The work of exposing the jugglery of the Protectionist leaders
makes progress. The respectable Conservatives flatly refuse to walk through Coventry with them. This week Mr. Pusey has responded to the threat of an opposition to his return for Berk- slaw in a manly and sensible letter, refusing to be made an ac- tailtibe in the Stanley-Disraeli delusion. Mr. Pusey's letter does not profess conversion to the doctrines of Free-trade, but it clearly indicates his recognition of the adoption of Free-trade polioy by the country as a fait accompli. From what we can learn, the Protec- tionist attempts to intimidate will meet with as frank a defiance in Oxfordshire as in Berkshire. The day appears to be at hand when we shall again see a "Country party" entitled to the esteem and liking even of those who may dissent from many of its opinions,