Consols closed on Saturday at 85, and Exchequer Bills at 10s. to 12s. prem. The former close to-day at 85 to 11, and the latter at the same prices as on Satur- day after a iv-eek of little business and less fluctuation. The determination now announced to:support Prince Otho's claims, or appointment rather,to the throne of Greece has led to some speculation in Greek bonds, a description of security, which has gained so sorry notoriety from the tricks of the former speculators. The last quotation was 32. The resolution of Ministers not to press forward the Bank question has given much satisfaction to the enemies of the monopoly, • and can hardly be said to have disappointed its friends. The Spanish trade may be looked on for the present as at an entire stand. In Ferdinand's zeal against cholera, he has sealed the entire of his dominions, except Port Mahon, against vessels from suspected places. There was a rumour to-day of Pedro's fleet being dispersed by a gale of wind ; but it appears to be a mere rumour.
Bank Stock 199 200 Brazilian 45+6 Spanish
14* f
3 per Cent. Red. 834 84 Milian 15* 16* Ditto New 13* * 3 per Cent. Consols 831 Coltimbian 12 13
,Consols for Acct. 85 *
Danish 661 67
if per Cent. New 914 f
Greek 29* 30* Bolanos 215 225 'Long Annuities — Mexican 30 4- Brazilian 42 44 Ex.Bills,10001. 10s. 13s. pm. Peruvian
Columbian 7 9 India Bonds 1 dis. to par. Portuguese 531 44 Anglo Mexican .. 9 10 India Stock — Russian 98 984 United Mexican. 31 44