t BERDARE, Spectator's Adop-
tion of .. 841-909-947-979 Aesthetic, a Master of .. 815 Agriculture, British, What is Wrong with 768-809 Air Defence.. 234 — Mechanic, Training the .. 261-290 Airship, the New _ 46 America : On Understanding the U.S. 73 — Mr. Hoover's Campaign Speech.. 205 — Governor Smith and Prohibition 257 — and the Anglo-French Com- promise .. 285 — Up-to-date Housing in New York 392 — the Presidential Election .. 512 — the New President — 680-724 — President Coolidge's Speech .. 720 American Proposal, the .. 422 — Ambassador, the 681 Americans, the, and their Navy .. 121 Amorist, the Devout .. .. 237 Anglo-American Relations .. .. 804 Anglo-French Compromise, the 285-388-422-474
BALDWLN, Mr., on Unionist Policy .. 182 Baldwin, Mr., and the League .. 631 Banking, Politics, and the Public .. 476
Berlin, the Birds of .. .. 358 Bibliotheque Nationale, In the .. 984 Black Ice, the .. — 811 Bolivia and Paraguay, the Dispute between .. .. 949 Book Shop, the Dream .. 321 Briand, H., and Germany .. .. 316 Browning as Dramatic Poet and Prophet .. 44 — Mr. E. F. Benson on .. 686 Bunyan, John : I. The Lantern .. .. 759 IL The Light Within .. 806
CANCER, the Conquest of 6-393 Cancer Conference, After the 122 Cancer, Radium and .. 845 Canterbury, Enthronementa at .. 808
Caravans .. 125 Cat, In Praise of the .. .. 395 Cats, Seafaring — 79 Censorship of the Iliad, the 258-391 Chamberlain, Mr„ his Local Govern- ment Bill .. .. 805 — - the Feat of — 978 — Sir A., and the Rhineland 908-946 Children, What should they Read ? 683 Children's Ailments _ 982 China, Great Britain leads the Way 980 Christmas Tree, the . .. 951 Church's" Inalienable Right " 5 Church Crisis, the .. 632 Circus, Horrors of the .. 918 Civilization of the Future : Secular or Christian ? 685 Classical Education .. .. 7 Coal, the Future of .. .. 389 Constable's Country, In 238 Consumptives, a Colony of .. 155 Countryside, Safeguarding the .. 684
nERATING Problem 721-805-978 1../ Dickens and the Spectator .. 820
Dickens in Genoa — 358 Disarmament, Obstructing .. 474 Divorce Law Reform .. 844 Doves, a Flutter of .. .. 427
EAST, the Awakened _ 912 Embankment, Sleeping on the 206
Entente, the, and the War .. 184 Europe : August, 1928.. .. 204 Examinations, the Curse of .. 317
FLOWERS and Bricks .. .. 157 Foliage, Tinted 915 France and Germany .. 318
— and Italy .. .. 843 French Revolution : a Monarchist View .. .. 394 Fruits and their Names .. 480
GARDEN Design Germany, the Youth Move- ment in ..
German Singers in England Great Britain To-day and To-
morrow. .. - — the Alr Potence of HALDANE, Lord Hallow E'en .. Health—the First Wealth .. Heresy Hunting ..
Hermit, On Being a.. .. Hill-top Window, View from a Hoover, Herbert .. Horse Show Week .. Hospitality Houghton, Mr. A. B.
INDIA andthe Commission .. 353 Ireland, Southern, Britain's Diplomatic Representative in 475
672 819 810 154 284 232 571 725 425 762 837 680-724
.. 12265
75 .. 681 Irish Censorship, the .. 391 Italy and France .. .. 843
JUGGERNAUT, the Car of .. 635 KENTISH Mining Village, a .. 614 LABOUR'S Programme .. 40 Lancashire, the Men of .. 356
Landslip, the, near Ventnor .. 391 Liberal Policy .. 510 Libraries and Education .. 355 London Squares.. 424 Lost and Found "'Competition .. 429
MARRIAGE of One Mind, the . 636 Mediterranean Shores, On :
I. The Bazaar at Tunis .. 762 IL The Sphinx .. 846 III. In a Balloon over Byzantium 914 Melancholy, Pale .. 479 Mental Deficiency, the Burden of .. 478 Milk " War," the .. 818 Mine of Wealth, a 205-235 Modern Values .. 950 Mountain, the Moving .. — 515
NAMES that Live on .. 686 New Zealand, Self - Help Farming in .. 287 Nicoll, Sir W. R., Correspondence of 208
Norway, Climbing in .. 207 " OH, to be in England . .."..886 ACE, Mrs., the Trial of .. 42
1. Panther : a Night Attack .. 156 Parliament, the Week in 6-43-75-122-
154-723-759-806-845-912-949 — Some Thoughts on the Session . 183 — the Task of the Session 680 — the Last Session .. 684 — and Prime Ministers as Exhibits 950 Pater, Walter Peace Pact, a Danger to the .. 153 — — the Signing of the .. 256 Peacock Inn, At the .. 261-426 Philosopher's Pastime, a 761 Physics Declares its Independence . 725 Planting for Next Spring .. 288 Potash in the Dead Sea .. 205-235 Prince Imperial, the .. 354 AILWAY Bills, the .. .. 4 I Railways, the Future of the 233 Reading in Bed .. 426 Regents Park, In — 9 Reparations : Dangers to be Avoided 566 Retreat .. .. 322 Rhineland, the Evacuation of the.. 284 — Negotiations, the.. .. .. 352 — Sir A. Chamberlain and the 908-946 Rhodes Trust, Working of the .. 78 Riviera, the, in Summer .. 260 Roads, the Future of .. 722 R.S.P.C.A., Dissensions in the .. 41 Ruskin, John, the Tragedy of .. 570 Russia : the Homeless Children of the U.S.S.R. 48 — Films in Moscow 123 — Great Britain and 842
SAFEGUARDING for Iron and Steel .. 474 Safeguarding, Efficiency versus .. 567
— Figures, Some .. .. 840 Savidge Reports, the .. .. 72 Sea, the Disasters at 756 Seaside Socialism .. 289 Shaw, Mr., and the Traveller .. 983 Shoreditch, Human Sardines of .. 611 Slums, the, of Somers Town .. 286 — the Leprosy of the .. 569
Spa, British, Back to. — 820 Spectator Conference on 'Personal
Problems 430-483-521-575-649- 694-732.766.813.853.918-954-986 — Centenary : Confession of Faith 630 — Literary Pages of the .. 690-729 Stead, W. T. .. 478 Street Offences 911 Stresemann, Herr, the Speech of .. 757 Sunday Morning at the " Peacock " 261
TERRY, yEllen,, 1848-1928 .. 124 To Tolstey'skt6 Wife, Diary of 259 519-578-650-692-730
Tbtallaator, the .. 41 Toysbops, In and Out of the .. 847 Travel, Happening Lucky in -. 184 Tuchuns, On .. 78 Tyrone : the Old House .. .. 515
UNEMPLOYED, Transferring the .. .. 120 Unemployment, Dt. Shadwell on
513-568-633-682 Unionist Fiscal Policy .. 152 — Party Conference, the— . 423
United States--see under " America."
Ur, the King of .. .. 8
VALUES, Modern . 950 VenLselos, M., on the Victories of Peace .. .. 981
UTEATHER, the Hot .. .. 74 Wellington, Lord, Fiction and.. 291
W Iell of ortelines, Case, the .. 258
Western Sea, the Isles of the .. 292
Windmill .. 848
Winds, Great.. .. .. 353 YOUNGER Son, the .. 209
CENTENARY NUMBER. (Spectator, November 3rd, 1928.) Spectator, the Story of the ..
Cicadas, the (Aldous Huxley) .. Strong City, the (Alfred Noyes) .. Hinton' and Wakefield (A. J. Harrop) Townsend, Meredith (C. Townsend) Hutton, R. H. (" C. T")
Strachey, J. St. •Lee (John Strachey) Spectator In the 'Eighties and 'Nineties (C. L. Graves) .. . . Spectator Office, Reminiscences of the (J. B. Atkins) . . Spectator Memories (John Buchan) Literature of the Last Hundred
Years (Arnold Bennett) Eugenics in the Next Fifty Years (Dean Inge) .. England's Green Beauty (John Galsworthy) Lincoln, Abraham (John Drink- water) . • Science in the Coming Century (Sir Oliver Lodge) ..
First Things First (Miss Evelyn Underhill) - • • • • • Applied Physics, a Century of (Sir Alfred Ewing) ..
Education in 1978 (Dr. Cyril Nor- wood) — • - - Oxford and Cambridge, the Future of (Andre Mauro's).
Bethlem (Humbert Wolfe) • • •• O Lyric Love, Half-Angel and Half-Bird " (E. F. Benson) _ Champions of the Past (Bernard Darwin) Metropolitan Improvements of Last 100 Years (Lord Gerald Wellesley) Addle and Lied° (Ian Hay) .. Price Level, Pub c Opinion and the (Sir Josiah Stamp) Philosophy of the Modern State (Senator G. Gentile) Insurance, Economy of (H. Dougherty) Banking, British, 100 Years of (A. W. Kiddy) ..
Scott, Sir W., and the Spectator (E. V. Lucas) ..
Regional Mentalities (Miss Rose Macaulay)
Faraday's Diary *(Sir *Main Bra) .. . • • Dickensgg, Popularity of • (G. K.
Chesterton) .. Reviewing, a Cycle of (Miss Edith Wharton) ..
Spectator, the Literary Pages of
THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS. American Peace Proposals and British Reply .. 13 Outlawry of War : the Kellogg Treaties .. 49 How the Covenant became what it is 81-522 Federation of League of Nations Societies 128 Background of Kellogg Proposal .. 159 New Weapons against Drug Traf- fickers .. 218 Geneva and the Kellogg Pact .. 239 Geneva's September Effervescence . 294 Large and Small Problems at Geneva 325 True and False Economy at Geneva 360 Survey of the Assembly 396 Congress of Popular Art at Prague. 432 Place of Dominions at Geneva .. 484 Psychology of Peace, the ....578 Sir Eric Drummond on the League. 630 Finance of the League, the.. .. 695 Reparations, the League and .. 767 Disarmament—the Next Step ? .. 814 Why the United States Senate Holds Key to Peace .. 919 Council's Migration to Lugano .. 955 POETRY.
Airman, Two Poems of an Gordon Stewart) ..
Bank, the (Humbert Wolfe) Bats (" A. R. U.") .. 1 8 9 10 10 13 14 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 Blue Wind of the Yangtse Valley (Randall Maciaren) .. 085 Cattle, the (Katharine Tynan) .. 432 Civil Servant, the (Humbert Wolfe) 812 Complaint of Time cA. E. Coppard) 192 Cottage Musk (" Q:) .. 482 Courts of Justice (Humbert Wolfe). 767 Cow, the (Jocelyn C. Lea) .. 19 Dahlias (D. M. Holland) 812 Dancing Ledges, Dorset(" D.M.H.") 134 Dead Leaves (E. Temple Thurston). 518 Dryads (Barbara Euphan Todd) .. 581 Ears (D. H. Holland) .. 402 Epitaphs (Ruth Ainsworth) .. 127 Fountain Concealed, the (Gertrude Bone) . .. 12 Gypsies, the (Kathleen C. Greene).. 54 In Anglesey (" E. E. H.") 80 Indian Summer Night ("A. R. U.") 244 Injunction (A. E. Coppard) .. 192 Lament for Stucco (James Layer) . 366 Larry (Barbara Euphan Todd) .. 381 Love and Friendship (Diana Hunt). 441 Maquillage (James Laver) .. .. 299 On Reading " The Ocean of Story " (Diana Hunt) 701 Pall Mall and Piccadilly (Humbert Wolfe)........787 Pessimists, the (Rosemary Croft) .. 359 Piccadilly Circus (Humbert Wolfe) 851 Piebald, the (Will H. Ogilvie) .. 772 Poet Bewildered, the (J. M. Smith) 861 Porth Caeriad ((Jocelyn C. Lea) .. 218 Protean Love (James Laver) .. 212 Queations at Breakfast (D. H. Holland) ........267 Return to the Orchard, the (Richard )
River, thChurche (Alan Porter) .. 548
St. Cecilia (R. H. Malcolm) .. 961
Scarlet Pimpernels In a Sussex Corn-
field (C. Daimon) .. 48 Spring Returns, the (Rachel E. Crowdy) .. 262 Stallion, the (" J. P.") 926 Strike, the (D. N. Holland) .. 267 Success (Frances R. Angus) .. 298 Three Crows, (" M. N." ..
To Ceres (Cicely the B ) oas) .. 15888
To Winter (A. E. Coppard) .. 582 Wind in My Garden (J. M. Smith).. 920
AU God's Chillen at Gate Theatre Studio.. .. 812 Aren't Women IVontierful I at the
Court.. 288 Critic, the, at the Lyric, Hammer- smith ..
Damsel in Distress at the New .. 288 Diversion at the Little 481 Porturrato at the Court— 837 Fruits of Enlightenment at the Arts Theatre Club .. . 687 Hundred Years Ago at the Lyric, Hammersmith .. — 812 John Gabriel Borkman at the Arts Theatre Club ... 768 Lady from Alfaqueque at the *Court . 687 Many Waters at the Ambassadors.. 186 Master Builder, the, at the Every-
Mr. Pickwick at the Haymarket .. 968 Power of Darkness at the Arts Theatre Club .. 887 Return of the Soldier at the Playhouse 46 Runaways, the, at the Garrick .. 768 She Stoops to Conquer at the Lyric,
Hammersmith .. 238
S .,d Eagle at the New .. 46
• Game, the, at the Globe .. 481
Two Gentlemen of Soho at the Lyric, Hammersmith .. — 687 77 Park Lane at the St. Martin's .. 687
Home-Towners at the Piccadilly
Theatre .. .. 849
La Passion de Jeanne D'Arc . . 764
Shiraz at the Empire Theatre .. 849
Simba at the Palace Theatre .. 323 Singing Fool, the, at the Regal .. 849 Spy, the, at the Marble Arch
Pavilion 323
Trail of '98 at the Tivoli 328 Underground at the Marble Arch
Payllion 849 Vitaphone Programme at the Picca-
dilly Theatre 431 Warning Shadows at the Avenue
Pavilion .. 211 Gramophone Notes .. 211 MUSIC.
(C. Covent Garden Opera .. .. 11
.. 212 Mechanized 3fusic, the Effects of .. 784
985 New Public, the, for Music .. 516 .. 324 Promenade Concerts, the .. .. 210 Promenades, New Works at the .. 293 Schubert .. 727 Three Choirs Festival .. 324 ART.
Alpine Gallery, the .. .. 517 Applied Arts and Handicrafts .. 849 Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. 727 Beaux Arts Gallery .. .. 953 Campden Hill Club, the .. .. 432 College Plate Exhibition at Oxford. 688 Colnaghi, I'. and D., and Co. .. 517 Fine Arts Society, the .. .. 482 Goupli Gallery, the .. .. 517 Lefevre Galleries, the .. .. 518 Leicester Galleries, the .. 517-849 Macpherson Collection, the.. .. 727 New English Art Club .. .. 849 Oil Painters, Royal Institute of .. 688 Pollen, Mr. A. J., Sculpture by .. 48 Pottery .. . .. 849 Water Colours, Royal Society of
Painters in . . . . . . 688
A CRICHTON—Sir T. Urquhart .. .. 464 Adolescents, Religious Development
of—O. Kupky .. 245 Adult Education, the Tutor in .. 715 Aeroplanes, Gentlemen Prefer—
E. F. Spanner .. .. 300 .sop, Twenty-four Fables of .. 821 Affirmations .. .. 247-410 Air, War In the—B. A. Jones .. 343 Alcibiades—E. F. Benson .. 548 Alcohol Problem—A. M. Vernon .. 57 Almost Human—Carita Borderieux 544 All About Me—John Drinkwater .. 332 America of To-day—J. A. Spender.. 739 America's Ambassadors in England —B. Willson 887 American Indian, the—Paul Raclin 964 — Prosperity—Paul M. Mazur .. 456 Angel, Conversation with an—H.
Belloc 654 Animal and H urnan i2onduct—Frof.
Ritter .. 141
— Friendships, My—C. Kearton .. 447 Antiques, Collecting—W. G. Menzies 501 Aphorisms, English, Treasury of—
L. P. Smith .. .. 404 Arabia, Holy Cities of—E. Rutter .. 781
— of the Wahhabis—H. St. J.
Philby 968 Architecture—G. H. Reed .. 112 — Books on 196 — History of—Sir B. Fletcher .. 105 — Ways to New Style of—R. Steiner 142 Arctic, Flying the—Sir H. Wilkins.. 895 Articles de Paris—S. Huddleston 252 Articoles, Island of—M. Maurois .. 491 ART AND CRAFT, Books on 223-965 Art in England, 1800-20—W. T.
Whitley .._ 875 Artists and their Friends, 1'700-99— W. T. Whitley .. 875 Asoka—R. Mookerji .. 332 Assyria, Early History—S. Smith .. 112 Australia, Undiscovered—Sir H.
Wilkins .... 797 Austria, a Wayfarer in—G. E. It.
219 Aviation, Civil, Report on, 1927 .. 250
BACH, J. S.—C. Sanford Terry .. 451 Baghdad and Points East— R. J. Casey .. 781 Balkans, Tribal Origins, &c., of—
M. E. Durham .. 883 Balls and Assemblies—R. B.
Johnson .. 547 Bambi—Felix batten .. 193 Banking Policy, Post War—R. McKenna. .. .. 828 Bartlett, Bob, the Log of .. 605 Bandelaire, Charles — Francois Porche „ B.B.C. Handbook, 1929 . , Beardsley, Aubrey — Haldane Macfail .. 746 Beatrice. the New—Gratia Baldwin 193 Behold These Daniels—B. Maine 31 Bells thro' the Ages—J. R. Nicholls 380 Benesh, Dr.. the War Memoirs of .. 742 Betrayal, the Great—J. Benda .. 706 Bhagavad-Gita—V. G. Relo .. 21 Bible, Cambridge Shorter .. 869 — Commentary—Dr. Irwin .. 464 — English, and its Story—J. Baikie 407 — Readings, Two Minute .. ..1000 Big-game Hunting—Brig.-Gen. Pigot 592 Biology, Modern—J. T. Cunningham 337 Bird Watching, Lure of—E. W.
Bendy 447
— — on Scott Head—E. L. Turner 891 Blake, William—Philippe Soupalt.. 531 Blake's Innocence and Experience—
J. 11. Wicksteed 531 Blue Trousers—Lady Murasaki .. 141 Bolshevism. Challenge of—D. F.
Buxton .. 996 Bonaparte:4, Quarrelsome—R. G.
Anderson .. .. 654 Bonnet and Shawl—Philip Guedalla 497 Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Borderland—D. J. Beattie .. 310 Book Production, Modern .. 554 Bookshop, Oldest London — G.
Smith and F. Benger 821 Bon Vivant's Companion — J.
Thomas .. .. 831 Boy, Open Air—G. M. A. Hewett .. 367 Bridge for Beginners—R. F. Foster 20
Broadsheets. a Book of 712 Brontes, the—Maud Marges.son .. 141 Brovntiugs. the—Osbert Burdett .. 662
Bryan, W. J.—J. C. Long .. 270
141 494 Buck in the Snow—Edna St. V.
Millay 887 Bulls, Blunders and Howlers—W. Jerrold 899 Bunyan Centenary ......595 — Country—C. G. Ramer .. 20 — John—It. Winboult Harding .. 368 — Meeting, Church Book of—Intro. by G. B. Harrison .. 368 Butler, Bp., Satires of—R. Lamar .. 245 Byng, Admiral—Brian Tunstall .. 335
CANCER, Report of International
Conference .. .. 935 Candide—Trans. by Mr. Aldington 702 Capital and Finance in Age of Renaissance—It. Ehrenberg .. 171 Cat, Modern—Georgina S. Gates .. 304 Catherine the Great,Correspondence 165 Catholicism and Christianity—C. J.
Cadoux — 738
Cause, the—Ray Strachey- .. .. 665 Celtic Song Book—A. P. Graves .. 112 Cheiron's Cave—Dorothy Revel .. 246 Children, About-1)r. Estelle Cole.. 380 Chile : My Native Land — A.
Edwards .. . • .. 274 China, Soul of—Richard Wilhelm .. 501 Chinese Revolution—H. 0. Chap-
man . .. 824 — — Kuomintang and Future of—
T. C. Woo 491 Chosen Four—J. T. Tussaud .. 999 Christ and Society—Charles Gore .. 58 Christ's Hospital—W. M. D. La Touche . 171 Christianity, Paganism in — A.
Weigall 24 Christian IV.—John A. Gads .. 367 Christmas Book—I). B. W. Lewis, &c. . 605 Church and State, Authority hi- p. S. Belasco .. 932
— Fathers of the—F. A. Wright .. 790 — Men and Movements in the—
F. A. Iremonger .. 333 — of Christ, Building of—Dr.
Headlam 455 Cibber, Colley—Dorothy Senior .. 22 Civilization, British, History of—
E. Wingfield-Stratford .. 491 — Pageant of—F. B. Warren .. 343 Clavijo : Embassy to Tamerlane 248 Clergy Overseas, Voluntary—R. Allen. . .. 300 Coal and its Co¢filnts—J. R. Ray 194 Coalmining—J. R. Bellerby .. 194 — Wages and Hours in .. .. 105 Collector, Incurable, Confessions of —D. Coke ... _ .. 464 Colonies and their 'Friends—E. V.
Lucas .. .. 537 Coming Country—Sir F. Young- husband ... 993 Comment from the 'Country—S. L.
Bensusan 999 Comte, Auguste—Miss Jane Style.. 332 Conrad, J., Last Twelve Years—
R. Curie.. .. 374 — Letters from—E. Garnett. 23 Constitutional Conflicts, English, of 17th Century—J. R. Tanner .. 199 Coriolanus—Ed. by H. Furness, jun. 20 Cortes, Hernando, Letters of .. 927 Cowper, William—l'Anson Faussett 993 Craftsmanship and Science—Sir W.
Bragg • • • • .. 367 Curzon, Lord—Earl of Ronaldshay 404 TNACIA—Prof. Vaslle Parvan .. 268 1./ Daisy, Duchess of Pless .. 598 Darnley's Skull—Karl Pearson .. 303 Darwinism—Sir Arthur Keith .. 367 Davis, Jefferson, Wife of—E.
Rowland .. .. 63 Deccan, Sport and Wild Life in- Brig.-Gen. R. G. Burton .. .. 408 Dedications, Romance of—C. Brown 993 Defoe's Tour of England and Wales 533 De Qulncey, Ecstasies of—T. Burke 410 Desert Winds--" Hain " .. 654 Dialogues and Monologues—H. Wolfe .. .. 336 Dickens—Ralph Straus .. 333 — This Side Idolatry—" Ephesian " 333 — Memories of—Sir H. Dickens .. 702
Dining, Art of—T. Walker .. .. 464
Dinners—A. H. Adair .. 367 Diogenes—C. E. M. Joad .. 380 Diplomatist In East—Sir A.
Hardinge .. 602 Disarmament—Dr. F. W. Norwood 171 Disraeli, Mary Anne—J. Sykes .. 332 Dr. Dolittle's Garden—Mr. Lofting 193 Dogs, a Dozen or So—P. Chalmers and C. Aldin 831 — Five—Sir T. Eden .. 605 Doatoyevsky's Wife, Diary of .. 823 Doughty, Chas. M.—D. G. Hogarth 892 Douglas, Sylvester, Diaries of .. 115 Durham, Victoria History of .. 502
EAST, Creative—J. W. T. Mason 21 Eastern Churches and Papacy —H. Scott .. 606 East Yorks Regiment in Great War
—Capt. Wyrall .. 934 Edward VII., Tragedy of—W. H.
Edwards .. .. 455 Egypt, Great Britain In—E. P.
Newman .. 136 Electricity Modern Conceptions of —Dr. Gibson .. 558 Elizabeth and Essex—Lytton Strachey .. 777 Ellzabeths, Royal—Miss T. Cook .. 749 Elizabethan Journal — G. B.
Harrison 791 Ellis, Havelock—Houston Peterson 458 Empire and Army—Sir J. Fortescue 738
— Government—M. Nathan .. 109 — the, in the New Era—L. S. Amery 596 Empress Frederick, Letters of .. 598 Empress of Russia, Life and Tragedy of—S. Buxhoevenden .. 740 Empress, the Tragic—IL Paleologue 821 Engines—Prof. Andrade . 367 England and the Octopus—C. Williams-Ellis .. 107 Eos—Sir J. H. Jeans .. 447 Essays, Collected—Robert Bridges 252 Ethical Love—E. W. Hirst .. 746 Ethiopia—Sir E. A. Wallis Budge .. 194 Eton and Elsewhere-31. D. Hill .. 745 — Bygone—Henry Salt .. 410 Eugenics—Leonard Darwin .. 702 Eumorfopoulos Collection Catalogue 245 Europe—Count H. Keyserling .. 301 — and Balkans, Through—A. D. Allen .. 892 — Invasion of, by Barbarians—Prof. Bury .. 55 Eutychus--Miss W. Holtby .. 881
FARINGTON Diary, Vol. VIII... 887 Farming—Edward C. Ash .. 993 Farming, British, Danish View of—
Mr. Lange . 268 Father, On being a—E. and K.
Walker .969
. _ Film Business, This—R. P. Messel 543
Films, Future of—E. Betts .. .. 543 Floods and Droughts, British—
C. E. P. Brooks and J. Glasspoole 930 Florentine Painters, Dictionary of —Sir D. Colnaghi .. 367 Folklore of British Isles—E. Hall .. 141 Foreign Legion, With the, in Syria
—J. Harvey .. 305 Forerunner, the Great—J. S. Hoyland .. 245 Fox, Chas. James—J. Beni-Crater. 457 Fox-hunting Anthology—E. D.
Coming _ 797 — Man, Memoirs of—S. Sassoon .. 449 — Recollections—J. S. Reeve .. 971 Fra Angelico—Wilhelm Hausenstein 491 France (Anatole) Abroad—J. J. Brousson — 245 — — the Parisian—H. L. Stewart 537 France, Religious Thought in—H. Bremond .. 963 — the Road Maxwell .. 219 — South, Off Track in—R. Elston .. 895 Franciscan Mysticism—Boniface Maes
Free Trade, Political Economy of—
J. 31. Robertson .. 171 Fremont—Alan Nev ins _ .. 135 Frobisher, Sir Martin—W. McFee .. 498 From Day to Day—Lord Sandhurst 789 Frontier, Last Years of a—D. L. W. Tough .. 168 EBER, the Works of .. — 738 LT Geneva, 1928—H. Wilson Harris . 821 Gentlemen Unafraid — B. Willoughby 964
George Sand—Marie J. Ho've. e 59 Germany, Republican—H. Quigley
and R. T. Clark .. .. 456 German Diplomatic Documents .. 703 — Incunabula in British Museum—S.
Morison.... . 971 GIFT-BOOKS .. 861-63-65-67 ; 967
Oita, Essays on the—S. A. Chose .. 968 Gladstone :4 after 30 Years—
Viscount Gladstone — .. 928 — and Palmerston—P. Guedalla .. 549 God and Politics—" Augur " .. 63 Goethe—Emil Ludwig 369 — and Faust—F. M. Stilwell and G. L. Dickinson .. .. 993 Goldsmith, 0., Letters of - Katherine Balderston .. 558 Gorilla—Ben Burbridge 493
Gospel and Law—Sir E. A. Parry 706 Great Britain from Adam Smith—
Prof. Fay 135 Greece in Bronze Age—H. It. Hall.. 106 — Mission of—It. W. Livingstone.. 544 Ground, Joy of the—Marion Cran .. 141 Grub Street, Glory that was—St. J. Adcock . . 712 Gurkhas—W. B. Northey and C. J. Morris 373
TTAIG, Lord—Sir George Arthur 138 Hardy, Thomas, Early Lfe of —Florence Emily Hardy 657 Heading for the Abyss—Prince
Lichnowsky 138 Health Services—Stella Churchill .. 220 Healy, Tim, Reminiscences of .. 888 Hearst, William IL-4T. K. Winkler 865 Heraclitus—Ernest Betts .. .. 543 Hill, Octavia, Letters of .. 871 History, Do You Know Your ?- Canon Hannay .. .. 380 History Series, the Junior 996 Hitopadesa—Mr. Barnett .. .. 654 Homo—J. Leslie Mitchell .. 20 Horses, My—" Nimrod " .. 792 Houdinb—Harold Kellock . 702 House, Col., Intimate Papers .. 657
House of Life—Ed. by P. Y. Baum 441 Housing of the Poor—T. Speake .. 220
Howlers—H. Cecil Hunt .. 245 How You Began—Mrs. Williams- Ellis .484 Hugel, Baron von, Letters of—G.
Greene .. 822 — — Readings from .. .. 822 Human Nature—Dr. Adler _ 112 Hunting Field, Humour in—G. D.
Armour .. .. 934 Hunt's (Leigh) " Examiner" Examined—B. Blunden _ 130 Husband, Art of Making a Perfect .. 407 Hyperborea—Norman Lindsay . 142 Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis—B. Hollander .. .. 219
IDEAS and Ideals—H. Rashdall.. 137 Illusion, Future of an—S. Freud 197 INDIA, BOOKS ON
302-501-712-929-997-999 Industrial Revolution, New—W. 3Ieakin .. • • .. 548 International Affairs, 1926—Prof. Toynbee .. • • .. 702 Ireland, a Catspaw — Miss E. Lazenby .. 165 Irish Bogs—J. W. Seigne .. 554 Irish Free State, 1922-27—D. Gwynn 58 Italy, Motoring in—Mr. Gordon- Barrett .. . .. 219
— the Book in, during 15th-18t 199 Centuries
T ACOBITES of '45—A. and H. J Tayler .. 405 Jesuit Enigma—E. B. Barrett .. 999 Jipping Street—Miss K. Woodward 367 John Rylands Library Bulletin Reprints .. .. 502 Johnson, Dr.—Christopher Hollis.. 449 — — Aspects of—Mr. Roscoe .. 219 Jones, Inigo—J. A. Gotch 927 Jordan, Both Sides of—Miss Rowan-
Hamilton .. .. 712 Journalists, Work and Life of .. 934 Judaism and the Modern Mind—
M. H. Farbridge .. 56
KING CHARLES I., Trial of— .11, J. G. Muddiman 368 King, G. A.—Archdeacon Buckland 934 Kirby Underdale—W. R. Shepherd 245 Knife, the Learned—L. Hyde .. 455 LABRADOR Looks at the Orient —Sir W. Grenfell .. 702 Laisser Faire, a Return to—E. J. P.
Benn .. 550 Language, an International—Dr. Yespersen .. 464 Lansbury, Mr., his Life .. .. 553 Last Changes, Last Chances—H. W. Nevinson 999 Laughter, Springs of—Mr. Kimmins 55 League of Nations from Year to Year .. _ 605 — — Origin, &c.—C. Howard-Ellis 888 — — Some Books on the .. .. 338 Leather, Handful of—W. H. Ogilvie and L. Edwards .. .. 410 Lecture Records .. 827 Letters, Art of—R. Lynd 332 — English—Miss D'Oyley 343 — Profession of—A. S. Collins .. 927 — Selected—V. H. Collins .. .. 245 Life, Meaning of, as Shown in Evolution—C. E. M. Joad — 927 Lincoln's Inn Old Hall—Sir J. W.
Simpson 887 Linings of Life—W. aurga Lady Paget .. .. 547 Lions and Lambs—Mr. Low .. 455 Literature, English—Prof. Elton .. 831 Litigants, the—W. R. Dunstan _ 268 Liturgy, Revision of—G. F. Pollard 271 Liverpool Regiment—E. Wyrall .. 171 London, Old, Mermaid and Mitre Taverns in—K. Rogers .. 135 London Statues—O. Sitwell .. 965 Londonderry and the London Com- panies . . 310 Long Forgotten Days—Ethel Richardson .. 932 Lott, Pierre, Works of — . 332 Lotus and Pyramid—Mrs. C. Sitwell .. 962 Love Affair, Technique of the . 595 Luther and Reformation — J.
Mackinnon .. .. 63 l‘jr ACHIAVELLI, Nicolo — G.
Prezzolini .. 455 Madonna, the—Sir J. Marchant .. 595 Magic to Science—C. Singer .. 166 Major to Minor—Major Dawson ..1000 Malleus Maleficarum—Tr. by M.
Summers .. 222 Man and his Becoming—R. Guenon 21 — Beginnings of—E. 0. James .. 219 — Impotence of—Charles Richet .. 601 Mansfield, Katherine, Letters of .. 597 Max of Baden, Prince, Memoirs of .. 370 Mecca, Westward to—Sirdar Ikbal All Shah .. — 547 Medico, Wanderings of a—Dr.
Bogle .. 654 Memories and Refiections--Lari Oxford — .. 301 — of Three Reigns—Lady Raglan 789 Methodism—Dr. W. B. Brash .. 20 Mexico, Red—Capt. McCullagh .. 380 Military Operations, France and Belgium, 1915—Sir J. Edmonds.. 712 d;;.' 810755 MIMIB68:orFsties°16,' Pro—Etnkgiclits1.oh."n I.•
Mirrors of the Holy—Lucy Menzies 703 3fishi the Man-Eater—S. Baker . 892 Missionary Council, International, Report of Jerusalem Meeting of.. 775 Mr. Punch's County Songs—B-
Money Game, the—N. Angell .. 761 Money, Plain Man and—A. S. Wade 219 Montrose—John Buchan — .. 405 Moon, Romance of—Miss Proctor .. 899 Morals, Science of—L. Roth . 20 Morocco, Magic of—Mrs. E. Elsner 892 Moses, Life of—Edmond Fleg 380 Moslem Mentality—L. Lavonilan .. 56
Mozart, Letters of .. 451 MurMsn.alf Tenttife—Gen. Maynard 547 Musician at Large—Harvey Grace.. 797
Mussolini's Autobiography .. . 895 Mystery Ships, My—Rear-Aim!.
G. Campbell .. .. 541 VA RCOTIC Problem—C. K. Crane 464 J Naturalism and Religion—
Prof. Otto .. .. 193 Nature in Age of Louis XIV.—Miss P. Crump .. .. 343 Naval Operations—Sir H. Newbolt 790 Nepal—Perceval Landon .. .. 373 Newcomen Society : Transactions.. 165 :Noah's Cargo—G. Jennison .. 993 372
Denny(1OOTYIFS—R. T. Gould
406 Old Testament Essays—R. H.
Kennett. . 271 Oriental Art—MM. -Koecilin and Migeod877
Orlando—Mrs. Woolf .. 547 Ovidius Naso, Heroycall Epistles of —G. Turberville . 105 Oxfordshire Church Plate—J. T.
Evans .. .. 55 1/ACT Business, This—W. H. 1_ Edwards . . 793 Page, W. W., Earlier lie and Letters—B. J. Hendrick .. 492 Palestine. Mandate for — J.
Stoyanovsky .. 547 Paris, Introducing—E. V. Lucas .. 268 Paris. Matthew, Four Maps of Great Britain by .. 310 Peace. Way of—Viscount Cecil .. 827 Pentateuch—Rev. W. T. Pilter .. 491 Pepys, Samuel—Arthur Ponsonby 539 Persian Navigation—Nadi Hasan 786 — Skies, ruder—H. Norden .. 781 Petty-Southwell Correspondence .. 777 Photographic Art Secrets—Dr. Notting .. .. 310 Philosophy and Social Problem—W.
Durant .. 445 Physical World, Nature of the—
A. S. Eddington .. 963 Physiologues—Bishop Theobald .. 219 Plant Life—Dr. F. E. Weiss .. 712 — Study Pioneers—E. Hawks .. 166 Plants, Motor Mechanism of—Sir J. C. Bose .. 994 Plays, Three—Lady Gregory .. 20 Poetic Diction—Mr. Barfield .. 142 POETRY, BOOKS OF : 168-195-371- 403-535-606-712-783-789-873-999 Policing Top of World—H. P. Lee .. 20 Political Memoirs—Prince Nicholas of Greece .. _ _ 821 Pollard. Sam, of China—W. Pollard 464 Polynesians, Myths and Legends of
—J. C. Andersen. 166 Pooh Corner, House at—A.-A. Milne 654 Porcelain, Bristol—F. HurIbutt .. 875 Posters and Publicity—F. A. Mercer 558 Prayer and Intelligence—J. and R.
Maritain .. 220 Prayer Book, Someliews on the . 554 Prefaces and IffRoductions—A.
France .. 537 Press, Struggle for Freedom of— W. H. Wickwar _ 779 Prices, History of—Tooke and Newmarch. 558 Primitive, '•Soul " of the—M-. Ikk-y-Bruhl
Printing, Modern, Design in—.11. Thorip Privy Council—Sir A. Fitzroy .738 Prophets, True and False-0.
Garrison .. . 139 Prose, English, Treasury of—L. P.
Smith — • • .. 404 Prose Style, English—H. lead — 108 Psalter : Liturgical Study—C. C.
Keet 271 Psycho-Analysis—R. Urbantschitsch 55 Psychology, Analytical—Dr. Jung.. 999 Punch and Judy—C. H. Grandgent 962
Purcell—Mr. Arundel .. 32
RQQUANTUM, the—Stanley Allen.. 300 Queen Elizabeth—V. von Kiarwill .. 21 ABI'A the Mystic—Margaret Smith. .. 995 Rall Transport, Economics of—
C. E. R. Sherrington .. .. 739 Railways—Sir J. Stamp and W.
Wood .. . .. 606 Raleigh, Sir W., Selection from Letters of .. .. 491 Rasputin—Rene Ffilop-Miller .. 373 Reality, Experience of—E. Holmes 962 Reconsiderations—E. E. Kellett .. 112 Recreation, Gentleman's—N. Cox.. 371 Reformation, the—Hilaire Belloc . 410 Religions Fanaticism — Mrs. R.
Strachey .. .. 831 Reminiscences—Col. R. E. Crompton 32 Retrospect—Abel Chapman .. 115 Revolution and Empire, Recollec- tions of—Marquise de la Tour Du Pin .. — .. 367 Richardson—Brian W. Downs .. 741 — Familiar Letters of _ .. 741 Road. Great Winding-0. Pike .. 999 Roamin' in the Gloamilf—Sir H.
Lander. .. 336 Robin Hood—J. C. 'Squire, &c. .. 171 Rolle, Richard—Frances Comper _ 995 Roman Empire, Early, Freedmen in —R. H. Barrow .. ..1000 Room, the Enormous—E. E. Cummings .139 Roosevelt (Theodore), Diaries of, Boyhood and Youth .. .. 702 Rossetti—Hall Caine 441 — D. G.—R. L. Megroz 746
Rothschild, Reign of House of—
Count Corti . 873 Hover I would be—l. V. Lucas .. 300 Royal Mile, the—R. T. Skinner .. 268 Ruben, Sir Peter-Paul—A. Bertram 272 Ruskin, John, Tragedy of—Amabel IVIMams-Ellis .. 661
Russia Life under the Soviets—
A. Wicksteed 996 — the New Party in—M. 1Lalevitsch 274 — the Real Situation in—L. Trotsky 965 — When Lovers Ruled—M. Poliakoff 831 Russian Mining Industry, Workers' Control in—J. Strachey .. .. 194 LI AILING Ships, Famous—R. C.
L) McKay 746 Saint Francis—S. van Santvoord .. 595 S. Francois de Sales—E. K. Sanders 106 Salvaged Trifles—Stanley Salvidge 547 Sara's Seven Husbands—R. B. Ince 934 Sceptical Essays—Bertrand Russell 445 Science, Bases of—J. W. N. Sullivan 702 Scotland, Royal Bank of—N. Munro 95 Scotland's Royal Line—G. R.
Francis .. .. 662 Scripture, a New Commentary on .. 869 Seaforth Highlanders, 4th Bata.— Lieut.-Col. .Haldane 55 Sea Paintings, Old—H. Chatterton 746 Sel Shonagon, Pillow-Book of—A.
Waley 999 Shakespeare in 18th Century—Prof.
Nichol Smith .. .. 219 — Principle¢ of Emendation in— NV. W. Greg .. .. 343 Shakespeare's ])ay, England in—
G. B. Harrison.. .. .. 303 — Workshop—W. J. Lawrence .. 165 Sharp, Granville, and Freedom of Slaves—E. C. P. Lascelles .. 300 Shelley—Leigh Hunt . Records and Letters .. 136 Siberian Days—A. Noble _ .. 892 Sibyls and Seers—Edwyn Bevan .. 501 Silver, Old—E. A. Jones .. 877 Ski-ing, Art of—Mr. Dahinden .. 971 Sky, Out of a Clear—E. V. Lucas .. 300 Slaves of the Sun—F. Ossendowski 712 Socialism, Survey of—Prof.
Hearnshaw Soldiers, Six British—Sir J. Fortescue 59 Soldiers' Tales .. 451 Song, Wings of—Signora Caruso .. 310 Sons of Sins, Splendid—Dr.
Rappoport South Africa, Pilgrim's Way Fairbridge. 902 --
Spenser in Ireland-Miss Henley .. 55 Spinoza, Philosophy of—R. McKeon 968
Staden, Hans : his Captivity .. 877 Star-Spangled Manner—Beverley
Nichols .. .. 497 Statesmen of the War—W. Martin.. 81 fie.—R.Station, the : Athos, &c.—*.
Byron..27 Steamships of 19th -Century—Capt.
H. Parker and F. C. Bowen .. 249 Storyteller's Holiday—George Moore 869 Strange Necessity, the—Rebecca West .. .. 193 Swift, Selections from .. .. 310 Swinburne, la Jeunesse de—G. Lafourcade Sword of State, the—Susan Buchan 334
T4V ERNS, British—Lord Askalth 895 Teeth, Folk Lore of—L. Kenner .. 300 Theology, Philosophical—F. R.
Tennant . . .. 140 Three Gifts—Sir F. llwettenhain .. 491 Tibet, People of—Sir Charles Bell . - 789 Tiger and other Game—Col. A.
Stewart408 Timber : Report of Imperial Econo- mic Committee .. . 712 Tolstoy's Wife, Diary of—A. Werth 791 Towers, etc., of S. Europe—Mr.
Wyndham .. .. 165 Tramp's Anthology — Stephen
Graham .. .. 749 Tramps of a Scamp—E. Michael.. 55 Transplanting : Letters of Marie
Balascheff . 108 Travel and Sport—Major Stewart .. 63 Travels in Tartary, &c.—Huc and
Gabet. .. 31 Celebrated—GeorgeTrials, Celebted—Creorge -Borrow 107
— More Famous—Lord Birkenhead 654 Tropic Seas, Beneath—Wm. Beebe 705 Turkestan, Chinese, Burled Treasures of—A. von Le Coq .. 502 — Desert Road to—O. Lattimore .. 887 Turkey To-day—Grace Ellison .. 704 Turkish Ordeal—Halide Hanum _ 704 Turner, J. M. W.—G. S. Sandilands 875 Tuscany, Famous Corner of—Mrs.
Whipple .. 789 Tutankhamen—G. R. Tabouis .. 252 Twelve Days—V. Sackville-West .. 781
1...) —R. H. Edwards, &c. 785 Under the Yew—B. Nicholls .. 135 Undertones of War—E. Blunden .. 822 Unfittest, Survival of the—C. W.
Armstrong .. 998 United States Constitution—G. G.
Bacon .. • - .. 221 Universe, Exploring the—H. Ward 447 Unknown Quantity—G. Murray .. 887 Unspeakable, Guests of the—
Col. T. White .. .. 501
VAMPIRE, the — Montague Summers .. .. 929 Venetian History, Crises In—Mrs.
L. Ragg .. 332 Ventures and Voyages — K.
Chatterton .. 105 Victorians, Famous—Stephen Cole- ridge • • .. 558 Vision of God—Cardinal Nicholas .• 491
WALSH, W. J., Archbishop of Dublin—P. J. Walsh .. 789 Wanderer's Way, a—Canon Raven 605 Wan; British Documents on Origins
of .. .. 248-931 War, Renunciation of .1. W.
Wheeler-Bennett 793 Webb, Mary, Works of .. 219
Well of St. Clare—Anatole France.. 537 Wesley's Legacy to the World—
J. E. Rattenbury .. 300 Wessex from the Air—O. Crawford and A. Keller .. 167 West Country Sketch Book—E.
Philipotts 505 West Kirby and Hilbie—J. Brown- hill .. 268 What am I ?—Prof. Spaulding .. 55 Where are the Dead' .. 332 White, Gilbert—Walter Johnson .. 797 Wilkins, Peter, Life and Adventures
of—R. Paltock .. 547 Windjammers, Last of—B. Lubbock 994 Winter Words—Thomas Hardy .. 441 Work, Sport and Play—W. H. Todd 892 World's Future, Shadow of—Sir G.
Handley .. 792
YORK. Duchess of —Lady Cynthia Asquith .. .. 334 Young, flow to Keep—E. Wooton .. 31 — Why Not Grow ?-1I. W. Service 137 FICTION.
ACID—Sir H. 'filbert Terry .. 309 Action—C. E. Montague .. 602 Actor, the—Horace A. Vachell .. 896
All Abroad—H. W. Foxall .. 669 Another Country—H. de Coudray . 112 Apple Disdained—R. F. Mottram 907
Apple Sauce—Ina Michael 998 As Far as Jane's Grandmother's—
Edith Olivier 967
DAD Girl—Vifia Delmar .. 463
1 / Beau Ideal—P. C. Wren .. 109 Belinda—Hilaire Belloc .. 933 Bells of Shoreditch—E. Sidgwick .. 794 Barrington—Sir Edward Parry .. 224 Bishop's Wife—Robert Nathan .. 745
Black Rent—Harold Begbie .. 712 Black Sleeves—Mrs.-C. N. WIlliam- son
at Evening—R. Hartley .. 112 Boy Prophet—Edmond Fleg 60
Broken Cup—E. 0. Browne .. 340
Brood of Ducklings—F. Swinnerton 408 Bureaucrats—Georges Courteline .. 273 But Soft, We are Observed—H.
Belloc .. 459
GAGLIOSTRO—J. von Guenther 602 Case with Nine Solutions—
J. J. Connington .. 463 Charlotte LOwenskOld—S. Lagerlof 140 Children, the—Edith Wharton .. 306 Children in Wood—N. Royde-Smith 28 Children of Peace—Barbara Golden 409 Chimneys of Tattleton—L. Pllking- ton.. .. 896 Circus Parade—Jim Tully .. .. 899 Closed Garden—Julian Green .. 459 Cluny Problem—A. Fielding .. 828
Colombo Baby—Peter Kinsey .. 933 Come by Chance—Mrs. A. Sidgwick 558 Comfortless Memory — M. Baring 140 Coming of the Lord—S. G. AIMIn .. 376 Common Clay—H. H. Tiltman. 558 Cressida : No Mystery—Mrs. B.
Lowndes. .. 141 Crouching least—V. *Williams .. 669 DARK Freight—Vere Hutchin-
son — .. 557 Day's End—H. E. Bates 60 Death in Venice—T. Mann.. .. 666 Deep-sea Bubbles—H. H. Bootes 82S Destiny Bay—Donn Byrne.. .. 338 Dewdrops—Margaret Kennedy .. 602 Dewpond, the—T. F. Powys .. 967 Dogsbody—Donald Sinderby .. 711 Dreadful Dragon of Hay MU- M. Beerbohm . 828 Drums of Fate—A. E. Southon .. 460 'LIABLE to Bed—Wood Kahler 109 Earthquake—H. W. Kinney 745 Eddy and Edouard—Baroness von Hutten 60 Egg Pandervll—G. Bullett .. 338 Emperor Falls in Love—O. Aubry .. 998 Empress of Hearts—E. Barrington. 605 LIAR Enough—Helen Ashton .. 171 1' Female of the Species- " Sapper " .. 170 Fire Down Below—M. Irwin .. 666 Flying Kestrel—Capt. Dingle .. 28 Following Feet—Norman Venner .. 140 For What Land ?—Ardern Beaman 60 Funny Bone—Lady C. Asquith .. 463
GALLIMAUFRY-H. R. Wake- field Garden of Peace—M. Forrester .. General's Ring—S. Lagerltd
" Genius," the—Theodore Dreiser.. Get Along Alone—L. W. Vedrenne Golden Roof—Marjorie Bowen .. Grierson Mystery—Lloyd Osbourn Gyfford of Weare—J. Farnol Gypsy, the—W. B. Trites
HAMMER of Doom—F. Everton 746 Hand and Dagger—F. F. Moore .. 746 Hasty Marriage—Grant Richards . 274 Havering Plot—Richard Keverne . 250 Hell and Duchess—C. A. Nicholson 376 Her Knight Comes Riding—J. V. A.
Weaver .. .. 199 Here Comes the Lady—M. T. Shiel. 459 Hinge of Heaven—S. Cockrell .. 745 His Elizabeth—Elswyth Thane .. 31 463 463 933 557 745 669 112 463 376 Humdrum—Harold Acton . .. 745 Humours Unreconciled—S. Vines . 899
D. H. and M. Cole .. 745 In the Beginning—N. Douglas .. 338 In These Days—R. Burner .. 409 Invader, the—Hilda Vaughan .. 250 j ADE'S Progress—J. S. Clouston 501 e/ Java-Java—Byron Steel .. 199 Jehovah's Day—Mary Borden .. 666 Joris of the Rock—L. Barringer .. 459 Joseph and Brethren—H. W. Free- man .. 557 Joshua's Vision—W. J. Locke .. 340 Judas Tree—A. St. J. Adcock .. 340 .Ridgment Day—Norman Davey .. 28 1,,"" A LEIDOSCOP E— Eleanor Far-
11_ jeon .. 896 LADDER of Folly—Muriel Hine 93:3 Laslett Affair — " Gentleman with a Duster "....309 Last- of Strangers—E. H. L. Watson 170 Lay Confessor—Stephen Graham .. 745 Leave Me with a Smile—E. W.
Springs .. .. 379 Legend of Tyl Ulenspiegel—C. de Coster .. 273 Lest Ye Die—Cicely Hamilton .. 60 Little Less than Gods—F. M. Ford. 896 Lively Peggy—Stanley Weyman 224 Lord Peter Views Body—D. Sayers 896 Lost Fight—H. B. Prescott .. 109 Love Nest—Ring lardner .. 340 Lover, the—Naomi Royde-Smith.. 498 Lovers of Market. Place—R. Dehan. 899 Love's Creation—Marie Carmichael. 112
AirAKES fl I FT— Dot Allen .. 460
111 Man Disposes—F. Holloender 379 Man who Missed 'Bus—S. Benson.. 967 Masqueraders—Georgette Heyer .. 273 Matriarch, the—C. Lloyd-Jones .. 250 Mayor, the—U. Bickerstaff.. .. 309 Mirgorod—Nicolay (Jogai .. 828 Mirror for Witches—E. Forbes .. 409 Mr. Amberthwaite—L. Marlow .. 379 Mr. Blettsworthy—H. G. Wells .. 269 Money for Nothing—P. G. Wode- house .. .. 198 Monsieur Faux-Pas—R. and D.
Lambert .. 170 My Brother Jonathan—F. Brett Young _ .. 498 13JEAME of Kent—F. Dilnot .. 379 1.1 Nero—Desider Kostolanyi .. 379 New Temple—Johan Bojer .. 711 Nor Many Waters—Alec Waugh .. 224 No Road—Philip Gribble 408 d'ALD and the Young—L. Phan- / dello .. 879 Old Dovecote—David Garnett .. 967 Old Expedient—Pansy Pakenhani . 558 Old Pybus—Warwick Deeping .. 379 Out of Drawing—M. Lyle .. 669 T/ASSENGERS—Guy Rawlence 170 1 Pathway, the — Henry
Williamson.. 666 Perishable Goods—Dornford* Yates. 1913 Phantom Passenger—M. Scott .. 224 Point Counter Point—A. Huxley — 498
Poor Women !—Norah Hoult .. 199 Portrait of a Spy E. T. Thurston.* 933 Portrait of Misses Harlowe-31.
Armstrong Promised Land—Sir G. Parker .. 340 Proximity—J. A. T. Lloyd.. .. 711 Puff Paste—Mrs. H. Dudeney .. 463 Put Asunder—Mrs. W. L. George . 110
QUIET Cities—J. Hergesheimer 409
RAMPANT Age—R. S. Carr .. 309 111, Robber Band — L. Frank.. 794 Roofs Off—Rlchmal Crompton .. 463
Rose the Dancer—W. Carter .. 746 Ruuagates Club—John Buchan .. 60 SADDLE and Steel—Lord Dun- alley .. 933 St. Christopher's Day-317 Arm- strong .. 338 Salad Days—Theodora Benson .. 558
Secret Trail—A. Armstrong .. 250 Sergeant Grischa—Arnold Zweig .. 794 Shadow of Abdul—H. K. Gordon . 797 Shadow of Guy Denver — S.
McKenna .. .. 109 Shattered Harp—H. Gordon-Page . 933 Short Stories of 1928, Best .. 498 — — American 828 Silver Circus—A. E. Coppard .. 498 Sliver Thorn—Hugh Walpole .. 557 Six Months to Live—C. Herbert .. 711 Spacious Adventures of Man In Street—E. O'Dutfy .. 794 Spider Boy—C. Van Vechten .. 250 Strange Fruit—Phyllis Bottoms .. 171 Strangers—Dorothy Van Doren .. 170 Sun Hawk—Robert W. Chambers . 109 Swan Song—John Galsworthy .. 56 Sword of Wood—G. K. Chesterton. 967
TARZAN, Lord of the Jungle— E. B. Burroughes .. 605 Ten Years Ago—lt. H. Mottram .. 711 This Delicate Creature — Con
O'Leary .. 170 Three Passions—Cosmo Hamilton . 408 Tiny Seed of Love—S. Salt .. 745 Titan, the—Theodore Dreiser 28 Transgressor, the—A. Richardson 557 Triumph of Youth—J. Wasserman. 306
Krassnoff 998 Unmarried Life-John North .. 745
VANITY under the Sun-D.
Collins .. 463 Vasco-Marc Chadoume 60 Vengeful Gods-Gertrude Atherton 797 Vicar's Daughter-E. H. Young .. 376
WALLS of Jericho-R. Fisher . 252 Watcher in Wood-M. G.
Kiddy .. 797 Way of Sacrifice-F. von 'Unruh .. 60 Wedding Morn-S. Kaye-Smith .. 967 We Forget because We Must- W. B. Maxwell 109 We Sing Diana-W. F. Neff .. 273 What is Love ?-E. M. Delafleld .. 711 When West was West-O. Winter.. 31 Winter Sonata-Dorothy Edwards. 666 Writing Aloud-J. D. Beresford .. 711
YELLOW Pigeon-C. Haden Guest .. .. 501 Youth Rides Out - Beatrice
Seymour .. .. 273 CORRESPONDENCE.
ABERDARE Spectator's Adoption of, 921-957-988; and the Industrial Revolution, 988-Abattoir, Model, 771- Agriculture, British, What is Wrong with ? 854-921-958-989-Air Defence of Great Britain, 296-Alcoholic Poison- ing of Mammals, 192-217-Alien Im- migration in Great Britain and United States, 132-164-Alsatian Dogs, 489- 771 - American Naval Policy,959-American Proposal, the, 487-American Woman, the,163-213--American Metal Exchange, the New, 925-Anglo-American Rela- tions, 924-961-Animal Sunday, 12- Animal (Wild) " Shows," 701-Animal Lovers and the Election, 820-Animals : a Prayer for, 218 ; a Plea for the, 331 ; Humane Slaughter of, 579 ; Circus and Trained, 924-Apes and Men, 12-Arts League of Service, 299-Ash Trees, 366 -Autumn Foliage, 772 'DANK Shares and Uncalled Liability, -1-, 218-Baths, Public, for Villages, 527-737-Bees' and Wasps' Poison, 926
- Bengal, Population of, 296-Birds, Caged, in the Heat Wave, 134-Birken- head, Lord,857-Birth Control in the Coal Mining Areas, 643-Birth Rate, a Higher, 700-Bishops : the, and Revision, 818 ; the Consecration of, 857-924-Black- birds, 490-Book Report, the, 736- Books, Cheaper, 386-820-Brazil, a Letter from, 518-Browning and the Pact, 299-Bunyan and De Gulleville's " Pilgrim's Progress," 489-Bushey Park School, 217-Butterflies in the Valais, 331-Buy British Goods, 701
CAMBRIDGE Housing Society, 734- Canada : Western, British not Unpopular in, 216; the European Lapwing in, 218 ; in France, 1382 ; School Empire Tour to, 770-Canadian Premier, a Letter from the, 641- Cancer the Conquest of, 51-85-131-192 ; the Truth about, 486 ; Radium for, 643 -Captive King, the, 298-Caribbean, Romance in the, 398-Carlyle Anecdote, a, 134-Cat, a Very Modern, 366-Cats : and Ultra-Violet Rays, 926-992; Two, 990-Cattle, Feeding, on Oranges and Milk, 12-Qittle Markets, Cruelty in the, 855-960-Cetera Desunt, 241-267-Chan- nel Islands, a Letter from the, 126 -Charfield Crash, the, 644-Chessmen, Iron, 53-710-Cheyne, 267-330-Church's " Inalienable Right," 83-Church : the Future of the, 264-302 ; Comprehensive- ness of the, 400-437-736 ; the Two Problems for the, 699-Classical Educa- tion, 51-130-191-Classical Scholar, a Chalice for a, 820-Coalfields, the Distress in the,87-190-490-Cobra Catch- ing, 19-Conrad, Joseph, Memories of, 526-581-700-Constitution Hill, 490-528 -Cornish Dry Bulb Trade, 581- Cows, the Collective Keeping of, 990
- Crab Apples, 582 ARTMOOR Ponies, 438 -" Death D Valley," 12-Debts and Repara- tions, 580 - Defoe's England, 643- Dennis, Mr. John, 701-Dickens : in Genoa, 438; the Height of, 926- Disarmament, 363-District Councils and County Councils, 490-Dog Buried Alive, 701-Domestic Service : and Public Health, 86-133 ; Unemployed Women and, 961-Drink Bill, the Country's, 858-Dublin, Letters from, 158-638--Dunkirk Route to Paris, 329 -Dunwich Church, 490 EARTHQUAKE, the Terrible, of 1693, 769-Education, Human Factor in, 241-Egypt, Sudanese and Arab Troops in, 244-'Eighties and 'Nineties, Reminiscences of the, 771- Electro- cution of Cats and Dogs, 267-Empire Migration, 241-326--England is not Britain," 701 - England's Green Beauty, 734-858-Epigram, an, 820- Examinations, the Curse of, 364-402
FAITH, a Definition of, 19-Farming, Self-Help, 923 - Finance, Public and Private, 818-Florence, a Letter from, 689-Flower, the Loveliest, 244- Flowers : and Bricks, 217 ; Wild, Protection of, 820-Food, Clean, 15-86- 192 - Fortune - telling, 104 - French Revolution, a Monarchist View of the, 437-Fruit Trees : American Blight on, 244-267-299 ; Imported Stocks and,
GERMANY, the Youth Movement in, 365-436-486- German Literature, Recent, 850-Goethe. 820-Gold Coast Library, 770-Golf Courses, Municipal, More Needed, 925-981 HA.LDANE, Lord, 299 - Hare's Un- expected End, 820 -Hawaiian Queen, a, 299-Heresy Hunting, 487- Hill, Octavia, Memorial to, 88-134- Homecraft Movement, the, 434-525 ; and Smallholdings, 525-Hoover, Mr., Why he Won, 926-Horses of the 11th Hussars, 298-Housing Problem, the, 87-Humane Slaughter, 737- Hume, David, Letters of, 191-Hunt Balls and the Miners, 961-Hutton, Mr. R. H.: and the Typewriter, 700 ; an Accident to, 819 ; his Handwriting,
857 ; a Tribute to, 858 ICELAND, a Letter from, 212-Income, Equality of, 217-243-Income Tax Administration, 438-India's Calamities, 243-India : Home Rule for, 364 ; and the Commission, 399-Industrial Transference Board Report, 699- Iodine for Livestock, 296.856-Ireland, a German House in, 267-Irish Censor- ship, the, 435-488-528; the Youth Movement and the, 580-Irish Coinage, the, 961 JINRING, 771-819-857-858-926-992 - Jugoslavia, ExternallRelations of, 15
KELLOGG Pact, the, 53 ; Geneva and the, 266-Kubla Khan, 926-992 LAHORE, the Famous Sadhu of, 328 -Lake District, Saving the, 83- Land Registration and Small Ownership, 580-Land, a " New Formula " for the, 698-League of Nations Societies, Federation of, 190-216-League of Nations at Work, 364-Liquor Traffic, Native Races and the, 856-Liverpool Synod and the Prayer Book, 735- Lost and Found, 330-490-528
MANCHESTER, Letters from, 187-765
-" Mary and her Lamb," 16- Mason Method, the, 85-Mice Fed on Sunlight, 2181-Mind : the Wounded, 192 ; the Censorship of the, 295- Mine of Wealth, a, 266-295.328.364- 398-435-525-700-Minoan Fleets, Were there ? 17-52-87-Mistaken Identity, 858-Money Game, the, 818-Montrose, 490-" Mother Huffeap," the, 12- Municipal Elections, 737-Murray, the late Sir John, 857-Musk, Yellow Scented, 701-Mysteries, 820 NAPOLNAPOLEON, a Link with, 18-86-191 EON, Discussion, British- American, 926-Navy, Diet in the, 88 - New York's Housing Problem, 215- New Zealand, a Letter from, 324-Noise, a Cure for, 582 OSPREY Feathers, 820 - Ouse, the River, 330 Pews, a Letter from, 920 - Peking, a Letter from, 293-Phosphorus, 438-538-582-701-Pinfolds, Village, 19- Plaintains and Weeds in Grass, Destroy- ing, 402-528-Plante in Frost and Drought, 133-Polygamy, 992 - Poor Law Funds in London, 54-Poor Law Guardians, 772-Poor Law Administra- tion in London, 816-Posters, Military, in the Countryside, 19-Prayer Book, the, 769-991-Primate, the Public Tribute to the, 326-Prince Imperial, the Death of the, 400-438-489-Pro- portional Representation, Position of, 700-Public Schools : Reading at, 216 National Leadership, 489 ; the Future of Our, 736-Pulford Street Site, 192-218 " WILL it be Heard 50 Years
R3 Hence ? 772-820-Rabbit Snare, the Humane, 327-402-436-" Rail-Chara- banes," 365-Rail and Motor Traffic, 528-Railways : and Passenger Traffic, 52-133 ; and Road Powers, 85 ; Charges of, 162-218-243.296 ; Facilities, 243 ; and Roads, 329-Reading, Lord, a Life of, 53-Regional Planning, 215 - Reviewing, a Cycle of, 737-Rintoul, a Portrait of, 737-Road, On the, 242- Roads, the Future of the, 772-819 -Robin Incident, a, 772-Rodney and Command of the Sea, 581-Rome, a Letter from, 48-R.S.P.C.A., the, 18- 84-132-327-363-400 ; and Importation of Apes, 285-297 ; and Humane Slaughter, 487-Rural England, Preserving, 217- 266-330-Ruskin: the Influence of, 644; and Miss Octavia Hill, 737- Russia, Great Britain and, 925 0..0E01:TARBES° for Iron and Steel, '•-• 524-578-642-697-735 - Safeguard- ing Duties, 769-816-855-923.961-990-992 Sailing Ships, 960-St. Francis, 856
- Savidge Reports, the, 161-Saving Life and Time, 192-Schools, Brighter, 701-Scotland, Rural Housing in, 242-267-298-" Scrutamini Scripturas," 960-990--Sea, Disasters at, 818-Sea- faring Holidays, 86-Sea Grass, 961- Sex Education, 162-817.926-Slaughter- house Reform, 771-Slums : the Aboli- tion of, 298 ; and Local Rates, 581 ; the Leprosy of the, 641 ; Problem of the, 697-734-770-Spas, British, Back to, 402-436-488-Spiritual Difficulties of the Present Generation, 991-Squirrel : a Tame Red, 134 ; Grey, the Depreda- tions of the, 961-Stable Fires, 528- Stead, W. T., 527-Steel Coaches, 820 -Stonyhurst School, 134 - Sunlight Lamps and Safety, 88-Swans and their Young, 858-Sweet Williams, 528 -Swift, the Skull of, 87 TAVISTOCK By-election, 527-" This • Smoking World," 88-Through
the Valleys of the Shadow of Death, 858-926-961-Tinned Foods, 19-Tommy Atkins, 772-Tokyo, a Letter from, 728 -" Tragedy of Trianon," 18-83-Trap : the Steel-toothed, 490 ; Looking for a Humane, 992-Travel, Comfort in, 17 - Treaties, Sanctity of, 130-161-Tyres, British, Efficiency of, 299 UNEMPLOYMENT a Remedy for, • -' 131-163-264 ; and Emigration, 433 ; a Solution for, 820 ; the Problem of, 991-United States Domestic Policy, 737-Unity, the Spirit of, 134 " VENI Creator Spiritus," 770- • Vermin Humane Extermina- tion of, 528-Voronoff's (Dr.) Vital Inversion, 189-215-243-265-329
WALES, South, the Distress in, 87-819-War : and Force, 88- 131-164 ; the Necessity of, 189-Wasps' Stings, 527-Weinberg Casting Pen, the, 644-Westminster Housing Problem, 54-133.192-218-Wild Life, a Tragedy in, 818-Winds, Great, 401-Women's Institutes and Humane Methods, 526-772 VOIING PEN Club, the, 164-" Young ▪ Woodley," 16-52-Younger Point
of View, 11-47-80-190-241-267-Youth, Some Claims of, 366
APPEALS. - Westminster Housing Fund, 54-Memorial to Octavia Hill, 88-Papworth Village Settlement, 244 -Surplus Books, 328-London Fever Hospital, 438 COUNTRY LIFE. A PPLE, a New, 577. - Arcadia Revisited, 214.
August Migration, the, 188. August, In Praise of, 240. Autumn or Spring ? 815.
11sAcrERu, Beneficent, 82.
- B.B.C. Experiment, a, 733.
B.B.C., Villages and the, 987.
Beasts, Dangerous, 240.
Bees' and Wasps' Poison, 433.
Bird's Instinct, a, 733.
Birds : Greedy, 433 ; Prefer Railways, 433 ; Young-carrying, 956 ; Our Healthy, 956 ; and Airplanes, 987. Blundellsands, the Village of, 397.
Bud versus Graft, 50.
Bulbs, British, 14-397.
Buzzards, 987.
CALIFORNIA V. Coggeshall, 82. Cattle, the Oldest, 852. Child's Inference, a, 240.
Christmas Blooms, 433.
Community Councils, 129.
County or District, 433.
County Defence, 768. Crafts : Reviving, 696 ; Rural, 768.
Cricketers, Village, 129. Crops, Where they Flourish, 381. Crow, a Suburban, 917.
Cuckoo Parent, a, 917.
Twos' Experiment, a, 640. -•-• Denmark, Better than, 14.
Devons, Absent, 50. Distemper, a Cure for, 852. Dogs : and Wireless, 733 ; Field, 852. " Domesday," a New, 640. Drains and Population, 214.
Duck, a Life-saving, 188.
E TM8 and the Gale, 768 ; and Sparrows, 956.
Emigrant's Plea, an, 696. Endowment of Britain, the, 523. Essex, Where it Excels, 188. Eton, a Challenge to, 640.
FARM, the Best, 188; Advantages in North, 188 ; Norfolk Claims, 188. Farms, 100,000 Acre, 523. Farmer, a Famous, 14. Farmers and Labourers, 815. Farming Prophecies, 577.
Farming Progress, 768.
Farming, Where does it Pay ? 917. Fishermen, Ousted, 263. Flowers, Condemned, 82. Food and Farmers, 240. Foot-and-Mouth Disease, 852.
Frost Dates, 523 ; Frost, an Early, 917- Fruit and Farmers, 696.
G'+ARDEN Colours, 640. Gentlemen Farmers, 696. Gilbey, Sir Waiter, on Farming, 956. Grain, British, 14.
HAMLET, the, 214. Harvest : a Rare, 160 ; Our English, 214.
Harvests, Little, 768 ; More Little, 815.
Harvesters, New, 188.
Harvesting in One, 82.
Hedges, Threatened, 788.
Heron, a Tame, 815.
Hunt, the Unpopular, 917.
Hunting and Humanitarians, 50.
INDUSTRY, a Neglected, 768.
TACK HORNERS, Our, 36L " Jarrah Wood, 485. July Virtues, New, 50. July the Sudden, 82.
T,A313LiS Land, 696.
-La Landowner, a Gloomy, 956. Lock Owners, the, 263.
MIGRANT, a Little, 815. -0-1- Milk, Drink More, 240. a Milk Era, a, 696.
Mistletoe, Vanishing, 956.
N°VENEER Ideals, 577. November Flower Census, a. 696. November, Tributes to, 768.
OIISE, the Unhappy, 263. Oxford Ingenuities, 82. Oxford and Kent, 129.
PAPER for the Garden, 523. Partridge Problem, a, 188.
Partridge : a Late, 361 ; a Plucky. 361- Pearmain, 129.
Pheasant and Tennis Courts, 640.
Pigeon, the Pace of a, 361.
Plant Compasses, 240.
Plover Flocks, 485.
Poison Plants, 733.
Poverty Bottom, 485.
Primroses, December, 852.
Primula, a, from Thibet, 82.
Producer and Consumer, 397.
Rsunir Traps, New, 852.
Railway Jealousy, 283.
Rectors, Vanishing, 214.
Regional Planning, 987.
Rent and Capital, 214.
Rivers, English, 263.
Road Problem, a Main, 577.
Roads : and Botanists, 397; a Sugges-
tion for the Counties, 397.
Robin's Compliment, a, 397.
Robins, Patricidal, 956.
Rose : the Best, 50-82 ; a Native, 917..
Rose's Circulation, a, 82.
" Royal," a Very Royal, 50.
Rural Beauty and Local Anger, 577.
SALVING England, 733. Schools, Childless, 214. Sea Trout Problems, 577.
Seeds : Buying the Best, 815 : New, 815. September rat, 263.
September Weather, 361.
Sex-Linked Query, a, 361. Small-holders, Where they Flourish, 14- Snaring, More, 852.
Sportsmen's Paradises, 577.
Spring in Autumn, 433.
Squirrel Census, a, 852.
Squirrel's Crime, a, 852.
Stock Exports, 523.
Strawberry, the Parvenu, 129.
Sugar Beet Facts, 987.
Sun and Harvest, 129.
Sycamore, the Virtue of, 485.
risrrgE Again 1485.
-1- Town v. Country, 240. Travelling Lesson, a, 733. Twelfth, the, 188.
VILLAGE Life, Liveliness in, 129. Village Example, an, 160. Village, a Pre-Reformation, 397.
iguHEAT, English, 160.
• • Wine,English 129. Wood, a Neglected, '485. Wood Scents, 485 Woodcock, the Early, 485.
Inscriptions on Busts 127
Holiday Resorts .. 274 Lost and Found .. 429
If I were Editor of the Spectator 606
Ode to a Baby Car 609
Mistaken Identity 832
FINANCIAL SUPPLEMENTS (Spectator, July 21st and October 27th.)