7 JULY 1860, Page 21



Spar Cent Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Annuities 1880

FUNDS. Satyr&

(Closing Mowday. Prima.) Thalia*


Shims . Friday.

1.39 931 931 939 shut 934 93 931 shut — 931 93 93 931 921 931 — 939 931 931 — 939 834 931 Annuities 1883 —

— -.- lea

Bank Stock, 9 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent -- shut -- 230 --- 2301

Exchequer Bills, lid. per diem Exchequer Bonds, 5001 3pm




3 3





par India Bonds 4 per Cent

7 dla. _.... 7 4


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 5 p. Ct. 511 French 44p.Ct.

Belgian 44- — Mexican 3 - 211 Ditto

Peruvian 41 -

Brazilian Buenos Ayres


6 -

6 —

991 Portuguese 1833 Russian Sardinian

3 - a -

6 - 431 108 821 Danish

a —

Spanish 3 - 481 Ditto

s —

Ditto New Deferred 3 -


Dutch (Rail Guilders)

.24 -

851 Ditto Passive

19 Ditto 4 -


Turkish.... 6 - 775 French 3 - Venezuela

a —

(Last Official Quotation


Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Chesterand Holyhead Eastern Counties Edinburgh and Glasgow Glasgow and South-Western Great Northern Great South. and West.lreland Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London, Brighton 46 South Coast London and Blackwall London and North-Western London and South Western Manchester, Shellield,de Lincoln Midland Midland GreatWestern (Ireland North British North.Eastern-Berwick North-Eastern-York Oxford, Won. A Wolverhampton Scottish Central Scottish Midland South Eastern and Dover Eastern of France East Indian Geelong and Melbourne Grand Trunk of Canada Great Indian Peninsular Gre.t Western of Canada Paris and Lyons Austnlian Brazilian Imperial Ditto St. John del Rey Cobre Copper Rhymney Iron SHARES.

during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Balms-

_ Australasian 944 British North American — City 66* Colonial — Commercial of London — Engl. Scotsh.fi Australian Chtd 1131 London -- London and County 709 London Chrtd. link, of Australis 106 London Joint Stock 209 London and Westminster 114f National Bank 701 National Provincial 1024 New South Wales 931 Oriental 414 Ottoman 118f Provincial of Ireland — South Australia 634 Union of Australia 98 Union of London 83 Unity

— Dorms-

115 East and West India — London 831 St. Katherine — Victoria 992 Millen...an zous- Australian Agricultural 281 British American Land 90 Canada llf Crystal Palace Electric Telegraph General Steam 1 London Discount - 'National Discount 28 Peninsular and Oriental Stearn 434 Royal Mail Steam South Australian 701 alt 931 161 311 361 33 321 601 39 431 179 881 431 241 661 58 394 1161 311 72 61 III BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per km.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard. 63 17 0 Conner, Brit. C.akee 6162 10 0 .. 40 6 0

• Iron Welsh Dare..., 8 II 0 ,. 7 0 O Mexican Dollars 0 5 21 '

Le.d British, Pig ... 23 10 0 .. in 10 0

Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5 11 Steel, Swedish Keg.. 19 0 0 . 0 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, July 6.

Wheat,R. O. 61 to 36 Fine 56 ton Fine 68 to 73

Fine 66-60 Foreign,R. 32 - 38 Peas, Hog... 90— Ili HZd, New 30-33 White F. 63-58 Maple .... 33-34 Fine 51-36 Rye 30-31 White 7.-.. 36-40

White Old 54 -38 Barley 28 - 33 Blue 0 0

Fine 58-60 Malting .. IO-SGi Beans, Ticks 34 - 40 1 Potato.... 17 - 30 New 50-36 Malt, OM... 68-44) Harrow... 42-48 I Pine.... 30-32



Per the Week ending June 30.

Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wale..


57s. 04. Rye 38..


Wheat .... 64s. od. I Rye 37.. 84.

Barley 34 7 Beans 43 I 10 Barley .... 33 7 I Beans 46 2 Oats 27 3 Peas ill 4

Oats 26 9 I Peas 40 7



Town made per sack 5I,. to 37s. Butter-Best Fresh, 14s. Od. dos.

Seconds 43 - 48 Carlow, 01. Os. to Cl. Or per cwt.

Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 41 - 44 Bacon. Irish per cwt. 71..- 786 Norfolk and Stockton 40 - 42 Cheese, Cheshire, tine 80 -90 American per barrel 30 - 33 Derby, pale 70 - 70 Canadian 60 - 33 Hams, York 78 - 93 Bread. 714. to 94. the 41b. loaf.

Eggs, French, per 120, 4.. 94. to 7.. Od.




d a. d. a. 4. d.

s: 4. I


Beef... 3 10 to 4 4 to 4 10 .... 4 8 to 5 4 to 3 8 Monday. Thursday.

Mutton 4 4 - 4 8 - 5 4 .... 4 - 5 6 - 5 10 Beasts.. 3,770 940 Veal... 3 8 - 4 8 - 5 0 .... 4 - 0 - 5 6 Sheep. 24,160 10,300 Pork .. 4 4

- 5 0-5

4 .... 4 8 - 4 8 - 6 0 , Calves 298 474 Lamb. 4 8 - 3 - 8

.... 5 6

- 7 0 - 0 0 I Pigs ... 360 200 • To sink the offal, per Sib.

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load 01 38 Truism.) SNITHDIZAP. WMITDCD ADDL. INC Hay, Good 70s. to Si. 100a. t4 106. 1184. to 1266

Inferior 33 co os 70 SO - 110 .

New 38 80 0 - 0 60 73 Clover 93 - 126 126 - 127 118 - 130 Wheat Straw 26 - 36 32 - 38 38 - 43 MISCELLANEOUS.

Jamaica Rum.... per gal. 46 6d. to Is.

Brandy, Best Brands 9 - 9 Cotton, N. Orleans.perlb 0 1 - 0 Saltpetre,lief....per cwt 42 -42

Guano, POINITIAD.pel A012 480 - 0

Tallow P. Y. C...per cwt. 64 - 0 Town 33 - 0 Rape Oil, English refined 43 - 0 Brown 41 - 43 Linseed OR 28 - 28 Cocoanut 011 43 - 47 Palm OR 46 - 46 Linseed 011-eake, per ton 190 ■ 0

Coals Rotten Id - 0

Tees ••••••• • • 0 .... 0 HOPS.

Weald of Kent Pockets Mid and East Kent ditto Sussex ditto Farnham ditto

82s. to 8Ia. Down Togs

80 - 140 ; Half-bred Wethers 62 76 Leicester Fleeces 0 Combing Skins WOOL.

per lb. 204. te 214 189 - 19 18 - 10 14 - 1) a. S.

Indian Coe. 84 to Si Oats, Feed.. 24—,4d Fine 21 -.26 Poland ... 23-25 Pine.... 36-20


Tea,flonehong,fine,per lb. 2s. 6d. to 3.. Od.

Congou, fine • 0 -2 4 Pekoe, flowery 3 0 - 0 0

In bond-Duty Is 64. per lb.

Coffee,fine I In bond) cwt 80.. 04. to 961.04.

Good Ordinary 616 Od. 00 52,. 04, Cocoa,Trblidad (in bond) 73s. M. to 96s. Od .

Rite, Ame.dr.Carolina 22s. 04. to 26s. 64. Sugar, Muscovado, average.. 0..04.

West India Molasses 13s. 6d.to 18.. 84. POTATOES.

Kent and Essex Regents ton. Os.to 0..

PI Shaw' 0 - 0

York Regents 180 0 Scotch ,, 130 - 0
