• * * * * , Mr. Edwin Wooton adopts
aggravating overtones 61 superior knowledge in How to Keep Young (Heinemann's -Medical Books, 8s. 6d.). He tells us that a medical practitioner in Birmingham claims to have brought the dead to life by the use of adrenalin ; he seeks also .to find 8 connexion beWeen the astronomic and what he calls the b tiologieal tOrg -two hundred a ag h y days: Is there 4 a possible dividend of the a- ay that has any relation to any vital activity:? He says there is : the pulse rate, which is about '8 of a second. This agrees roughly with the ratio of the calendar year to that period of 280 days, which is when an infant's salivary glands begin to form a ferment which changes starch into sugar. It is all rather complicated', but not without interest. Indeed, there is plenty of interest but very little depth in the book, which we fear will not help anyone towards youth, or, indeed, towards physical fitness, though it may amuse or even interest many.