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Mr. Frank Talford's burlesque, Shylock, as it is now performed at the Olympic Theatre, is in very different condition from that in which it appeared, when originally produced at the same house, seven years ago. The beautiful scenery by which it is illustrated is by Mr. Telbin, who executed similar pictures for the Merchant of Venice, when revived by Mr. Charles Kean, with surpassing magnificence, at the Princess's, and the slang element is completely removed from the dialogue. Thus we have a pleasing and elegant spectacle, while the acting of Mr. Robson exhibits the extraordinary combination of real and mock tragedy, in which that singular genius is without not only a rival, but a predecessor. The last novelty produced during the engagement of Mr. Leclerc at the St. James's Theatre is the broad fame Lee Amours de Moinitre, which belongs to the most recent productions of Paris. In this he acts Mei of those old pompous gentlemen of middle stature, who divide his attention with veterans of the semi-sentimental kind. It may be ob- served that in the title of the piece, as given in the English bills, the word "Noose" is substituted for "Amours."