In answer to a question of Lord Chandos on Thursday,
Lord Al- thorp is understood to have stated, that his Majesty's Ministers have ratified a treaty with France and Russia, binding the contracting par- ties to guarantee the throne of Greece to Prince Otho of Bavaria, and to aid the new Sovereign with an advance of two millions, to be contributed by the three powers in equal shares. This treaty the Chancellor of the Exchequer is understood to have promised to present to Parliament in a few days. He spoke in so low a tone, that not a syllable of what he said reached the Gallery. The above is the Standard's account of the matter; derived, we suppose, from the noble querist. The Standard complains that the last Revenue Tables are more com- plicated than usual ; and taunts Ministers for not simplifying them. Complicated enough they are, but assuredly not more so than usual; for they are in precisely the same form they have appeared in for years.