A complete directory of the whole of London is provided
by Kelly's Post Office London Directory (Kelly's Directories, 55s. and 7os.). The value of the maps (scale 4 miles to an inch) thii year is enhanced because of the tremendous number of changes in the names of roads which has lately taken place in London. The Official Year Book of the Church of England (Church Assembly and S.P.C.K., 3s. 6d.) provides an Empire Number this year. It gives a full account, with statis- tical illustrations, of every branch of the work of the Church of England, and a special section on the Empire. The People's Year Book (Co-operative Whole- sale Society, Is. and 3s.) attains its majority this year. Besides being an annual of the co-operative movement it gives an admirable survey of the year, embracing literature, drama, films, legis- lation, a chronological table of important events and some thirty excellent pic- tures. The Constitutional Year Book (Harrison and Sons, ss.) provides, as usual, a cheap and handy reference-book of political and general information. Its substance is chiefly political, though its statistical and other information on labour and economic questions is ex- tremely useful and is calculated to save much energy and time in searching through Government Blue Books. Quite essential to the student of international affairs, political or intellectual, is the In-' ternational Who's Who (Europa Publica- tions, Ltd. and Allen and Unwin, £3 3s.). It is certainly the most comprehensive volume of its kind, being in form, as its title would suggest, an international directory of all the men and women of every country who have attained, pre- eminence in any important sphere of life.