We deal elsewhere with the memorial tablet which was on
Tuesday dedicated at the Abbey to the memory of Mr. Page. Here we must say something of the deeply moving ceremony. All who attended the service agreed that it was one of the most impressive ever held even within the immemorial walls of Westminster. Though Parliament was at the moment engaged in work of national importance, the ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister, the Home Secretary, the Secretary of State for War, the Archbishop of Canterbury and such representatives of our Elder Statesmen as Mr. Asquith and Lord Lansdowne. Among the well-known Americans present were Mr: Post Wheeler, Chargé d'Affaires at the Court of St. James's (the Ambassador is at the moment on his way from America) ; Mr. Beck, the Solicitor- General of the United States ; Mr. Mellon, Secretary to the United States Treasury ; Colonel House, and many other distinguished countrymen and countrywomen of Mr. Page. The ceremony Was honoured by the presence of Mrs. Page, the widow of the Ambassador, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Page (his son and daughter-in-law), Mrs. Loring (his daughter) and his grandchildren. They thus had physical proof, though they needed it not, of the reverence and affection in which Page is held throughout the British Empire. * -