Dear GBS
Sir: I am currently compiling for the Bodley Head a book of letters to Bernard Shaw from members of the general public. A wide variety of letters will be included: re- quests for money, sexual advice, literary help, a job, accommodation, autographs, interviews, a wife; requests for help with getting a pension, a typewriter, a publisher, a role in one of Shaw's plays, for help with a walking stick exhibition, with introducing the Russian frost-resistant potato into England; advice on how to become an ac- tor, on what to eat, or call the new baby or new pig or do about child slavery in China; advice on how to succeed, get a play pro- duced, write fiction, on where to sell a Caruso caricature, or whether to commit suicide. Fan letters; letters giving Shaw ad- vice; letters of attack; invitations to tea, to speak etc. A number of Shaw replies will also be included. I would be most grateful if any of your readers could possibly let me know if they have (or know of) any apt let- ters to Shaw or Shaw replies.
Vivian Elliot
40 John Trundle Court, The Barbican, London EC2