7 JULY 1860, Page 21


On the 26th of June, at 68, Upper Berkeley Street, the Wife of II. S. Parkes, Esq., C.B., H.M. Commissioner, Canton, of a daughter. On the 27th, at Warplesdon Lodge, near Guildford, the Wife of William Bovill, Esq., M.P., of aeon. On the let of July, at Hampstead, the Honourable Mrs. Maurice Drummond, of a daughter.

On the 24, at 2, Lyall Street, Engrave Square, Lady Skipwith, of a son.

On the 2d, at Fetcham, near Leatherhead, the Wife of Edward Budd, Esq., of 104, Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, of a son.


On the 26th of June, at Walcot Church, Bath, the Reverend Horace Mann Bla- kiston, Vicar of Beuhall, Suffolk, second son of Sir Matthew Blakiston, Bart., to Charlotte, second daughter of the Reverend W. H. G. Mann, late Vicar of Bawdon, Cheshir e.

On the 26th, at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, by the Venerable Archdeacon Gnold, Charles B. Wynne, Captain II. M.'s Ninetieth Light Infantry, to Emily France" Graham, eldest daughter of Sir Robert Gore Booth, Bart., M.P., of Lissadell, Sligo, and 44, Eaton Place. Belgrave Square.

On the 26th, at King's College, Aberdeen, Robert Smith, Esq., M.D., Sedgefield, Durham, son of the Reverend Robert Smith, D.D., Senior Minister of Old Machar, to Jane Macdiarmid, eldest daughter of the Very Reverend P. C. Campbell, D.D., Principal of the University and King's College, Aberdeen.

On the 30th, at St. George's Hanover Square, by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Winchester, Colonel George Campbell, C.B., late of the Fifty-Second Regiment, to Emma, widow of Evan Hamilton Braille, Esq., and youngest daughter of the late Major-General Sir William Douglas, K.C.B., of Tinmendean, -Rex- brirg,sh

On the 3d of July, at St. George's Hanoevr Square, by the very Reverend the Dean of Winchester, Charles Edward Radclyffe, only son of the Reverend Charles Edward Radclyffe, of South Sydenham, to Constance Allmera, daughter of Colonel and Lady Maria Saunderson, of Clarges Street, London, and Northbrook House, Hampshire.

On the 3d, at Penshurst, Kent, John Hunthank, Esq., a Master of the Court of Queen's Bench, to Mary, daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Monier Williams. DEATHS.

On the 22d of May, on hoard the P. and 0. Steamer Nemesis, in her twenty-first year, Rose Frances, wife of C. \V. Moore, Esq., of the Bengal Civil Service, and second daughter of Colonel Sir Samuel Falkiner, Bart.

On the 21st of June, at Cheltenham, Vice-Admiral Rom land Money, C.B., son of the late William Money, Esq., of Homme House, Herefordshire, and brother of the late General Sir James Kyrie Money, Bart. On the 25th, at his residence, Woodville, Lucan, county Dublin, Sir Hopton Stet- ford Scott, X. U. IL On the 27th, at his residence, Southlands, Isle of Wight, Sir Henry Allen John- son, Bart., K.W., in his seventy-fifth year. On the 29th, at Ilyeres, in the south of France, aged twenty-three, Joseph 31ullings, Esq., of Eastcourt House, Wilts, and Exeter College, Oxford, eldest son of the late J. R. Mulling's, Esq., H.P. for Cirencester.

On the 29th, at 27, Hill Street, Vice-Admiral Sir George Brooke Pechell, Bart., M.P. for Brighton, aged seventy-one.

On the 29th, in Dorset Square, Robert Edwards Broughton, Esq., aged seventy-nine.

On the 30th, the infant son of Admiral Sir Thomas and Lady Cochrane.

On the 1st of July, at Dresden, Sir George Bowyer, Bart., in his seventy-eighth year.


Ratekrupts.-DAWSoN PLANE, King's Lynn, draper-Turmas ALmtan Piemmumo Pigott Street, Limehouse, manure-dealer-WILLiam STRPHER CRARLEs WurrE Bars- saw, Sheerness, grocer-Eirmaxem.M.urmoL, Newgate Street, photographic agent -SAMUEL PERRY, Cleverly, Shropshire, manure-dealer-CHAIILES THOMAS Cor..- ETES, Worcester, wine-merchant-Jons Lorin, Birmingham, commission-agent- WI-tumultsSpiawio Kuszastwsitt, Cardiff, watehmaker-WILLIAm Wuirrzso- iraM, St. Helen's, Lancashire, corn-miller-WILLIAM lloamsriELD, Manchester, merchant.


Ban/ rupts.-SIMON SANDER, St. Mary Axe, City, merchant-Jonm Annex, Pierrepout Row, Islington, leatber-seller-Br-wans Giu s, Bermondsey Street., Southwark, leather-merchant - BEAUMONT CLAYTON, Ketton, Rutland, Stonemerehant-BAnener. CnEnniNoTOX, Donington, Lincoln, druggist-Lzwis PHILIP Serrox, Aberavon, Glamorganshire, wine-dealer-EmAs Comxasicu and Co., Nassau Place, Cqmmercial Bold East, boot-manufacturers-HENRY Porran and SAMUEL JAMES JOIIN limn, Sutton, Surrey, builders-Joax WALLFM, Ilitchin, Hertford- Aire, dealer in oil cake-Jesus Loan, Birmingham, merchant-WILLIAM Horms- FIELD, not lioexamEmi, as previously advertised, Manchester, merchant.