On Monday, an inquest was held on the body of
a very beautiful young women, who was found drowned in the canal on the north side of Dublin. She laud been dead some time when her bereaved friends were made aware of their misfortune. She was very respectably con- nected. Her father is an influential Member of the Commons ; con- sistent, and it is believed wealthy. This young lady had formed an unhappy attachment for a very unworthy object. For a long time, however, she would not hear of any thing to his prejudice, until she learned that lie had contrived to gain access to a bureau of her mother's, from al ich he stole :200 sovereigns, but not unobserved. He was im- mediately seem-. d. At his trial, the proof's produced k-ft not a shadow of doubt as to his guilt, and he was transported for life. Since the sentence was put into effect, her mental agony has known no diminu- tion; her spirits entirely deserted her. She was most kindly used by her sympathizing parents and other relatives, but in vain. In the night she contrived to leave her home undiscovered, and plunging into the canal, perished without observation. The Jury returned a verdict accordingly.—Dublin Paper.