Q. I am disturbed by your recent correspondence concerning the
Maserati and a father wishing to show it off at his child’s school. When I was at my convent in the mid-Sixties, my mother had a bright blue Ford Galaxy, an American car with fins (nowadays occasionally seen around New Cross and Brixton). I spent each sports day, concert etc. in anguish wondering if my parents would arrive in this car. The only other people who had an American car were a rich American family with a chauffeur. My sensitivity over this matter was justified last week when someone who had been at prep school with my brothers during the same period remembered this car! It should be a parent’s priority at these school events not to embarrass their child by parading their worldly goods in this vulgar fashion.
E.S., London W11 A. Thank you for reminding readers that the sensitivity of any children involved in these displays should be taken into account before leaving car lights on or parking a car obstructively so as to be able ostentatiously to leave the assembled company when the call goes out ‘Will the owner of a Maserati, registration number.... ’ etc.