The English Stock Market has been steady, with but little fluctuation ; neither has the business been important : the variation in the price of Con- sols has not exceeded f per cent; the closing price this afternoon being 97f 98.
The books of all the Stocks the dividends upon which become due in July next, will close in the course of next week, upon the days indicated below , and business in them will be suspended till Monday the 7th July, when they will open for private transfer.
Three per Cent Consols Thursday, June 12th Thursday, July 17th. South Sea Stock New Annuities Three per Cent 1751 New Five per Cents Friday, June 13th ...
Three per Cents 1726 Annuities January 1860 Annuities January 1880
India Stock Thursday, June 5th ... Tuesday, July 15th. The rate of discount continues the same as last week : exchange upon Paris the same. The flow of bullion into the coffers of the Bank, which from the recent returns appears to have again commenced, will therefore probably continue. In the Foreign Market, the transactions, with the exception of those in Peruvian Stock, have been insignificant. This latter security has improved, and is today about 2per cent higher than last week ; the price having reached 87—an advance of from 4 to 6 per cent from the recent low- est quotation. This improvement has been occasioned by the great demand for guano ; whence Messrs. A. Gibbs and Son, the contractors with the Peru- vian Government, have been enabled to pay into the hands of M. Murictta, the agent for the loan, a very large sum on account of the sinking-fund. Mexican Bonds were flat, with little business. The market, however, re- sumed some activity just before the close of business this afternoon, when a report was current that the dividend which would have become due in July next, had conversion into Three per Cents been carried out, will be paid,—namely, that lf per cent will then be paid to the Bondholders. An improvement of about f per cent has occurred; the closing price being 34fI. The speech of Louis Napoleon at Dijon, while it checked the rise in the French Funds, produced also a similar effect here upon the market for Russian Four-and-a-half per Cent Bonds. The purchases made this week on French account have been unusually small ; while the price, which fell from 102f to 1011, has only rallied to 102. The advertisement of the pay- ment of the dividends upon Portuguese Four per Cent Stock has bad but little effect upon the market; which is, however, rather firmer. The trans- actions in it have been very few. Spanish Stock is rather higher, and the tone of the market improved. The principal Railway Shares have declined during the week; especially since Wednesday, when the traffic returns for the week ended Saturday last were published. A decline is seen in Lancashire and Yorkshire, which have fallen about 4L ; the others are from 11. to 21. lower. The tzarina- tions in the French Shares have been unimportant, and no material change in prices has occurred.
There is no change of importance in the prices of either the English or Foreign Funds, and very little business of any kind occurring. The Share Market is rather firmer than yesterday, the few transactions occurring being at or above the prices then recorded; the hatpins _appearing on the official list have asyet been confined to the followmg—Caledonian 131; Great Northern, 171 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 651 f ; Midland, 531; South- eastern, 231. SATURDAY. Two o'Curcx.
The English Stock Market closes at the morning's quotations. The trans-. actions in the Foreign Market have been limited. The following is the re- cord of the morning's business—Peruvian Five per Cents, 86f ; Portuguese Five per Cents 1841, 33 ; Ditto Four per Cents, 321 ; Russian Four-and- a-half per Cents, 102f ; Spanish Three per Cents, 40f ; Ditto Passive, 4 ; Dutch Four per Cents, 90f.
The Railway Share Market is heavy. A considerable amount of business has been transacted, at quotations rather lower than yesterday—Aberdeen,
14 I ; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 41 ; Caledonian, 13; Chester ands Holy 19; Eastern Counties, 61; East Lancashire,l5 - Great Northern, 17f ,• Great Western, 85 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 55 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 96f ; London and North-western, 12 ; London and South-
western, 83; Midland, 53f ; North Staffordshire, ,.9 ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverham;ton, 161; South-eastern and Dover 31; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 22 ; Boulogne and Amiens, 91 ,• Central of France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 1 f ; Namur and Liege, 6} ; Rouen and Havre, 91 ; Tours and Nantes, 71.
Danish 3 per Cents 76 15 Dutch 21 per Cents 59 I Ditto 4 per Cents 90 1 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 34 5 Peruvian 6 per Cents 86 7i Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 32 3 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 86 87 Russian 5 per Cents 111 113 Ditto 41per Cents 101/ 2/ Spanish (.Active) 5 per Cents 201 1 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 r2 Venezuela
3 per Cent Consols 97 98 Ditto for Account 97 98 3 per Cent Reduced 97 f• 31 per Cents 98
Long Annuities 7 161 Bank Stock 211 213 Exchequer Bills 43 46 pm.
India Stock —
Brazilian 5 per Cents 89 91 Belgian 41 per Cents 91 93 Cbilian 6 per Cents 103 105 Danish 5 per Cents 103 104