The Minister of England to the Helvetic Confederation has declared
' to the President, in the name of Lord John Russell, that England has given in her adhesion to the proposal of a European Conference. The English Minister expressed on this occasion the firm intention of sup- porting the right of Switzerland to claim new guarantees for the main- tenance of her neutrality.- Telegram from Berne, July 6.
The session of the French Legislative Body, which was to be con- cluded on the 14th instant, will be prolonged to the 21st July, on account of the amount of business still remaining for discussion.
Notwithstanding the denial given by the Pays to the news of the re- signation of the Marquis d'Antonini the Neapolitan Ambassador, it is certain that the Marquis has officially announced to M. Thouvenel and to the members of the diplomatic corps that he has sent his resignation to Naples .-Telegram from Paris.