7 JANUARY 1843, Page 12

MONEY MAP .......,.......„


, 74 Mcw...7, -market has evinced great elasticity, and during the week prices 'f..-ee improved very materially. A check to the rise was given yesterday, when -it was generally reported that the deficiency of the quarter's revenue was up- wards of 1,000,0001., and prices fell back about 4 per cent : this morning, when the returns became public, there was a slight depression ; but prices speedily rallied, under the effect of purchases by the Government-broker, and generally by the brokers at large ; and after some fluctuation, the closing price of Con- sols for the Account may be quoted at 944 4. This being the first day of pri- vate transfer, money business has been resumed in the various stocks, the dividends upon which became due yesterday, after an interval of nearly six weeks. It will be seen from the comparative statement of prices given below, that an improvement of rather more than 1 per cent has occurred in the Go- vernment Securities since the 1st December.

Price of 1st Present Improvement Dec. with Price ex since I st Dec.

dividend. dividend.

Three per Cent Consols 941 94/ 11 per cent.

New Three and.a half per Cents 1011 .. 101* 1* per cent.

India Stock 2641 2621 at percent. During the same period, Reduced Three per Cents have risen from 94 to 954, or 14 per cent ; and Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents from 1004 to 1024, or 14 per cent. Bank Stock Las been but slightly affected ; the quotation on 1st December having been 1714, and that of to-day being 172. The rise in the Three-and-a-half per Cent Stocks is perhaps the most remarkable feature in the above statement ; as, with every improvement in the price of the Three per Cent Stocks, the certainty of the reduction of Three-and-a-half per Cents be- comes more apparent : this improvement, therefore, must be taken as an indi- cation of the anxiety cf the public for investments wherever there is a prospect of an improved rate of interest, if even for a short time. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has fallen Is., and these securities have been as low as 59s., but have remained steady during the last few days at 59s. to 60s. premium. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been of an unusually animated character ; and there has been a general disposition to purchase almost every description of Foreign Stock. The rise in price has not been so great in the Northern European Bonds as in Portuguese, Spanish, and South American Securities. The improvement in the former is the most remarkable : the con- verted Five per Cents have been as high as 364, but have since fallen about 1 per cent, and close this afternoon at 36. The present quotation of 36 for the Converted Stock is equivalent to one of the Regency Five per Cents at 424, and the Three per Cents at 254. Spanish Stock, which was heavy at the close of the last week, rallied on Monday and Tuesday, and rose in the course of

yesterday 4 per cent ; closing at 244 4 ex dividend for the Three per Cents, and 194 4 for the Five per Cents Active. This morning the market improved still

further; the Three per Cents reaching 244, and Five per Cents 194: early in the afternoon, however, an extensive sale was effected by a leading broker, and the market suddenly gave way to 234 for the Three per Cents, and 184 for the Five per Cents : it closes rather higher, the Three per Cents being 234 24, and

the Five per Cents 19 4. Colombian Bonds advanced 1 per cent upon the closing prices of last week, and, after being at 234, fell back to 234, at which

price they have been steadier for the last two or three days. A reported arrival by the last West Indian Mail of dollars on account of the dividends of Mexican Bonds, gave a momentary impulse to the stock, which was once done as high as 33 ; but as it soon appeared that no dollars had arrived, the price gave way again, and has since been between 32 and 324.

A meeting of the Shareholders of the Santiago Mining Company was held on the 4th, at which a dividend for the last six months of :31. 9s. per share was declared. As the amount divided did not equal the anticipations of the Share- holders, the value of the shares has fallen, and they were yesterday done at 27/. with dividend, thus marking a decline of 8/. per share from the highest quotation of 35/. We should remark, that in addition to the dividend just declared, one was paid in July, for the first six months of 1842, of 5/. 15s. 6d. per share ; thus making the dividend for the whole year 9/. 4s. sa per share.

The failure of the York Agricultural Bank affords another lesson to the shareholders of Joint Stock Banks. It appears from the statement, that the whole of the available capital of the bank, 211,0001., has been lost ; and that it will he necessary to call upon the Shareholders for 31. per share to pay the debts now existing. The better class of Railway Shares have been in very great demand; Bir- mingham having been done at 103 premium—a rise of 5/. upon recent prices. Great Western, South-western, and York and North Midland, have also im- proved, though not in so great a degree. The more speculative varieties have been also in demand and generally there is a considerable improvement in this description of security.


The English Funds close at 4 per cent below the morning's prices ; the last quotation of Consols for Account being 944 4. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has improved 2s. and is 61s. to 63s. Scarcely any business of importance has occurred during the afternoon. In the Foreign Market, the New Portuguese Converted Five per Cents continue in demand ; and, after being quoted at 364, close at 364 37—an ad- vance of nearly 1 per cent in the course of the day. Spanish Three per Cents are rather firmer, closing at 24 4 : the Active is unchanged. The other Foreign Bonds, without variation In addition to the transactions in Railway Shares given in the morning, we have to notice the occurrence of the following bargains : Great Western, Fifths, 94; Brighton, 364 4 ; Blackwell, 54 ; Greenwich, 54; South-western, 63. Midland Counties, 644 ; Northern and Eastern, Scrip, 104 4: Paris and Rouen, n 264 4 ; British North American Bank, New Shares, have been done at. 10 and 104 ; and Colonial Bank at 164.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account a per Ceut Reduced ...... 31 per Cent Ditto New 31 per Cents .......,,, Bank Stock .

Elt;-ijuer Bills 21d. ....prem 13hto 2d rem India Stock Btaxiliau 5 per Cents Belgian 5 per Cents 941 4 94j 1 951 * It: lel/ j 172 61 3 61 3 262 3 71 3 1014 24

Colombian 6 per Cents

Dan:ar 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents Consd Portuguese Regency 5 per tits DPW New 5 per Cents 1841 Ditto 3 per Cent s Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active)5per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 23 4 84 5 62 4 32 * — 36} 7 — 113 114 19 1 24 4

The return of the average liabilities and assets of the Bank of England for the three months ending 31st ultimo, exhibits, as compared with the last, a de- crease of 230,000/. in the amount of the Circulation, and of 650,000/. in that of the Securities, while the Deposits have increased 106,000/., and the Bullion 346,000. As compared with the corresponding return of last year, there is an in- crease of 2,598,000/. in the amount of the Circulation, of 1,115,000/. in that of the Deposits, of 5,551,000/. in that of the Bullion, while the Securities have dimi- nished 2,340,0004 The present amount of Bullion in store, viz., 10,330,0001', is more than double the average amount of the whole year 1841, and consider- ably greater than at any one period during the last three years.


The English Funds were heavy at the commencement of business; Consols for Money having been quoted at 944, and Reduced Three per Cents at 954. The news brought by the Indian mail has, however, given an impulse to the market ; and Consols for Money have been done at 944, and Reduced Three per Cents at 954, while Consols for Account are 944 I. Exchequer Bills are the same, and we cannot quote any transactions in Canadian Scrip.

The business of the Foreign Market has not been important : Colombian Bonds are lower, having been done at 234, while Spanish Stock has advanced b; the Three per Cents being 234 44, and the Active Five per Cents 19 4. The other Foreign Bonds are without variation. We have to notice the following transactions in Railway Shares : Bristol and Exeter, 504; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 48; Great Western, 904; ditto, New, 644 ; Birmingham, Thirds, 654 ; South-western, 624; York and North Midland, 934 4; ditto, New, 39.