THE amount subscribed by The Spectator readers for the provision of wireless sets to the convict prisons of Great Britain stands at a little over Doc), and arrangements to equip the principal prisons are being put in hand. How many in all can be thus provided for will depend on the flow of subscriptions. More money than has so far been received could be put to good use and a further response to our appeal would consequently be welcomed. Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to the Editor of The Spectator.
£15 15s.: The Spectator.
£5 5s. each : Mrs. R. Laurence, Herbert Worsley, H. Brown, Mrs. Fox, Sir Bunnell Burton.
£3 3s. : Angus Watson, J.P.
£3 : Miss A. E. M. Moinet.
£2 2s. each : Archibald Crawford, K.C., Lady Artemus-Jones, A. R. F. Bosman.
£2 each : Mrs. Gossage, T. E. Harvey, M.P., Miss Jean Anderson, F. C. Braby.
LI is. each : Rev. A. L. Watt, R. C. Hutchinson, Mrs. Andrew Knowles, Dr. Falkland L. Cary, F. Atkinson, J. A. Kay, Mrs. Allhusen, Miss A. B. V. Drew, Mrs. Reginald Fox, the Rev. Benjamin Gregory, Nathaniel Micklem, K.C., W. M. Turner, Mrs. Keith-Lucas, 0. I. Cousins, Wallace C. Smith, Mrs. Glanville, J. R..Eccles, A. E. Grosset, Capt. Owen Jones, R.N.R., Miss M. Westland.
Li each : Sir George A. Mitchell, Miss Grace Douglas Young, Lt.-Col. E. N. Mozley, H. Hastings, Geoffrey D. Bond, Mrs. Barclay, Mrs. Acland, Mrs. Johnston, Lady Harvey, Frank H. Knight, J. S. Darwen, Mrs. Carey, Anonymous. los. 6d. each : Canon R. B. Lloyd, James W. T. Holland.
los. each : " Mona," Major Luard, Canon R. F. Diggle, Miss H. Buckland, A. W. Gent, A. Elliott Taylor, Mrs. Kennard, Miss Bryson, E. A. Trickey, W. V. Cooper, Miss Lucy A. Aldis, Rev. J. H. Davey, Miss S. A. White. Sums less than los.: Miss Robertson, Miss M. Hodgson, Miss L. Beresford Knox, R. A. Mackay, Mrs. Tragett, S. Bettmann, Anonymous, Mrs. W. M. Stewart, Anonymous, Miss C. Bone, " A Boys' Brigade Officer," Rev. E. Hanson, Anonymous, Mrs. Harvey Dodd, Miss A. Stowell, G. Levett, Mrs. Maud, Anonymous (W. Hampstead), Miss M. S. 0. Lister, H. F. M. Pope, Miss Fiske, Mrs. Hoffmann, Anonymous (per H.;W.
Peet), '
G. Mascall, Miss Thuza Wakley.