A new panorama of these regions, painted by M. Gompertz, is now ex- hibiting at the Partheneum Assembly Rooms, St. Martin's Lane. It is on a scale of great variety and extent ; and differs from its predecessors chiefly in the particularity with which the occupations and adventure of the scenes no less than their natural features are described. Indeed, it stands foremost in this respect among all similar exhibitions ; offering to the eye a large amount of information connected with whaling operations, Esquimaux manners, and the incidents of the great Polar expeditions. The life and movement of the panorama are thus unusually vivid; and M. Gompertz shows himself fully equal to the demand made upon him in the dramatic action of his groups and their appropriate and natural distribu- tion. Nor has less advantage been taken of the atmospheric effects and phenomena for which the subject affords such striking opportunity. Alto- gether, this is one of the most instructive, interesting, and well-painted panoramas in London, and is deserving ofpublic support.