looker.'" MG.
Great Working Class 'Meeting, by Arthur S. Wade, 227,
Iniquitous Tribunal for Controverted Elections, by W. 11.. 926.
Ken y Electiou, by Frederick W. Mulline, 802.
Late (the) Charles Nicholson, the Flute- Npyli:sait2r4,iIii.y S. Taylor. 322.
Lmalseer's ( Mr ) Et ideuce on Art, Letter
1.,991: 11,1051; 111,1097; 1V.,11464 LovrdigiJI.07113u.i.Russell and the Ballot, by
Marital Rights-Case of Succession in the Vicar of Wrexhill, by a Solitaire, 902. Metaphysics of "Good Intention," by S. J., 1023.
Military (the) Member fur Westminster. by an Electur,6i0.
Military Reforms, by a Military Reformer, 932.
Ministry ( t) of and for the People, 1164. Mutating Coucerts of London. by H.
Nation (the) v. the Royal Academy : Mr. Hayclon's First Letter to Lonl John Russell, 810; Second, 861; Third anti Last.193.
New Librael Ministry, by a Practical Re- former, 1192. • Organic Changes, by a Barrister, 946. Overstocked li - Local Courts, by a Member of the Oxford Circuit, 735. Park Water Birds, by Our of the Secre. fairies, 1043.
People (the) Betrayed by the Whigs, by Gracchus, 1139.
Practices of Picture-dealers, by I. L., 709. Privileges of Parliament Men, by Z., 227. Public Encouragement of the Fine Arts, by M. J., 663.
Public (the) Humbugged iu Works of Art, 733.
Rejected Corrcgio, the, 658. Resignation of the Liberal Ministry, by a Liberal, 1121.
School of Design for Mechanics, by B. R. Hayden, 180.
Settlement of the Canada Question by Arbitration, by an Englishman, 1231. Shall we Retain or Tutu Out the Whig Ministers, by a Reformer of the Specta- tor School, 1164.
Sold Elector, the, by J. N..1137.
Smith Australian Ships, by Edmund J. Wheeler, 180.
Stamp Covers for Letters, by a Citizen. 711.
State of France, by O., 251 ; second letter on the, '274.
State of tt3 oftihe Government, by George Ens
Statues fur the Ewa Pedt•stals on London Bridee, by .1. It. T., 161, Teens son D'Eyncourt (Mr ), by a Libe- ral, 322.
Treatment of the Amer:can Indians, by an East Briton, 1141.
Trial of Controverted Elections, by Ami- V.Z11.11t11■1,21 awl War fling of Buildings, by II. K., 1164.
Ve!esfer Menthers of Parliament, by John Ifmls 1. Gilts, 897. Wellesley Pension, rho, by A. T., 1121. What has been done fur Irclatel, by C, 973.
Whiteford Black in the Mated States, by Barnet Martiocau,991.