In regard to the internal condition of Russia, the most
notable event of the week is the publication of Prince Trubetzkoi's striking letter to Prince Sviatopolk-Mirski. Prince Trubetzkoi begins by accepting full responsibility for the address submitted to the Emperor by the Moscow Zemstvo, of which the Prince is President, and proceeds to explain the considerations which prompted the Zemstvo to express an opinion in which be fully shares. The Prince refers to his recent personal interview with the Czar, in which he endeavoured to make clear that what was taking place was "not a simple disturbance, but a revolution," and to explain what was driving the Russian people to an insur- rection which it did not desire, and which the Emperor could avert. The only way to do so, and to avoid a "sanguinary revolution," was for him "to place confidence in the nation and the forces which the existing Estates of the Realm con- stitute," and allow those forces to approach him. Russia would then support her Emperor, his autocracy, and his will. Though Prince Trubetzkoi's letter is regarded in some quarters as little short of treasonable, the last sentences clearly disavow any insurrectionary intent. Meantime, we may note that the Press Censorship has shown renewed activity, and has forbidden the public sale of the Russ, the ablest and most widely circulated of all the Liberal organs.