The second and concluding volume of the Reverend HENRY STEBBEIG'S
History of the Reformation, in Dr. LARDNER'S Cy- clopredia, describes the overthrow of Catholicism in England ; narrates the struggles of the Reformers in France till the acces- sion of HENRY the Fourth ; gives a long account of the proceed- ings at the Council of Trent ; and closes with a history of the early difficulties but final triumph of religious freedom in the Nether- lands ; the historical narratives being relieved and varied by bio- graphical notices of the principal Reformers. As regards the execution, the second volume is equally readable and fluent with the first; but the subjects which the author handles—as the reign of HENRY the Eighth, the massacre of St. Bartholomew, and the fanaticism of the Anabaptists—bringing him into con- trast with greater historians, he of necessity somewhat suffers by the comparison.