On Tuesday, a numerous deputation of gentlemen from the Central
Committee for the promotion and circulation of a Declaration of the Laity of the Church of England, eccompanied by Colonel Clithero.v and Alr. Bucknall Estcourt, waited upt n the Archbishop of Canter- bury, at Lambeth, with an address, revesting permission to deposit inn his Grace's hands the original eignetutee to the Declaration. Colonel Clitherow, after briefly stating the facts connected with the Declara- tion, to which the signatures of upwards of el10,000 laymen of mature age had been affixed, informed his Grace that an address, embodying the Declaration, had already been laid at the foot of the Throne, of which he begged leave to present him Ivith a copy. Colonel Clitherow then, after a few preliminary observations, read the address; which ex- pressed the fullest reliance on the pit ty and wisdom of the divines of the Church of England, and a firm determination to support that Church at all hazards. The .Archhishop inade a suitable reply to tile address, and lauded the pious zeal of the subscribers to it.
Last Sunday, as we learn from the Standard, his Majesty's speech to the Bishops, which we published at length last week, was read ft om several of the Metropolitan puli its. Our contemporary himself had the supreme gratification of hearing it read by the :Minister of St. Mark's, Clerkenwell. The Royal commission, just issued, as a pre- paratory measure for the reduction of the !ride Church Revenues, will of course be treated with the same respect, and announced from the saute pulpits with pious gratitude next Sunday.
The dispute between the inhabitants of Richmond Terrace and the parish of St. Margaret and St. John, Westminster, relative to the lia- bility of the former to pay rates, has been adjusted; the pariehioners having acceded to the proposition of the inhabitants to put an end to future litigation on the subject, on being exempted front the payment of the rates claimed prior to the time of commencing the action on which the question of their liability to pay rates arose. This arrange- ment will aid the annual receipts of the parish to the amount of up- wards of 500L The parish luso-et:to] their solicitor to continence si- milar actions against the inhabitants of Whitehall Gardens, and other places which have claimed to be yen a- parochial.
The Society for the Encouragement of Arts, under the patronage of the Duke of Sussex, held its anniversary session on Tuesdey for the distribution of prizes, at Exeter Hall. The Duke of Sutherland, who presided in the room of the Duke of SII,O.CX, apologized Ice his Royal _Highness's absence in consequence of indisposition, and expressed his gratification at, witnessing so numerous an assemblage of ladies, who always took a lively interest in the polite arts. The Secretary, Mr. Aikin, then read the report ; after which the Duke proceeded to dis- tribute the prizes.
The general half-yearly meeting of tile Western Literary and Scien- tific Institution was held on Monday evenieg, in the theatre of the in- stitution in Leicester Square; Sir John Cent llobhouse m the chair. It appears that the funds of the society are in a more prosperous state than on any former occasion ; that the library contains upwards of six thousand volumes, and there are above six hundred members.