_Fancy Dresses Described. By Ardern Holt. (Debenham and Free- body.)—This
is the fifth edition, corrected and much enlarged, of a work which has already met with much favour. In these days when the drama is so largely spectacular, the stage suggests many ideas to the costumier, and this source of information has been well drawn upon. The varieties of dress are arranged in alphabetical order, and certainly present an embarrassing variety of choice. There is nothing in the past or present, in the world of fancy or reality, that a lady cannot make herself up into under the guidance of Mr. Ardern Holt. Armida, the Wife of Bath, Minna Troil (if she be dark) or Brenda (if she be fair), Cassandra, Cleopatra, Jeanie Deans,—all these characters and a hundred more invite her choice ; or she may become a Dutch doll, a dove, a dragon-fly, a grasshopper, a hornet, or almost anything else that she pleaseato be in rerun; natura. Some handsome illustra- tions complete the volnme.