7 JUNE 1851, Page 10

Quarto putt Zugir.

This week Mademoiselle Rachel has returned to us, in all her calm glory, reminding us—what we might otherwise be tempted to forget— that the concentration of every great tragic quality in a single individual is a possibility. It is late in the day to oomment on the consuming love of Phedre or the withering irony of _Hexane. Everybody ought by this time to know that Mademoiselle Rachel combines the utmost intensity of passion with the most careful elaboration of detail ; that she can elec- trify by the force of her utterances without offending by an ungraceful gesture ; and that she is equally satisfactory whether she strikes by a " point," or, modulating her voice with the keenest sense of the appro- priate, pursues her undulating course through a quiet declamation. In saying that Mademoiselle Rachel is as she was last year, we give the highest praise that can be awarded.