7 JULY 1832, Page 7

Etc Countrp.

Mr. W. Ponsonby was returned on Thursday for Knaresborough, instead of Sir James Mackintosh.

3Ir. Coke means to retire from his honourable labours. He has sat in the House of Commons for thirteen successive Parliaments.

The Reformers of Hertford gave a dinner to the poor on Wednes- day, in celebration of the Reform Bill. There were thirty-eight tables, each capable of holding fifty individuals.

The Government have been induced to consent to the discharge of -Somerville, and he is at this moment no longer a member of the

Scots Greys. We are sorry, however, to add, that the day previous tor the announcement of his discharge in Coventry, Somerville was ob- liged to go into the hospital in consequence of unfavourable appear- ances arising from his punishment—Birminghant Journal.

On Tuesday, there was but one vessel of any description in the Downs, and it was a Dutch man of war.

The farming premises of Mr. W. Hese, farmer at Saxthorpe, Nor- wich, were burnt to the ground on Saturday night. Three horses and one cow were burnt to death, besides one horse and two cows too much injured for preservation. A number of pigs were also destroyed, and about thirty coombs of wheat. Mr. Hate received last winter a letter threatening him with the destruction of his premises, if lie did not alter his mode of employing and paying the poor in his service.

We last week stated the fact (a fact, as it now stands, that covers the parish with disgrace), that a poor Irishwoman was on Tuesday week delivered of a child in the black-hole, after lying for some time in the pains of parturition exposed to the inquisitive gaze of an assembled crowd.—Briyhton Guardian.