7 JULY 1832, Page 8


3er.y 4.-At a Convocation in the Theatre, the Honorary Degree of Doctor in Civil Law was conferred on the inflow in" Gentlemeu-The Earl of Bandon; Lient.-Gen. Sir '.1'. Brisbane. K.C.11. F.R.S., &an: N. A. Vigors, F.R. and L.S.. Secretary to the Zoolo- oical Society, 8w.; J. D'Israeli, Esq., F.S.A., the Historian of Charles the First. They - were all presented, in appropriate terms of eulogy, by the Rey. Dr. Bliss, the Deputy Professor of Law, and received with every mark of respect and approbation.

• The Creweian Oration, in Commemoration of the Founders and Benefactors of the Vniversity, was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Cramer. the Public Orator ; after which, the Prizes were recited in the following order. !Win rirse-Attibt. J. Thomas, Seholarof Trinity. English Essay-The Study of-different Languages as it relates to the Philo- sophy of the Human Mind. B. Harrison. M.A., Student of Christ Church. Latin Essay Stokonam Disciplina. T. L. CI anghton, B.A., Fellow of Trinity. EnglishVerse-

Odra. It. Palmer, Scholar of Trinity. ' •

luny 5.-The following degrees were conferred. Masters of Arts-J. H. Phillips, Oriel, Grand Compounder; Rev. T. H. Maitland, T. T. Jones, Oriel ; Rev. J. E.S. Hutchinson, H. Restock, Wadham; Rev. G. C.' Bethune, Trinity ; Rev. B. V. Towns- bend, Brazeunose ; S. Lightfoot, Exeter ; Rey. J. Dinning, Queen's ; 11. S. Tremen- heere, Fellow of New College; Rev. II. S. Jayee, Pembroke Rev. T. E. Burrow, MA. of Queen's College, Cambridge, admitted ad eoadem. Bachelor te Art-The ltCv. J. T.C. A. Trenchant, Trinity (incorporated from St. John's College, Cambridge).


JUNK 30.-At the Congregation this day, the following degrees were conferred. Ett- chelor in Civil Law-F, Merenether, Trinity Hall. Bachelor of Arts-J. Thomson; Christ's College. Doctors is Dieinity -The Rev. J. Brasse, Trinity; and the Rev. W. ew son, St . Joint's. Doctors in Physic-J. Staunton, N. I'. Davison, Cahn ; and E. Beck, JeSIIS. Mast; rs of Arta-.W, Cranford, J. Thackeray, C. Lot% King's College ; G. Goldsmith. F.M.'AN:artily, St. Peter's College ; J. Gorle. Clare Hall; It. Murphy, A. Thurtell. T. Ladds, W., S. I'. W il,ier. Caius College ; G. Coulcher, E. Greaves, Corpus Christi College ; W. Hutt, C. J. Shaw, J. D.Walford, A. Pearson, J. Pearson. E. P. Neale, S. N. Kingdom It. Pashley, M. A. N. Crawford, J. M. Robinson, W. Airy, C. Cienple.lb M. A. Senemes, J. Kenrick, Trinity ; W. Martin, II. E. C. Cobden,

E. Shadwell jun.. G. Langshaw, D. IL Baleen 11. Spurrell, J. Smith, St. John's College; It. Birkett, 11. W. Mawdesley. C. F. Broughton. Emmanuel College; W. Adams; J. Parkin, (5. Phillips. 1). Capper, Queen's College ; C. L. Smith, E. II. Hopper. Christ's College; W. I,. Chafe.. Sidney College; If. Philpott. It. W. Peden. Catherine ; C. ICRadclitte. II. 1-11ones, Magdalene College ; G.Dunnage, Downing College.

Junv 5.-This day, the follownig degrees were conti-rred. Masters of Arts-Ree. Morell. St. John's ; Rev. W. I,. edeill, Rev. W. D. Tyson, Cathanue; Rev. J. Hun. nal I, E Ilona re ; Rev. G. Johnston, Sidney. Licentiates in Phystr-J. !Lures, Trinity ; F. J. Pure, St. John's. Bachelor in Civil Law-T. W. Greene, Trinity.