CHOLERA.—The report yesterday from the Country gives 287 new cases,
90 deaths, and 146 recoveries. There remain 886. In Liver- pool, there are now 198 patients. The last Irish reports exhibit a remainder of 1,003. There was a rumour of the disease having again appeared, in a formidable shape, in the Metropolis, particularly in the gaols. Mr. J. E. Gordon, that prophet of evil, caught up the happy news ; which he made, in the course of the week, the subject of a speech in Parliament. To the honourable and pious member's great disappointment, however, Mr. Ponsonby stated, that there was not the slightest ground for alarm, as Cold-bath-fields had for several days been free of all symptoms of the disease. In Glasgow, we perceive, the Bailies are going vigorously to work for the suppression of Sunday's drinkings ; which, as they are generally deep, Invariably swell the report of Monday. We hope they will succeed—they don't lack good intention.