(To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIB,—May we be allowed to draw attention in the columns of the Spectator to the Memorial to the late 0.. W. Steevens which it is proposed to institute' n connection with the City of London School ? Many friends of the School have felt and expressed the desire that the career of Mr. Steevens should be suitably commemorated in the place where he was educated. A committee has accordingly been formed, and arrangements have been made to present to the School a replica of the well- known portrait by the Hon. John Collier. It is also intended, if sufficient contributions are received, to found an annual prite. We have done our beat to communicate with the old pupils of the School; but naturally there are great numbers whose addresses are unknown to us, and we believe that many of them would be glad of the opportunity to' make contribu- tions. We therefore venture to ask for the hospitality of your columns in order that by this means they may be made aware of what is proposed. We feel, of course, that our project is one for which support should be invited chiefly from old pupils of the SchooL But we have reason to think that some friends and admirers of Mr. Steevens, though not connected with the School, would be desirous of taking part in the Memorial. Help from such sources would be gladly welcomed. It would be -convenient if all contributions were sent direct to the treasurer.—We are, Sir, &c., B. L. Aaesuems, 34 Lansdowne Crescent, W. (Treasurer of the Steevens Memorial Fund). G. H. &vim, Fairfield, Lesser Avenue, Clapham Common (Hon. Sec.) E. WSAVER ADAMS, Slough, Bucks. (Hon. Sec.)