1 The convicts are beginning to show their age (8).
5 Beast of burden needs lubrica- tion (6).
how to deal with this (3, 5).
10 A hundred hold me fast (6).
12 I am, Your obedient servant (6).
13 Clang in a word (8).
15 The dog-faced baboon (12). 18 O.C. promised us (anag.) (12).
24 'And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her - and her eyes' (Byron) (6).
26 Military decoration round the Ber- bers is three-cleft (6).
7 27 It takes a saint to stimulate ad- vance (8).
28 'Oh! that we two were -' (Kings- ley) (6).
29 29 Whence the Parsee watched the
Rhinoceros putting on his skin (4-4). • 1 Broken gaol-hush! (6).
2 Foggy journey occupied these days (6).
3 Grand if it's more than a shilling (7).
4 'To - me with its soft black eye' (Moore) (4).
6 The last appears in secret (7).
7 It isn't reckless when the umpire does (8).
8 Or the orbs of the Signorina? (8). II Negative poetry? (7).
14 Who sneers, ask the birds (7).
16 Audit man lost in the fernery (8).
17 Was this a quality of Percy Dacier's Constance? (8).
19 Rise to give thanks among the stars (7).
20 The pen of a rake? (7).
21 The Archdeacon always gets a fine sheet (6).
22 Position for an address, not neces- sarily 19 (6).
25 The Painted Porch (4).
Solution will be published on January 21 SOLUTION TO CROSSWORD No. 814 ON PAGE iii
The winners of Spectator Crossword No. 1414 are as follows : First prise
Chabers's Twentieth Centur Dictionary, New Version, is recommended
to MRS. W. A. WITIIECOMDE, I Lachant Road, Cambridge, and second prize m y lo Miss. LAURENCE SPEAR, 3 Woodland TerEth:C, Plymouth. fbr Crosswords Each week a copy of the De Luxe editiOn of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea will he awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on January 18, and tuldressed: Crossword 816, 99 Gime/. St., London, 14.'.c',1.