I. The following is an Abstract of the gross Produce of the Revenue of the United Knagdom, in the undermentioned periods, ended June 30, 1860, compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.
Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property.Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous 17,281,778 30th June 1859.
6,115,422 3,085,000 1,831,000 141,000 2,454,000 745,000 80,940 531,059
17,032,638 10,200,807 113,4-apti_.
Year ended Year coded 30th June 30th luau 1880. 1839. • Customs 21,085,281 Excise 20430,000 Stamps Taxes 8,151,258 3,237,000 9,902,816 Property Tax 3,350,090 Post-office 285,979 Crown Lands 1,874,273 Miscellaneous Totals 71,416,587
II. Increase and Decrease in the Quarter and Year ended June 30, 186t, as compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.
QUARTER ENDED : YEAR ENDED June 30, 1860. June 30, 18130., Decrease.
£ 373,641 282,061 189,000 107,660 6,000 306,710 40,000 1,500 72,689, 702,359 375,611 4326,918 Net Increase.
III. An Account showing the Revenue and other Receipts of the Quir- ter ended June 30, 1860 ; the Application of the same, and the Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the said Quarter, together with t.lie Surplus or Deficiency upon such Charge.
Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter ended March 31,1060, viz.- Great Britain 4321,758 Ireland 1,023,892 Income received in the Quarter ended Jane 30,1866.88 shown In Account I..... Amount received In the Quarter ended June 30, 1880, in repayment of Ad • vances for Public Works,14c Balance, being the deficiency on June 30, 1860, upon the charge of the Consoli- dated Fund in Great Britain, to meet the Dividends, and other charges pay- in the Quarter to September 90, 1860, and for which Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) will be issued in that Quarter.. • • 1,589,726 20,273,502 Amount applied out of the Income to Supply Services, in the Quarter ended June 80, 1860 11,483,80 Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ended June 80, 1860, v15.- Interest of the Permanent Debt Terminable Debt
The CivR List Other Charges an Consolidated Fund Advances for Public Works, Sr. Sinking Fund
Totals .
Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals 30th Sept.
16,964,052 6,576,066 5,649,000 1,937,000 146,000 1,874,000 7130,000 61,979 339,931 • 31s1 Dec. 1839. L-- 6,223,00C : 5,360,000 2,018,000 1,421,000 938,000 830,000 83,000 234,834 31st Dec. 31st March 1858. 1839. 17,115,830 20,219,807 16,819,174 QUARTERS ENDED 6,209,187 5,914,295 6,004,000 3,187,060 2,029,000 2,061,399 1,3133,000 312,000 517,000 2,483,000 860,000 830,000 82,560 72,800 917,971 340,313 3181 March 1860.
5,550,418 4,507,000 2,128,016' 313,000 6,002,000 915,000 75,000 729,173 80th June 1860., 6,108,118 4,913,000 1,960,582 1,319,000 762,106 780,000' 64,580 497,650 5,732,777 5,114,000 2,068,242 1,331,000 1,086E16 825,000 66,000 370,339 24,117,121P 1811 . 781148 , 8,1E4 • 6,265,104 c
3,220,001 5'
2,287,6 '" 65,689,67: Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals Increase. Decrease. Increase.
2,309,000 269,277 62,000 9,838,710 ' 180, 14455
• AU -31
6,402,4211 675,412 Net Increase.
1,368,648 16,819,174 515,534 18,483,776' £8,892,745 461,876 100,771 560,387 297,998 398,845
Surplus Balance in Ireland beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, In Ire-
land for the Quarter ended June 30, 1860, VIZ 639,611