AFRICAN Crown Colonies, the 1132 Air Raid Precautions : a Working Model Air Raids and the Citizen.. .. 49
- - How Paris Does It .. 665 - - a Police Class .. 863 Air War Today : Defence and Attack .. • • 743 - Defence of Britain, the.. ..1133 America : Mr. Roosevelt and Control of Capital ..
- News from .. • • • • 457 America's Picture-News 862 American Personalities .. 955 - Debt,•the Arab and Jew ..
ArmamentsPolicyofLI,500,000,000 416 Austria as Vassal .. 26o - After ? .. • • • • 456 - Letters from .. . 509 - How Vienna Went Nazi • • 577 - Holidays in ? -1051
DARE Feet .. -1093 11 Basque Sport : Urzoak • • 424 Bible, the English :
I. Its Ancestry • • - • 354 II. The Old Testament .. 42o III. Are the Gospels Authentic ? 461 Bible, the, and the English People.. 504 - the 400th Anniversary ..ro85 Birth-Rate, Religion and the .. 2,6 Blind, the .. 13 Boarder or Day-Girl ?
Bomb, the Right to ..1044 Bombing : Death from the Skies.. 798
- Murder from the Air
- on the North-West Frontier ..1132
Books, " Influenced " 864 Bookshops, His Majesty's .. 265 Britain, Making her Understood .. 213 British Self-Advertisement .. 5 Broadcasting Propaganda Abroad.. 5 Budget, the : Unequal Sacrifice .. 736
CAM,On a Lady's Falling into the River .. ..I052 Capital, the Control of .. • • 4 Career, the Choice of a :
I. Your Son's .. 86i II. Medicine .. 906 III. The Local Government Service .. 953 IV. The Bar .. _1003 V. Teaching .. -1049 VI. Business ..
VII. Industry ....1137 Casuals, Concerning : Life on the
Roads .. .. • • • • 742 Chamberlain, Mr., or Mr. Eden?.. 300 -- After the Crisis .. 348 - - Europe after .. 572 - - at Birmingham 66o - - Was he Right ? 792 Children and Crime China : The War and the Student 741 - Murder from the Air .. 997-1044 Church, the : What it Believes • • 47 Churches, the, and the Common Life.. • • • 859 Churchill, Mr.. at 'Manchester .. 856 Club, the Short-List .. 176
- a Remarkable, at Slough • • 460 Collective Security or Collective
Defence ?.. ..1136 Conscription Pros and Cons _1138 Cross, the, and the Crisis.. .. 667 Czechoslovakia, the Plight of 354-50o-572-856 - Europe from Prague .. 576 - Europe and the Crisis .. 948 - From Tension to Discussion .. 996 - the Elections in, and After ..1084 Czechs, the Fight of the .. 1090
DEATH by Moonlight ....704 Death from the Skies• . 798 Defiling England .. • • • • 349
Diseases, Disappearing • • • • 84 Doctor's Business Eye, the .. 355 Doctrine and the Common Man.. 1045 Dole-Queue, the .. • • • • 464 ASTERN EUROPE and the F Empire .. 619 Eden, Mr., Resignation of 300-348 Eire, the Agreement with.. .. 737 - the First President .. 795 - Politics in (See also under " Ireland ") Electricity Octopus, the .. 1135 English, You .. 127 - The Habits of the .. 663 European Facts . .. 500 Everest (Mount), 1938 421 Everybody is So Kind .. 219 Expedition, End of an
FERTILISERS, Mineral, Are they Safe ? 422 Fitness and Compulsion 305
- True and False .. • • • • 579 Food and Long Life .. 81 Food and War .. • • 793 Frangais-Anglais......307 France's Future .. 661 French Cooks and English Palates 1140 From 1914 till Now : I. The War .. 575 II. The Peace 620 III. Reconstruction .. 664 IV. The League Era .. 700 V. The Present Day 740
GENEVA, Gloom over .. goo Germany : Five Nazi Years.. 120 Germany : Herr Hitler's First Five
Years 126 - Herr Hitler and the Generals.. 212 - How She Trains Leaders .. 263 - Herr Hitler and the Press .. 417 - Justice for .. 6,6 - her Trade Thrust ..
- What's Good in.. .. -1139 Germany and Europe : I. Austria .. 739 II. The Four Year Plan .. 796 III. Is It Peace ? .. 86o Getaway, the .. 956 Grigg, Sir E., on Air Defence ..1133
HARICAWAY'S Oxford Health, Family .. Helps, Chartered ..
History, Momentous .. Hitler, Herr, his Visit to Rome Holidays Nearer Home .. Home Front, the ..
Iin Transition : 1 V. Trembling Thrones VI. The Madding Crowd
India, Education for ..
- New ?
- Prohibition in .. India Today : I. Congress in Office .. 999 II. The Federal Problem -1048 III. The Ultimate Aim.. -1089 Ireland : the New Phase .. .. 76 Ireland Today : I. Great Britain and Eire • • 459 II. Discrimination and Freedom 506 III. A Kingdom Divided .. 578 IV. The Silent Revolution .. 622 V. Eire in Search of a Future 703 (See also under " Eire ") Irving's Last Curtain at Drury Lane 908 Italy, the Agreement with 696-792-856 - Herr Hitler's Visit to .. 856
JTAPAN at the Cross-Roads .. 40 Japan at Cross Purposes :
t4 I. Navy and Army .. 171 D. Growing Opposition .. 217 Japanese Eye, the .. 268 Joking Apart .. 668
LABOUR and the Popular Front 697 Landlords,Rentsand Tenants 1088 L.C.C.'s Hotel, the • • • • 175 League, What Kind of ?....68
- Gloom over Geneva .. goo
Liberal Economy, a • • • • 173
Liberal Life, the .. 5ox Linguist, the Lithuania and Poland ..
Pay Locum Tenens, or Holidays wit
4 London Roads and London Traffic 904 London's Parliament .. 505 Love and Death .. 264
MARGINAL Comments • • 49 Mass-Book and Covenant.. 304 Mediterranean Problem, a .. 701
Minerals in Peace and War .. 573
NATIONAL Parks : a Twofold Function .. • - • • 43 OXFORD, Harkaway's .. • - 84 Oxford and the Boat Race .. 507 PALESTINE, Arab and Jew in 11 Patriotism, Positive . • .. 172
Pennine Way, the .. 508 " Perfidious Albion " . . 1132 Poland, her Aims and Methods .. 5o3 - and her Neighbours....905 Powerless in the Matter .. 510 Preparatory School, Light on the r000 Press, the, and the Public.. .. 617 - the Police and the .. .. 666 Prisons, Wireless for .. 14-49-85 Privacy, the Right to . • .. x29 Progress, a Generation of .. x23 Public, the, What it Reads 175
RQUESTIONS, Current 957-m06-1053-1094-1141 EARMAMENT, Burden of 416-699 Revolution on the Snow-line 462 Road Safety, Reactions and .. 303 Rumania : King Carol's Experi-
• • 951 84 949 77
623 621
• • • • • • • • • •
8 44
4 954
SATURDAY Afternoon . • 48 Schooling, the Economics of 82
Scotland, the White Belles of 799 Scots, the, and the Sabbath 857 Screen World, the : I. Religious Films .. • • 46 II. The American Film .. 8o III. The British Film .. 125 IV. Foreign Films in India . • 174 Self-Sufficiency and War .. 306 Servants, Domestic, Chartered .. 77 Short-List Club, the .. 176 Singapore, the Implications of .. 215 Social Service, Learning .. • . 305 Social Servants : I. The Sanitary Inspector ..loot II. The Relieving Officer ..1050 Spain, Franco, Left Wing over .. 903 - Murder from the Air .. 997-1044 Spanish Navies, the • • • • 419 Spectator, Sixth Forms and the .. 218
Storks, the .. .. 744
Sunday Soothsayers, the 423 Supernormal, Data on the 702 Swinton, Lord, Resignation of .. 901
TAX-DODGING, the Art of .. 351 Thirty, Under, Over Eighty on 7-83 Thirty, Under, Over Ninety on .. 45
- - Safety First ? 177-221-269-309-257-425 -- What should We Fight for ? 1142 - - Why I am not a Christian .. 465 - - Can I be a Christian ?
512-581-625-669-705-745-800 - - Leisure, the Use of 865-909-958-1005-1054-1095 Thomas Atkins, 1908.-1938 463 Title Deed .. 356 Townshend, Turnip Trinidad, the Riots in .. 169_ Turkey as a Peace Factor
Typhoicitthe„Dangeruf 261 1th STATES, :the Dole in _,TNIep 266 Universe, the Brightest Things in - • r•-•
VICTORIA to Paddinatcd 5110
WAR and the Citizen 66o Webb, Beatrice, Octogen- arialn
Wesley, Job b,
Women in Prison. 952
COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN Aland Islands Question, the .. 358 China's Armies in Battle .. 131 China's Ordeal : I. The Retreat to the West -1087 II. Foreign Help .. • • 1143 Czechoslovakia after the Anschluss 513 Daladier, M., his Seven Weeks .. 959 Fascism and the Monroe Doctrine 178 French Crisis, the .. .. 86 German Jews : Five Years of Persecution .. 582 Germany, Justice in Henlein's Anti-Nazi Rival.. .. 910
Hodza v. Henlein .. • . ..1007 Italian Impressions
Mexico : A Day at the General's.. 67o Protectorates, the : South Africa's Case .. 626 Rumanian Experiment, the Ruthenia, the Redemption of .. 310 South African Election, the • • 466 Tunis, Alatums and Excursions in 746 West Indies, the, and their Prob- lems 801-866-1055 WRITERS OF ARTICLES
A C:LAND, Richard, M.P., 82-Addis, Sir Charles, 173-Allen, Walter, 9o9-Athill, Major Lawrence, 49-264- 463-621 .
BAERLEIN, Henry, 3,0-Bagnall, A. Gordon, 626-Balogh, ThOmas, 699-Barker,. Prof. Ernest, 504-Barry, Canon. F. It; 859-Bates, H. ff., 13- Beadne11 Surgeon Rear-Admiral Charles M., 3o3-Bellerby, J. R., 172- Benney, Mark, 421-Bensusjin, S.. L., 4.22-Bevan, Dr. Ydwyn, 47-42c-512- 1136-Black, Stephen,', 265-Blunt, Anthony, 6 2 3-Brackenbury, Christopher, 956-Brinton, Henry, 798 -Brogan, D. W., 8o-862-955-Burn, W. L., to55-Burton, Wilbur, 178.
CALPIN, G. H., 466--Carlile, Preben- dary, 45-Carmichael, Hilda M. 269-Cash, Prebendary Wilson, i t- Chirgwin, A. M., 954-Clarke, Roger, woo - Collier, Basil, 1140 - Crook, W. M., 795-Crump, Norman, 462. DALRYMPLE, Ian, 125-Davies, .1-• A. Emil, 175-Davison, Ronald C., z66-Derry, Dr. T. K., 1049-Dobree, Bonamy, 424-Dodd, Prof. C. H., 461 -Donnelly, Peter, loos.
EDINGER, George, 903-Emanuel, W. V., 215-419-1002-Ensor, R. C. K., 123-Erroll, F. J., 865- Evans, Philip, 357.
puAs, Carl, 268-Forster, E. M., 701-French, Katharine, 863- French, R. B. D., 1047-Freund, Richard, 8-44 - Fuller, Maj.-Gen. J. F. C., 1138.
rz AL BRA! TH, Winifred, 741-Genn,
- Francis, 86-Gill, E. W. B., 3135 -Grant Duff, S., 513-Graves, Robert, 510-Greene, Graham, 84-670-Green- wood, H. Powys, 305-739-796-860- Gregory, Dr. Benjamin, 46.
HARVEY, Nigel, 742-Hasluck, E. L.,
953 - Hanley, Gerald, 744 - Hewitt-Myring, Philip, 128-307- Hobhouse, Sir Charles, 8o1-866- Hopkinson, Sir Alfred, 83-Howat, Mabel, io.
Iawitti, Margaret, 799.
jacar, B. L., 952.
KENYON, Sir Frederic, 352-Knop, W. G. J., 126-582.
J. ABORDE, E. D., 861-Lamb, W. L., -• 176 - Linder, Ernest, 306 - Lindsa, D. D., 958-Lindt, Eva, 127-
Lloyd, Canon Roger, 667-Lloyd, Edwar 216 - Low, John, 577 - Lyttelt , Dame Edith, 702-864.
Y, Rose, 304-MerralLs. F. D., -Peter Chalmers, 43-Monk- atrick, 508-Monroe, Eliza- Murthy, Krishna, 174.
NEVMH. W., 7-Noel-Baker, - , M.P., 503. GDEN, Richard, 704-O'Gorman,
Mervyn, 904.
DARESDARES, Sir Bernard, 619-Plant, , toca-Podolsky, Edward, 8r.
I7 ADFORD, J. Grange, 907-Ranjee, G. Shahani, 624-Raynor, John, 1093-Reed, Douglas, 1139-Rich- mond, Kenneth, 423-Robinson, D. H., 1092-Rose, W. J., 905-Rosinski, H., /31-743- SAMUEL, Viscount, 999-1048-1089- Sarkani, M. S., 353-Scott, R. F., 175-460-1001-1050 - Shackleton, Edward, 177-Sharpless, Stanley, 48- Shaw, G. B., 79-Simpson, Helen, 668 -Singleton, Frank, 1052-Snell, Lord, 505-Snow, Dr. C. P., 124-Spender, J. A., 797-Spender, Michael, 12-421- Stein, Guenther, 171-217-1087-Stuart, P. R. 0., 1095.
TEELING, William, 263-Thomas, Dr. Terry, 218-Tolchard, Clifford, 219-464-Tombes, Edith Huntington, 908-Tomlin, E. E. D., 507.
UNWIN, Alan, 309. VERSA-HOYLE, Derek, 622-703.
WAUGH, Evelyn, 663-Wells, W. T., 9 -Williams, Dr. Leonard, 579- Woodward, E. L., 575-62o-664-70o-74o ZIN'Imsa.„4, Sir Alfred, 576-Zvegintov, Michael, 1137.
POETRY Abandoned Church, an (Walter de
la mare) .. an .. 220
Eureka (Walter de Is Mare) .. 308 Great North Road (Ann Lyon) ..1062 In the Local Museum (Walter de la Mare) .. .. 220 Irrevocable, the (Walter de Is Mare) 176 Mental (Walter de is Mare) .. 220 Peace (Walter de la Mare) .. 176
Poem (Edwin Muir) • • • • 511 September Night (Walter de la Mare) ..
Sibyl (Frederic Prolosch).. • • 668
35 ousc, beth, 74
OPERA AND BALLET Art and Dexterity .. 804 Der Rosenkavalier at Covent Garden 867 Horoscope at the Wells ..
Macbeth at Glyndebourne— 960 Movement, the Art of .. —1097
The Ring at Covent Garden —1056
Amphityron 38 at the Lyric .. 911
Awake and Sing at the Vaudeville.. 311 Banana Ridge at the Strand .. 802 Blind Mice at the Duke of York's.. 802
Busmen at the Unity 467 Case of the Baffled Boss at the Unity 467
Elizabeth at the Haymarket • • 747 Frozen Glory at the Gate .. 271 Ghost for Sale at the Whitehall .. 671 Idiot's Delight at the Apollo .. 583 Island, the, at the Comedy .. 271
King of Nowhere, the, at the Old Vic 5 r4 Midsummerr Night's Dream at Old Vic
No More Music at Duke of York's 359 Othello at the Old Vic .. 223 People of Our Class at the New .. 911 Power and Glory at the Savoy .. 671 Sun Never Sets at Drury Lane .• ro96
Three Sisters at the Queen's .. tic* Volpone or the Fox at the West- minster........132
Awful Truth, the, at the Regal .. 132 Bad Man of Brimstone at the Empire 179 Bluebeard's Eighth Wife at the Plaza 747 Break the News at Leicester Square 96o Bringing up Baby at the Gaumont 627 Buccaneer, the, at the Carlton .. 223 Catch of the Season at the Tivoli .. roo8 Challenge, the, at London Pavilion 912 Convict 99 at the Tivoli .. 1008 Count of Monte Cristo at London Pavilion .. 583 Damsel in Distress, a, at the Regal 671 Dr. Rhythm at the Plaza .. wog Double Crime sur la Ligne Maginot at the Academy . • • • 514 Drum, the, at the Odeon .. 671 Every Day's a Holiday at the Plaza 132 From the Manger to the Cross at the
Cameo .. . • .. —1144 Goldwyn Follies at the Odeon • • 514
Gribouille at the Curzon .. 87 Housemaster at the Regal .. 912 Hurricane, the, at the Odeon .. 179 In Old Chicago at the Tivoli .. 467 La Grande Illusion at the Academy 5r La Mort du Cy;ne at the Curzon .. 311 L'Alibi at Studio One .. —1096 L'Equijsage at Studio One.. .. 867 Le Rot s'Amuse at the Academy .. 706 Mad About Music at Leicester Man-Proof at the Empire .. 87 March of Time at the Tatter .. 867 N. or N.W. at the Curzon 311 North Sea and Other G.P.O. Films 802 Northing Sacred at London Pavilion 271 Drage at the Curzon .. to56 Popeye the Sailor at the Carlton .. x5 Scarface at the Carlton .. • • 514 Sh ! The Octopus . . . . . . 867 Small Case of Murder at the Odeon 1096 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at New Gallery .. 359 Something to Sing About at the Plaza 271 Stage Door at the Plaza .. 15 Tell Me if it Hurts at the Curzon .. 87 Test Pilot at the Empire .. 96o Vessel of Wrath at the Regal .. 426 Wells Fargo at the Carlton .. 15 Yank at Oxford, a, at the Empire.. 627 Young and Innocent at the Gaumont 223 You're a Sweetheart at Leicester Square 311
Artist, a Rare (Mme. El Tour) .. 627 Canned Bells and Counterfeit Chaliapin, Feodor . • 706 Chamber Orchestra, a New .. 36o Composers, Two (Mengelberg and Furtvningler) 132 Contemporary Festival, the ..t144 Don Giovanni at the Wells.. .. 272
English Singer, the 87
Greysteel and Le Roi Nu at Sadler's Wells .. .. 672 Mozartiana 468 Opera Season, the .. 748 Prodigy, Return of the .. 584 Sunt Lacrimae Rerum 426 Vaughan Williams and Mahler .. 224 Verdi's Te Deum and Requiem Mass ma GRAMOPHONE NOTES 32-91;
Academy, a Commonplace China and Children Courbet, Gustave .. . Eighteenth Century, the . Furrin Art .. .
John, Augustus .. . National Gallery, the Painting, Engineering and matics Paris, English Art in .. 628
Recoallisetsi,'t1?).e,nfltefra' : : : :1(;175 Seventeenth-Century Art at Bur-
lington House — 16
Sophistication and Naiveté .. 427
Tragedy in Art .. • • • • 1145
• • • •
.. 803
. 868 . 312 ..1009
• • • 961 707 Mathe-
ABYSSINIA, the New—Maj. E. W. P. Newman .. 762 Adams, Mrs. Henry, Letters of,
1855-83 .. • • • • 96 Africa Emergent—W. M. Mac- millan .. —1106 — Ex—Dr. Hans Sauer .. 150 - Out of—Karen Blixen 336 Air War—W. 0. D. Pierce 150 Alderley, Ladies of—Ed. by Nancy Mitford . . . . . . rno Alarms and Excursions—Lieut.- Gen. Sir Tom Bridges .. .. 686 American Constitution—Sir M.
Sheldon Amos ..1072
— History, a New—W. E. Wood- Anarcho-Syndicalism—R. Rocker 646 Ancient World, Mind of—H. N.
Wethered.. - • • • 290 Anglesey : a Survey, &c. too Annual Register, 1937 .. ..1072 Arms and the Covenant—W. S.
Churchill .. ..1152 ART BOOKS, Popular .. 330 Astrophel—Alfred H. Bill.. .. 238 Australia and N. Zealand, Future of Immigration into .. 335
— Flying Fox and Drifting Sand—
F. Ratcliffe 14o Australian Summer—Neville Cardus .. • • 144 AUSTRIA, BOOKS ON 874-1024 AUTOBIOGRAPHIES
64-44o-484-764-882-975-11[0-1112 BAGHDAD, Escape from— C. Raswan 286 Balkans and Europe—D. Alastos .. 646 Ballets, Complete Book of—C. W.
Beaumont 242 Banking (Commercial) Legislation
and Control—A. M. Allen, &c. 55o Banks, Thomas, Annals of—
C. F. Bell .. 68, Baring, Maurice — Dame Ethel Smyth .. 142
Barter—J. W. Scott 198
Bath, the Baths of—P. R. James .. 686 Baudelaire as Art-Critic 231 Baylis, Lilian—S. and R. Thorn-
dike .. 972 Bible, " Truth " of—S. A. Cook ..1065 Black and White Make Brown—
A. Lyall 640 Blake, Illustrations of, for Thorn- ton's Virgil .. 681 Books, History of Legal Deposit of —R. C. B. Partridge .. 919 Bow Street World—A. Lieck ../024 Britain, Modern Economic History of—J. H. Clapham .. 187 British History in 19th Century and After—G. M. Trevelyan.. 198 — Institutions of Today—T. K.
Derry .. 488 Bryant, Mary, Strange Case of— Comdr. G. Rawson .. 3zo Building, Modern—W. C. Behrendt 368 Burial Reform and Funeral Costs— Sir A. Wilson, _&c. . 713 Burma Trials—Maurice Collis .. 319 Burney, Fanny—A. B. Tourtellot.. 378 But We Shall Rise Again—
R. Groves CiADAMOSTO, the Voyages of 93o Caesar, Hail !—Fletcher Pratt 772 Caesar, Unto—F. A. Voigt .. 590 Cambon, Jules—Genevi ye Tabouis ..1020 Cameroons, Kings and Knaves in— A. Mikhelson Cancer, Cause of—D. Brownlie Capital, the National—Sir J. Stamp Capitalism, Can it Last ?—F. Allen — Folklore of—T. C. Arnold .. Chamberlain Tradition—Sir C.
Petrie ..
Charity School Movement— M. G.
Chiang Kai-shek—H. K. Tong . • 524 China and Japan ..
Chitral : Ka'firs and Glaciers—
R. C. F. Schomberg 720 Christian Faith and Common Life —W. Temple, &C. .. 233 Christian, War and the—C. E.
Raven .. roz6 Churches Survey their Task— J. H. Oldham, &c. 233 City Government, a Century of— S. D. Simon 926 Civil Law, English, Digest of— E. Jenks, &c. . • 37o Clydesdale Bank—J. M. Reid .. 822 Collective Economy, Growth of—
T. E. Lawley 718 Con Man—P. J. Smith .. —1024 Constantine, Parish of—C. Hen-
• dersan . 380 Consul, British—Ernelt Himhlock 768 Ccnsumers' Co-operation-:-A. M. • Cari-Slurklers, &c. 326 — Credits and Unemployment—
J E. Meade ,..38o
r;teevey, Mr. . . . . . . 186 Crime the Community—Leo
Page • .. 187 Crippen, I Caught—W. Dew _1024 Cromwell—Mary T. Blauvelt .. 246 Curie, Madame—Eve Curie .. 322 Cynicism, History of—D. R. Dudley .. 4353o Czechoslovakia, Watch—R. Freund
DARE We Look Ahead ?— Bertrand Russell, &c. .. 986 Darling, Lord—D. Walker-Smith 76o Delacroix, Eugene, Journal of .. 278
68o475 319
Democracy, Victorian Critics of—
B. E. Lippincott 526 Dictators, Britain and the—R. W. Scion-Watson .. • . 873 — Peace with the?—Sir N. Angell ro16 Dictionary of National Biography.. 150 Diplomat, Education of a—Hugh Wilson .. • • .. ..1o68 Doctors, Disease, and Health-
146 C. Scott
Dominion Status, Statute of West-
minster and—K. C. Wheare 604 Donne, John, Theology of—
I. Husain.. . • .. 488 Dove, John, Letters of .. 598
YOBS, Last of the—S. Rogerson .. 24 FA Economic Future, World's—
A. Loveday, &C. 930 Economic Heretic, Confessions of — J. A. Hobson .., 536 Economics, Early British—M. Beer 876 — Lament for—Barbara Wootton 232 Economy of Britain — H. M. Croome, &c. 476 Egypt, Newsgirl in — Barabara Empire, Crumbling of—M. J. Bonn 874 Engineering, Naval and Marine- Engineer-Capt. E. Smith .. 932 England Expects Every American To Do His Duty—Q. Howe.. 24 — History of—F. G. Marcham 932 — Modern—Cicely Hamilton .. 714 — News of—Beverley Nichols .. 714 England's Years of Danger—P. Frischauer Equator, Snow on the—H. W.
Tilman 3o Esher, Viscount, Journals and Letters of
Ethics, Past and Future of - M. A. R. Taker .. 336 Europe, History of—H. A. L. Fisher .. 188 — Re-housed—Elizabeth Denby ..1106
FAIRFAX, Lord General—M. A. Gibb ..1x56 Famine in England — Viscount Lymington .. • • • • 634 Finance, World, 19.3 7. -8—P: Einzi.g. 970 First Things First—F. Tilsley 930 Flat, the Modern—F. R. S. Yorke, &c.
Forbidden Land, Alone through- - G. Krist Foreign Balances—Paul Einzig .. 686 Forster, E. M., Writings of—Rose Macaulay .. 532 Foula, 20,000 Feet on—M. Powell 189 — Island of—I. B. S. Holbourn 822 Freedom, Necessity of—D. Jerrold 920 FRENCH, Books in .. 95 Frontiers, Across the—Philip Gibbs 636
GALES, Ice and Men—F. Wead 773 Garden, Aristocrats of the— E. H. Wilson .. 388 Geneva : Whispering Gallery of Europe — Maj.-Gen. A. C.
Temperley . . . . . 716 Genius, Adventure with a—A.
Ireland .. 986 Geography in Middle Ages—
G. H. T. Kimble .. 986 Germany—G. Reiman . .. 376 — Ourselves and—Lord 'London- derry .. 636 — Speaks—Intro. by Dr. Frick —1153 — This Was—Princess Marie Rad- ziwill .. 290 German Lyric, Genius of—A.
Closs 1'16 Germany's First Bid for Colonies—
A. J. P. Taylor • • • • 537 Gernika, the Tree of—G. L. Steer 232
Gladstone—Erich Eyck .. 918 Golding, Arthur—T. L. Golding.. 336 Goliath : March of Fascism—
G. A. Borgese 8xo Gondal Poems—Emily Bronte • • 549 Greece, Prince Christopher of : Memoirs .. 330 Green Fields—Stephen Rynne 480 Green Fool, The—P. Kavanagh ..1022
HAUPTMANN, Bruno, Trial of 440 Henderson, Arthur—Mary
Agnes Hamilton .. • • 474 Herods of Judaea—A. H. M. Jones 686 Hitler, I Knew—Kurt Ludecke . • 374 Hopkins, G. M., Further Letters.. 88o Humanism, Studies in—J. W. Mackail .. • • • • 754 Hungary and her Successors— C. A. Macartney Hunting, Elements of—R. S. 322 Summerhays 246
ICE and Fire, Land of—H. 1
Ahlmann .. • • .. 884 I Go West—D. F. Karaka .. 550 Imperial Development, Crucial Problem of India, My—Lillian L. Ashby .. 682 Industry, Modern, Rise of—J. L. and B. Hammond .. • • 64 Innkeeper, Confessions of an—J. Fothergill ..1158 Insanity Fair—Douglas Reed .. 590 Inscription over the Gate—H. R. Wackrill International Relations — S. de Madariaga Islands, Dark—J. W. Vandercook 646 JAPAN, Buddhist Sects of—E.
Steinilber-Oberlin .. 438 Japan Over Asia—W. H. Chamber-
lin .
Japan, the National Religion of—
D. C. Holtom • • .. 59r Journalist's Wife—Lilian Mowrer 484
KAISER, the, on Trial—G. S.
Viereck' 987
Keller's (Helen) Journal 478 Kent, a Boy in—Henry Warren .. to6 Kenya Colony, British Policy in—
Marjorie R. Dilley 382 King Charles and the Conspirators —E. Wingfield-Stratford .. 336 Kingdom of God and the Son of Man—R. Otto .. • • • • 484 Kitson of Leeds—E. K. Clark .. 930 Knife, the Healing—George Sava.. 238 Krupp—Bernhard Menne .. 58
LABOUR Spy Racket — L. Huberman • • .. 328 Landscape, English—Sir W. Beach Thomas .. 986 Lansbury, Mr. : his Quest for
Peace .. . • .. 8r2 Laws, Constitution, of British
Empire—W. I. Jennings, &c. 592 League at Lunch—Derso and Kelen 64 — at the Cross-Roads—L. P.
Jacks . • .. 95 Lear, Edward—Angus Davidson.. 813 Lepchas, Living with—J. Morris-1158 Letters of Red, In—Ed. G. E.
Osborne .. 538 Life Assurance, Birthplace, &c., of —J. G. Anderson .. .. 686 Lion and Jackal—F. Brownlee — 93o Lions and Shadows—C. Isherwood 538 Literature and Society—D. Daiches 9$ London, L.C.C. Survey of : Strand 15o — Miscellany—Robert Harling .. 102 — Victorian, Locomotion in—G. A.
Sekon 542 Looking Forward—Harold Anson 882 Love Letters, Famous .. 151
MALAGA, My House in—Sir P. Chalmers Mitchell • - 284 Man's Latent Powers—Phoebe Payne .. 528 Maori Wars, England and—A. J.
Harrop .. • • .. 192 Maria Theresa — Constance L.
Morris .. . • 476 Marlowe, Christopher—John Bake- - And Morning in His Eyes—P.
Henderson .. • • • • 234
Marriage—Margaret Cole .. 878 Maugham, W.p Somerset : " The Sumin U " Mellym, Johng , of Ethiopia .. 38854 Men Without Work : Report on
Pilgrim Trust .. 640 Mexico, New Architecture in—E.
Born .. 480 — Portrait of—D. Rivera, &c. 480 Mightier than the Sword—F. Madox Ford .. 596 Militarism—Alfred Bagts 884
Mills, Bertram, On the Road with—
A. S. Williamson .. 246 Milton—Ed. by E. H. Visiak 680 Minch, I Crossed the—L.
MacNeice 814 Mind, New Frontiers of the—J. B.
Rhine .. 528
— Restless, In a Valley of this— M. Muggeridge 978 Mohawks, the Faithful—J. W. Lydekker ..1064 Morals and Politics, Philosophy of
—C. E. M. Joad 809
— Concept of—W. T. Stace 530 Mussolini in the Making—G. Megaro .
My New World—Ernest Dimnet..1066 \TAVY, the—Admiral Sir H.
1.11 Richmond.. 683 Newton, Isaac—J. W. N. Sullivan 642 New Writing, Vols. I-IV 23
r'sUIDA : a Study in Ostentation —Yvonne ffrench ..1104 Outlanders—C. E. Vulliamy .. 372 Overture and Beginners—R. Adam 550 Oxford, Anatomy of—C. Day Lewis, &c. ..1154 Oxford Book of Greek Verse in Translation .. .. 284
PACIFIC Area, Peaceful Change in—H. F. Angus .. 772 Palmerston, Lady, Love Story of—
F. E. Baily 550 Passport Round World—C. H.
Holmes ... • - • 336 Pedro, Dom—Mary W. Williams.. 772 Persons in Hiding—J. Edgar Hoover....5063 Philippe Egalite—E. V. Scudder 442 Philosophy and the Physicists—
L. Susan Stebbing 324 Poetry, Books of :— Carnival, the — Frederic Prokosch 976 Earth Compels—Louis
MacNeice —1064 Herne's Egg—W. B. Yeats .. 33o Memoir, '887-1937—G. R.
Hamilton .. —1064 Memory—Walter de la Mare 1064 Others to Adorn—O. St. J.
Gogarty _ 766 Poems—C. H. Peacock ..1064 Poems—Eileen Duggan —1064 Selected Poems — W. H.
Auden .. ..ror8 . . . the engine is left running
—B. Salkeld. —1064 Trial of a Judge—. Stephen
Spender .. • • 482
Poetry, ,8th Century, On—D. Nichol Smith • • 139 — Post-Victorian—H. Palmer .. 930 Poet's Life, a—Harriet Monroe ..1121 Political Thought, English, 1603-60 —J. W. Allen . • - • • - 234 Politics, Moral Basis of—Naomi Mitchison • • • • • • 475 Pope, On Poetry of—G. Tillotson 139 Porson, Richard—M. L. Clarke .. 6o Portugal of Salarat—M. Derrick . • 549 Potemkin—George Soloveytchik .. 436 Pray for the Wanderer—Kate O'Brien .. . 768 Prediction, Cases of—Dame El Lyttelton .
Prisoner Speaks—H. W. Wicks .. 758 Prisons, English, Truth about— M. Bennet' . 758 Psychic World—H. Carrington .. 138 Psychology Down the Ages—
C. Spearman — 61 — for Everyone—W. J. H. Sprott 6, (ALM& VICTORIA, Further Letters of .. . • .. x 88
RACE—Jacques Barzun — 280 Racing Stock, Thoroughbred —Lady Wentworth .. 488 Raw Materials, International Dis-
tribution of—H. Kranold .. 638 Religion, Revolutionary — Roger
Lloyd . 146 Religious Experience, Varieties of—
W. James .. .. 388 Restless Quest—Jerome Willis .. 772 Roosevelt—Emil Ludwig .. 108 — Mrs., her Autobiography .. 236 Roumanian Journey—S. Sitwell • • 924 Ruggles-Brise, Sir E.—Shane Leslie 772 Russell, Lord Odo—Winifred Taffs 756 Russia : And Nothing Long—R.
MacDonell ... 679
— Before the Storm—Baroness S.
Buxhoeveden 1066 — Everyday Life in — Bertha Malnick ..1114
— G.P.U. Justice—M. Edelman..1114
— in Chains—I. Solonevich — 598 — Story of " ST 25 "—Sir Paul
Dukes .. .. 679 Russian, Scratch a—II. S. ii.archant 1o6 Russian Workers' Own Story—
Boris Silver .. ..1114 T. PAUL—Arthur D. Nock - • 434 Sappho of Lesbos—Margaret Goldsmith .. 290 Sarum Close—Dora H. Robertson 279 Satires, Catalogue of, in British Museum .. • • 924 Science for the Citizen—Lancelot Hogben 967 Scotland, 1938—Ed. G. J. R. Allan 822 Scottish Heritage—R. W. Finn .. 822 Scott, Sir W., his Journal and its
Editor—J. G. Tait • • 604 Search for Tomorrow—R. Landau 542 Shakespeare and. Southampton—
W. Thomson .. 818 — Discovered—Clara L. de Cham- 974 brun - • - • • • • • — Speeding Up—W. J. 'Lawrence 190 Shakespearian Comedy—H. B.
Charlton .. 318 Shakespeare's Last Plays—E. M. W. Tillyard 68z Shakespeare's Vital Secret—R. M. Lucas — .. 336 Shelley, Mary—R. Glynn erylls 94 Slang, Dictionary of—E. Partridge 714 Slavery — Lt.-Gen. Sir G. Mac-
Munn .. .. 932 Smyrna, Ancient—C. J. Cadoux 1072 Social Service, Citizen's Guide to—
J. Q. Henriques .. • • 435 Somme Harvest—G. E. M. Eyre .. 646 South Latitude—F. D. Ommanney 1072 Spain, Books on .. .. 96 — Burgos Justice—A. R. Vilaplana 811 —HOInaget0CatAlOnill—G.OrWell 1020 — Inside—Geoffrey Brereton 8,1 — Martyrdom of—A. Mendozabal 81r Spain's Ordeal—Robert Sencourt 1020 Stanley, With, in Africa—W.
Hoffmann Stations, Gentlemen !—James Gat- .. .. 683 Stop and Go—V. C. Buckley .. 15o Strafford—Earl of Birkenhead 534 Studia Otiosa—R. Warwick Bond x121 Suffolk Churches—H. M. Cautley 246 Suicide—Romilly Fedden.. 678 Surgeon, Diary of, 1751-52- J. Knyveton 488 Surgeon's Case-Book, Leaves from a—J. Harpole 26 Symbolism and Belief—Edwyn Bevan . . . . 1151 MALL Ships Pass—W. L. A.
1 Derby .. , . • .. 335 Tariff Levels—H. Liepmann .. 978 Taste and Fashion—James Laver.. 336 Teaching, I Chose—R. Gurner .. 64
Thirty, Under, the Voice of .. 102 Thomas, Edward, Childhood of .. 720 Thoughts and Talks—Sir A. Wilson 326 Thousand Nights and One Night- -P. Mathers .. 3o Three Guineas—Virginia Woolf ..1r ro Through Turbulent Years—V.
Time Gathered—W. B. Maxwell .. 440 Tiptoft, John—R. J. Mitchell .. 816 Top of the World, On the—
L. Brontman . 884
Torrington Diaries, 646 Trade Unionism—John A.. Mahon 686 Travel, I Wanted to—J. Gibbons.. 106 Tropics, Transgressor in — N.
UNEMPLOYMENT Policy, British—Ronald C. Davison 591 United States, Civil War in—
Karl Marx, &c. .. • • 480 — — Neutrality and—E. Borchard and W. P. Lage .. 6o _ Utopia, Assignment in—E. Lyons 22
VERLAINE, Paul — Bechhofer Roberts 106 Victorian Street Ballads—Ed. by W. Henderson .. 26 Victorian Youth, Testament of a—
W. Kent .. 382 Vic-Wells—Ed. by H. Williams .. 972 Vienna—Edward Crankshaw • 378 Village, Portrait of a—F. Brett Young zo6
WAGES and Income in U. K. since aft—A. L. Bowley 59 Waldegrave, Ladies, the Three—
Violet Biddulph . 600
WALES, Books on .. ..x116 Walkley, Mr., Without Knowing— Edith Olivier 922 Wallace, William — James Fer-
Wallenstein—Francis Watson .. 922 Walpole Society Publications .. 722 War and Democracy—Ed. by E. Durbin, &c. 919 War, British Documents on Origin
ofthe .. 968 War Can Be Averted—Eleanor
Rathbone.. 279 War, If it Comes—R. E. Dupuy, &c.
'Ware Sherman—J. LeConte 388 Washington's Dilemma—Katherine Mayo.. 986 Weathercock, James—J. Curling .. 88o What Are We to Do ?—John Strachey .. 530 Whitman, Walt — Ed. by E. Holloway
Wilson, Edward—George Seaver .. 151 Wind of Circumstance—
H. Dearden . • . 238 With the Corners Off—Comdr.
A. B. Campbell .. 3o Woman Who Could Not Die— I. de Beausobre ..1157 Women and the Revolution—
Ethel Mannin - • • • 594 — of Today—Margaret Cole .. 594 World's Design—S. de Madariaga 68o Would I Fight ? 376 Writer in a Changing World .. 246 Writing, Truth about—C. Palsner 246
YACHT (Small) Cruising— F. Cooke ..
Years, Fifty Wasted—F. J. de
Verteuil..1024 Yukon, Upper, After Big *dame in
the—Major N. A. D. Armstrong 246 FICTION
ACTION at Aquila — Hervey Allen .. 486 Apollo Flies—Herbert Kahan x162 BALLADE in G Minor—Ethel Boileau .. 196 Bindltig Sickle—G. Bullett — 28 BAnyeen Sleeping and Waking- -Dorothy Charques 82o
Bidden to- the Feast—J. Jones 334 Big Firm—Annabel Williams-Ellis 602 Bird under Glass—R. Fraser .. 82o Blackbird, the—Basil Creighton ..1120
CANCEL All Vows—Lilo Linke 1028 Castle Corner—Joyce Cary .. 148
Champion—Jack Hilton .. • • 684 Characters in Order of Appearance —R. Cavan
Charmed Life—Jacit. B. Yeats .. 244 Child of Divorce—E. Canunaerts .1070 Colonel Pontcarral — Alberic
Cahuet rraci Commander of Mists—D.L. Murray z8 Count Belisarius—Robert Graves .. 684 Courthouse Square — Hamilton
Basso , . • .. 2 Crippled Splendour—Evan John ..10284 Crowning of a King—A. Zweig 1120 DARK Horses—Eden Phillpotts x96 DETECTIVE STORIES 192-544-980-1118
Dream of Freedom—E. C. Philtine 384
ENGLISH Rue—Martin Hare.. 984 FRIDAY Market — Catherine Meadows .. 288 Fruit in Season—Anthony Thorne 384 HGIANT in Chains—Marjorie Bowen62 Great Marvels—Leonard Cooper.. 196 EARKEN Unto the Voice—
F. Werfel . • 984 Hollow Sea—James Hanley ..1162 House in the Dunes—M. van der Meersch .. 334 Houses in Between—Yvonne Cloud 928 CAN Get It for You Wholesale
I —J. Weidman • • • • 148 I'm Not Complaining — Ruth
Adam .. 148 Innocence is Drowned—W. Allen 288 In These Quiet Streets — R. Westerby .. 684
JOSEPH in Egypt—Thomas Mann .. 770 Journey to the Border —E. Upward 486
Julie—Francis Stuart .. . . 1120 KANTHAPURA—Raja Rao .. 546
LARCHES, the—J. Hampson and L. A. Pavey .. 546 Laurels are Cut Down—A. Binns . 196
Lem—Roger Vercel - . • • 334 Lifer—Jim Phelan .. 602 Lord Samarkand—H. A. Vachell . • 334 Love is a Sickness—R. Nicolson . .1162
MEN are so Helpless—Kate Mary Bruce .. _ r070 Merry, Merry Maidens—Helen G.
Carlisle _ .. • 104 Minimum Man—Andrew Marvell 820 Miss Bendix—Naomi Royde Smith 724 Mr. Arkwright's Marriage—J. L.
Hodson — .. 288 Moon is Feminine—Clemente Dane 888 Moth and the Star—J. H. Pollock.. los Mother, the—Sholem Asch 244 Mountains and the Stars—V.
Tikhanov . • 546
Murphy—Samuel Beckett • . 546 My Wife's the Least of It—
W. Gerhardi .. • • - • 724
NATIONAL Provincial—Lettice
Cooper .. —1162 Nightingale Wood—Stella Gibbons 820 No Middle Way—Jeffery Marston 644 Northwest Passage—K. Roberts .. 62 Nya—Stephen Haggard .. ..1 rzo
OABSALOM—Howard Spring 444 Oh Say, Can You See !- L. Browne .. . 820 On Borrowed Time—L. E. Watkin 28 Over the Frontier—S. Smith .. 62 Own Wilderness—N. W. Hooke .. 984 PATHETIC Symphony—Klaus Mann Pictures on ihe Pavement—G. S.
Marlowe .. 644 Pity the Tyrant—Hans 0. Storm .. 602 Pomfret Towers—Angela Thirkell 928 Prodigal Parents—Sinclair Lewis . . 104 Promised Land—Cedric Belpage • • 444 Property of a Gentleman—R. Ull- RAINS Came—Louis Bromfield 244 SCAPEGRACE Dances—Mark Benny Scoop—Evelyn Waugh.. 886 Serenade—James M. Cain. • • 724 Seven against Reeves—R. Aiding- ton
Shadows Around the Lake—Guy de Portales .. ..toz8 Ships in the Sky—G. Gunnarsson 196 SHORT STORIES .. 332 Silver Fox—Rene Hansard ..1070 Single Hound—May Sarton .. 77o
Sleep in Peace—Phyllis Bentley .. 444 Songs of the World—Jean Giono — z88 Spring Always Comes—Elizabeth
Cambridge .. 888 Stories and Sketches — George
Gissg — 442 Strangerins—Claude Houghton .. 138
Strikers, the—Goetze Jeter .. 244 Stroke of Eight—J. L. Hardy .. 62 Summer Moonshine—P. G. Wode- house .. .. 240 Survivors, the—Rene Betilaine —1070 Swiss Sonata—Gwethalyn Graham 444
THEIR Eyes Were Watching God—Z. Houston 770 They Drive by Night—J. Curtis —1028 They Sailed for Senegal—W. MacArthur . 684 This Man Murray—W. Corcoran.. 196 Those Were the Days—O. Sitwell 484 Time of Wild Roses—Doreen
Wallace — 546 Traveller Came By—Sally Carson 644 Two for Joy—R. M. Bishop .. 62
UGLY Dachshund—G. B. Stern 984 Unvanquished, the—William Faulkner .. 928 — 104 WAITING.. for.. Joanna. A. Alington . . 77o Wkiluinat Hach. a Man ?—Sarah G. .
Wheel of Fortune—A. Moravia .. 28 White Llama—V. G. Calderon .. 888 William's Wife—G. E. Trevelyan.. 244 Wind and Waterfall—R. Gathorne- Hardy Winsome Wench—Thomas Burke 384 Winter in April—Robert Nathan .. 644
YOUNGEST Disciple—Edward Thompson .. 384
ABYSSINIA, the State of, 87o—Adven- ture, Opportunities for, 228— Air Attack, Protection from, 230—Air Raid Precautions, too—Air, Slaughter from the, Hoz—Aland Question, the, 631—America, News from, 517— American News, More, 677—America's Picture-News, 917 — Anglo-Italian Agreement, the, 750—Animals : Per- forming : Cruelty or Kindness ? 136- 229-275 ; the Protection of, 520- "Anti-Babel" Society, the, hum— Arab and Jew, 57—Archaeologist's Finds, an, 9o—Armaments : the 4r,500,000,000 Policy, 471 — Army Estimates, the, 470—Arnold, Matthew, a Word on, 473—Austria : the Spirit of, 430 ; Refugees from, 518 ; Holidays in, 1103-1148.
BAR, the, as a Career, x roz—Basque
Children, the, 52o-632—Bible, the English, 677—Birth-rate, Religion and the, 277—Blood, the Myth of, 633 —Boarder or. Day-Girl ? 56-92— Bombing Outrages, Action against, 1102 — Bombs : on Open Towns, 149on Ships, 1149—Books, " Influenc:ed," 9t6-964-1o13-1o62—Borstal Types, 56
— Britain's Intentions, 471—Briush Prestige, 316—Broadcasts in German, 1147—Brown, T. E., of Clifton, 277— Budget : Wear and Tear Allowances, 8o6 ; Unequal Sacrifice, 807.
CANADA : What she Thinks of Britain, 20-185-229—" Chacun a son Gout," 632—Chamberlain or Eden ? 362-429—China' Arms for, 916
— Chinese Students, 872—Christian, Can I be a ? 522-588-632-676-711-753- 807—Christianity, What is ? 71 1— Church Appointments, 277—Church :
Our Totalitarian, r8 ; the, and Divorce, um—Churches, the, and the Common Life, 914—Civilised Count, the Most, 23O—Coal, the Government and, 230—Cole Mrs., on Marriage, 965 —Conifers, the Passion for, 472— Corrections, 93-137-230-277-52z-589- 872—" Could I Have Friends ? " 185— Country Cottages : " Powerless in the Matter,' 588—Covenant, the, and the Treaty, 54--Creevey, Mr., his Penny Post, 23o-275—Crime : and Punish- ment, 275-317-366 ; Publicity and, 433 — Crisis, After the, 42_9--Cross, the, and the Crisis, 712-753—cyclist, the Case of the, x5o—Czechoslovakia, Strategy and, 518-587-630; 1013; the Lesson of, ,o6o.
" DB FACTO " and " De Jure," 1150— Dictators, " Changing " the, I103-1I50—D ylomatic Truth, 587— Doctrine and the Common Man, 'lox - 147—Dole, Idleness and the, 367— Dover to Luxembourg, 21.
EDUCATION, the Controversial in, 18- 91—Eggs and Collectors, 92-137 —" Eight States Protest," 1 ro3— Eire : Great Britain and, 93 ; and the King, 87o - 914 - ror3 —" Endymion," the : Torpedo or Mine ? 277-366-473
— English, You ! 182-227-276-316 — Evils, the Choice of, 872.
Fan-H, the, of a Lifetime, 917-966- 10,4-1061—Family Health, 1103 —Fertilisers, Mineral, 473—Films : Religious, r9-55 ; American and British, 226-274-364 ; Scientific, 1oi5—Fitness and Compulsion, 472—Flogging : the Case against, 314 ; as a Punishment, 366-430-471—Fly, War on the, to61— i Food in Wartime, 314-871-916—Foot- and-Mouth Disease, 20 — Footpath Maps and Surveys, 473 —Foxhunting, 316-365-432-471 — Freethinkers and Free Speech, 1102-1147—French, Letters in : Remembrement, 52 ; Anomalies du Regime, 133 ;_ Consultez les Aches, 224 ; Femme en France, 312 • Prix et Salaires, 427 ; Quelques Chilires, 515 ; C'est la Faute >1 Cesar ! 628 ; " Monsieur le President," 707 ; Enfants du Sickle, 804 ; ". . . Nec Mergitur," 912; I'Exemple de la Con- cierge, 1009 ; Visite Royale, 1097.
GARDEN Cities, the Value of, 1148— Germany : and Austria, 472 ; the Press and, 522 ; and the World, 630- 675-710-752 ; Ourselves and, 87x ; and Europe, 916-964-1014-1061--Ger- man Colonies, the Former, 433— German Domination, War or 807— German Frontier Hold-up, the, lor — German Jews : " Not Our Business ? " 183—German, Letters in : Neujahrs- brauche, 21 ; Wilhelm Busch, 88 ; Kunst des Bauens, x 8o ; Im Obdach- losenasyl, 272 ; Volk auf Itridem, 36o ; A.E.I.O.U., 468 ; Arbeiter Leisen, 584 ; Ostem in Osterreich, 672 ; Riefenstahls Riesenfilm, 748 ; Carl von Ossietzky, 868 ; Burgen, Hofe, Herbergen, 961 ; Handwerk, 1057 ; Umbau auf Ewigkeit, 145—Gemika, the Tree of, 370— Gladstone, Mr., his Epigrams, rot 5— " God's Providence," 1015 — Gold Mining an Adventure 184—Gospels, the : Are they Authentic ? 518-369- "G.P.U. Justice," 1150— Great Britain's Allies, 75o.
HEATH Fires, Children and, 633— Helps, Chartered, 185-230 Higher Critic, the, ix so—Holidays Nearer Home, 712-8o8—Housing Act of 1930, the, 135-226-277—" Human Understanding and its World," 21— India : in Transition, 315-367 ; Educa- tion for, 433 ; and Defence, 806 ; Prohibition in, 1062—Insects, Plants to Kill, 8o8—Ireland : a Changing, 135- 182-367 ; the New Phase, 136.
JAMAICA, the Cost of Living in, 2061- io —Jew, the Wandering, 63 r- Jowett's Christianity, 185-227-275— Justice : Impartial, 19 ; as she is, 93- 137-185.
KRA Isthmus, the, 471.
LAW, the, Is it an Ass ? p16-League
Covenant and the Treaty, 54- League, Small States and the, 363- League Era, the, 752-Lear, Edward, Topography of, 54-Leisure, the Use of 91J-1015-Libel, the Law of, 1014- Liberalism, the Future of, 753- Libraries and Rates, 317-Listen, the Right to, 228-Literary Find, a, 54- Local Government, Training for, 1103
- Locum Tenens and Children, Da6o- Lost Men, 632.
MARATHON Tomb, the, 522-Mass and Communion, 367-Mass- Book and Covenant, 432-472-Matins, Eleven o'Clock, 2z-55-93-Motoring : But is it an Offence ? 10-Motorist, the Elderly, 1062-M.P.'s, Absentee, 23o- Murder : on the Decline, 276 ; an Encouragement to, 808.
NATIONAL Disservice, 518-Northern Ireland : the Case for, 588 ; Discrimination in, 675-709-750-806; and Eire, 71o.
OK. IN History, 57-Orange Babies,
• 229
1DALESTINE : Arab or Jew ? 57 ; as a -a. Crown Colony, 184 ; Conditions in, 229-Patriotism, Positive, 274-315- Peace : Do We Want / 363 ; the Future of, 714-Poetry, Post-Victorian, 965- Poland and Lithuania, 587-Police and Press, 712-Portugal; of Salazar, the, 808 ; Education in, 966-Prague, Europe from, 710-751-808-Prepara- tory School, Light on the, 1059-1099- Print, What not to, 185-Prisoner Speaks, the, 808-Prisons, Wireless for, 19-56-93-Prisons without Walls, 1012
- Propaganda for Britain, 317-Protec- torates, the, 676.
QUARTER Sessions, Chairmen of, 966 RABBIT, the Invincible, 712-Rent, Rata! and Taxes, 229-Rent Restric- tions, 677-Rhine, Dr., the Experiments of, 633-677-712-Rhodesia, Berlin to, 9o-Road Accidents and Defective Tyres, 1013-Road Plan, the Five-Year, 57-Road Safety : Reactions and, 363- 431-470-589-630-674 ; and Road Im- provement, 872-Roads : the Right Way with, 914 ; Life on the, 964- Rumania, the Jews in, 91-Runyon the Realist, 52o.
SCHOOL, Choice of, 1149-Schooling, the Economics of, 136-Scientists, the Limitations of, 367-Scots, the, and the Sabbath, 915-Scottish Art, 871- Scottish Lochs, Round Or ACHMS 872 - Scottish Universities By-election, 92 ; the Best of Both Worlds, 137-Security, Constructive, 587-Self-Sufficiency and War, 365-Shakespeare, Sonnets of, and Southampton, 916-" Shakespeare Re- discovered," '150-Shorthand., Systems of, 56-366-Slovak Autonomy, the Ghost of, to99-South America's Indians, 20-57-Soviets, the, and Peace, 676-Spam : Peace in, 915 ; Left Wing in Franco, 963 ; Books for, Tort-Spanish Government, the, 137- Spectator : Sixth Forms and the, 276- SI5-367-453 ; the Travels of the, 677- peed Limits and Safety, tom- Squirrels, Red, Wanted, 522-631- Statesman's Need, the, 589-Sussex Down, 277.
Tarr Matches, Brighter, t 150-Thirty, Under : the Voice of, 20-54 ; Over Eighty on the, 90; Adventures of an, 183-Thomas Atkins, 807-915-1014 - Tolstoy, Modernised, 91-Towns- bend, Turnip, 1149-" Twilight in Vienna," 917.
Urissietoved, the, and the Birth- rate, 1148.
VIENNA : New and Old, 433 Went Nazi, 632-674-751 ; don Comes to, 709.
WAR, Economic Causes of, 520- Webb, Mrs. Sidney : an Anomal- ous Adjective, 137-West Indies, the British, lox t • Problems of, z too- Winter Sunshine,ne, 230-Wordsworth's Birthplace, rots-Women, a New Career for, 1060 ; in Prison, ro62.
NT moms, Seceding (The Buccaneer), -1- 522-Youth on the Crisis, 586- Youth's Choice of a Career, 1103.
A SPECTATOR'S NOTEBOOK ABTsSINIA, the Condition of, 662 Abyssinian Film Matinee, the, 262 Academy, the, and Scottish Art, 794 Accidents, Road Improvement and, 794 American Spy Trial, the, 1134 Amery, Mr., and Abyssinian Sanctions, 350
How it Salva-
Anderson, Sir John, 42
A.R.P. Equipment, Business and, 998 Asquith, 1Gir• Justice, 574 Austria : Reports from, 350-458 ; News from Germany on the Annexation of, 574 BAHAMAS, Popularising the, 698 B.B.C.: the Poverty of the, 418; the Calm Bulletins of the, 458
Berlin : Rebuilding 17o ; and the Countermanded rain, 95o Bible, the " Quadringemary " of the, 086 Bishops, State of Living of, 6 Boston and Bath Tubs, 170 Bressey, Sir Charles, his Traffic Proposals, 902 Buchman, Dr., the Birthday of, 1134 Butler, Dr. H. B., 738 CABINET, the Reconstructed, 902 Castle Howard, "34
Cauliflowers, the Price of, 6-42 Chamberlain-Eden Question, the, 35o Chamberlain, Mr., the Policy of, 502 Chilton, Sir Henry, the Daily Mail and
the " Reds," 78-262 China and Japan : Two Conversations, 858 Cliveden, Set, the 66z Coal Bill, the, and the Lords, 1134 Coalition 6overnment, All-Party, Proposed in 191o, 458
Compulsion, the Talk about, 262-458 Court, American Presentations, at, 662 Czechoslovakia : the Spelling of, 95o; the German Military Academy and,
1086 " DAILY HERALD " and the Popular Front, 95o Daily Mail and a Disgusting Book, 574 Daily Sketch and News " Fit to Print," 170 Davies, Sir John, Death of, 6,8 Decadent Art, the German Exhibition of, 6,8 Derby, Bishop Westcott and the, 998 Devon Woman Predicts War, 698 Dodd, Mr. W. E., on the Nazi System, 42 EAGLE, Mr., and Dr. Einstein, 618 Easter, a Fixed, 794 Eden, Mr., the Sunday Newspapers and, 302 Eighties, Over, the Virility of the, 78 Eire, Dr. Douglas Hyde as President of, 738 " Escalation," 214 FACE Slapping in Parliament, 618 Football-Pool Luck, 302 Football Pools, Money Spent on, 6 Foreign Travel, Visas for, 998 Fox, Cruelty to a, 418 Freethinkers, the Congress of, 1046 GERMANY, Plain Speaking in, 574 German Colonies, Proposed B.B.C. Debate on, 35o German Diplomatic Changes, 618 German Labour Front (British Section), 662 German Newspapers and the Nazi Regime, 998
German Persecution of Jews, 95o German "J50 Car," 998
Gliding, Drawback of, 698 Grandi, Count, " a Friend of," 302 HALIFAX, Lord, as Foreign Secretary, 350 Hankey, Sir Maurice, Leaves White- hall, 998 Hider, Herr : his Reichstag Spa-eh, 302 ; and the Methodist Church, 950 Hoare, Sir Samuel, his Address to Reading University, 502 Hore-Belisha, Mr. : the Sunday Pictorial and, 122 ; the Windsor Magazine and, 170 House, Colonel, Death of, 574 Icscausst and the Law, 78 Insanity Fair, 574 International Affairs, 858 Italy, Anti-German Feeling in, 1046 Italian Embassy Reception, 902 JAPANESE Propaganda, 42 Jowett, Benjamin, a Quotation from, 122 Juliana, Princess, Publicity about, 78- 170 Justice and Navy Blue, 950 KING and Queen's Visit to Paris, 858 King George V and Prince Henry of Prussia, 902 King of Nowhere, the, at the Old Vic, 458 LEAGUE of Nations Council, moth Meeting of, 122 Legal Proceedings, Publicity of, 302 Lewis, Mr. Wyndham, his Portrait of Mr. T. S. Eliot, 738 Liberals, Young, and a Political Land- slide, 698 Liberty of the Subject, 214 Lloyd George, Mr. : Golden Wedding of, 122 ; Lenin and, 262 Londonderry, Lord, and the Air Ministry, 618
Lords, Compelled to go to the, 858 Lothian, Lord, and International Justice, 458
Lugard, Lord, Eightieth Birthday of, 78 MAUGHAM, Lord, as Lord Chancellor, 418
Mein Kampf, the Profits from, 858 Minister-Power, How We Stand in, 418 Moscow and Lady Muriel Paget, 418 Motor Insurance and Accidents, 618 Motorists and the White Line, 78 Motorists' Signals, 214-1046
Murders, 214 MEM:SUER, Pastor, 698
OLYMPIC Games of 1940, 350-418
PAGEANT at Dorking, 858 Pavry, Miss Bapsy, 458 Polish-Lithuanian Frontier, the, 502 Pastan, Mr. Michael, 214 Prisons, Rebuilding, 262
QUOTATIONS, 214-574-662-698-738-794- 902
• RADIO-NORmANDIE, Extinguishing, 6 Reed, Sir Stanley, 794 Reith, Sir John, the Successor to, ,o86 Right Book Club : an Apology, 574 Roosevelt, President, and the Anglo- Italian Agreement, 794 ST. PAUL'S, the High Mastership of, 998 Schools and a State of Emergency, 1134 Scottish " Backwater," a, 998 Scott, Lord Francis, and Kenya, 122 Shaw, Mr., and Slovenly English, 42 Spelling-bee, the Transatlantic, 170 Stafford Election, Mr. Lloyd George and the, 1086 Streicher's Der Stunner, 170 Sunday School Attendance, Big Fall in, 738 TENNYSON, a Quotation from, 738 Test Match Draw, the, ,o86 UNITED STATES, the Daily Press as Interpreters of the, 502 Universities, " Provincial," 122 VANSITTART, Sir Robert, 6 Vaughan of Rugby, 214 Vienna, Conditions in, 858 WEBB, Mrs. S., Eightieth Birthday of, 78 West Derby, the Lesson of, 1046 West Indies and the Dollar, 738 Whyte, Sir Frederick, Director-General of English-Speaking Union, 42 Williams, Dr. Vaughan, his German Prize, 1134 Winant, Mr. J. G., as Director of the I.L.O., 1046 COUNTRY LIFE AFFORESTATION, More, 36x Agriculture, Men Lost to, 585 A.R.P. in the Country, 516 Brroxisous, the, 1010 Bird Greetings, 89 Bird Preservation, International Com- mittee for, 313 Bird Survey, a, 1146 Bird Wardens, 53 Bird : Why did it Tap ? 1058 ; and Car, 1098 Birds : Rural Roosts, 53 ; Enemies of, 134 ; the Close Season, 225 ; Inter- national, 225 ; Weather and, 225 ; Weights of, 273 ; Sea, 273 ; the Morning Chorus, 313; Captive, 629 ; April 27th and the Arrival of, 708 ; Frosted Songs, 749 ; Do not Feed, 749 ; Food and Song, 805 ; Building Material, 869 ; Decorative, 869 ; the Latest Arrivals, 913 ; Little Travel- lers, rodi ; Ominous, to58; a Duel for a Box, 1146 ; a Lesson in Self- help, 1146. Bitterns, Boom in, 708.
Blacksmiths and Italy, 516.
Blackbirds' Well-Worn Nest, 1146. Blossom, Houses of, 629.
Blue Tits and Buds, 225.
Bracken : Hostile, 134 ; Defeated, 962. Bramble, the Invincible, 18x.
British Growers' Publicity Council, the, 708.
Bullfinches and Prunus, 469. .
CATALOGUES of Far-off Things, sitS. Caterpillars, Fastidious, 1146.
Cheeses, Country, 516 Colour, Sources of, 629.
Common Rights, 8o5.
Conifers, the Planting of, 313.
Cormorants and Fish, 673.
Country Housing, 469.
Country Schools, 428.
Craftsmen, the Revived, 89.
Cuckoo : an Immortal, 913 ; a Parental, 1146.
DANISH Achievement, a, 869. Dawber, Sir Guy : a Great Preserver, 962.
Diary Records, 749. Ditching and Dykmg, 428.
Dog Story, a Tall, 17. Dormouse and Children, 428.
Dove's Meal, a, 913.
Drought Register, a, 962. EASTER, a Naturalist's, 708. Egg, a Fehuar5r, 469. Emigration at its Best, 89. European Weather, 805 FAxhigas, Tenant, 53. Farming Research, 1058
Farms, Fair, 673.
Field Observer, the, at.
Flowers : Newer Popular, 749 ; Resist- ant, 869 ; the Common, 913. Foot-and-Mouth Disease : Carriers, 53; Birds and, 708. Footpath Maps and Signs, 428.
Forest Fires, 469- Freakish Experiments, 1098.
Fruit Victims, 962.
GARDEN Escapes, 585. Gardens Little, 629. Gulls and Plovers, 36x.
HAhiPSHBUI Garden, a, 869. Hawk and Cuckoo, 428. Hedging Champion, a, 181. Herring, the Way of a, ,o58. Homing Marvel, a, 134- IRIS, the Early, 134. Irises in Perfection, 962-1098-1146.
Jsquas' Thrush, 8o5.
LABOURER, the Vanishing, 225.
Land, Lost, 516. Lilium Candidum, 36x.
Lupin, the, to58.
MAGPIES : to Keep or to Kill ? 89. March : Miraculous, 428 ; a Perfect Month, 585 ; a Comparison with Gilbert White, 585.
May-Time Disasters, 913.
NESTS, Queer, 708-1098.
Owl , Little, Whitewashing the, 181. Oxford Trees, 1098.
PARISH Councils, Advisory Service for, 469.
Pea-nuts, lobo.
Pheasant or Grouse ? 805 Plant Poisons, 673.
Ploughs, Unseasonable, Som.
Poison, a Garden, 17.
Polecats, More, 17.
Prairie Farming, 134.
QUAIL Protection Act, the, 313.
RABBITS : Island, 134 ; a Scarcity Of, 273 ; Invincible, 673 ; the Devoted Doe, 749- Robin : Two, 313 ; Domestic, 629. Rock Garden Plants, 8o5.
Rural Reconstruction, 89.
SAINTS, the Three Cold, 869. Salmon, the Way of a, 1058. Sanctuaries, Violated, 53. Scare, a Blue, 913.
Scotland, Flowers in, 805. Scottish Country, 585. Scottish Preservers, 805. Sheep, Island, 134.
Skokholm, the Island of, 134. Soya Bean, the, 516.
Squirrel, a Plea for the, 225. Squirrels, the Hoard a the, 57. Stares, Half a Million, 225.
THRUSHES, Diminishing, 673. Tit, a Tame, roux
Tomatoes Charing Cross, 1098. Tree Planiers, Co-operative, 1058. Tree Sense, 913.
Trees and Development, row. Tropical Contrast, a, 629. Tulip Fosteriana, 361. Tulip, the Wild English, 469-585. Tulips, Special, 673.
UNEMPLOYED : Subsistence Production for the, 17.
VEGETABLE, a Wild, 962. Vegetable Perfection, 962. Vegetables for Epicures, 313. Vermin, a List of, 89. Village Allotments, 273. Village Government, 273 WEASELS to Kill or to Spare? 749. Whipsnade Successes, 749. Winter Blossom, 89.
Winter Catkins, 17.
Woodpecker, the : a New Theory, Woods Transformed, 273. Worm, the Early, 181.
YUGOSLAVIAN Country Life, 361. Zoo, the Best, 53.
MOTORING See Pages 66-152-248-338-426-552-648-
See Pages 200-558-838-5032
FINANCIAL SUPPLEMENT (The Spectator, March 4th)
SCOTTISH NUMBER (The Spectator, May 6th)