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Tuns has been a week of gayety with the Court. The Queen's thirty-second birthday, instead of the natal 24th of May, was celebrated on Saturday the 31st, by a drawingroom. On Monday the Court left London for Windsor, to be nearer to the races on Ascot Heath, which the Sovereign never omits to patronize. A large party of royal visitors and of English guests accompanied the Court to Windsor, or proceeded to the Castle in a day or two after. The Queen's party was present at the races on Tuesday and on Thursday, in about a dozen carriages preceded by out-riders in Royal livery of scarlet and gold. The Queen took the Princess Royal; and was accompanied by the Duchess of Saxe Coburg Gotha, and Prince Henry of the Nether- lands. Prince Albert took the Prince of Wales ; and was accompanied by the Dukes of Saxe Coburg Gotha, Cambridge, and the Duke Ernest of Wurtemburg. On each day the Queen gave banquets, and evening parties, at which appeared several of the Ministers, and a great number of the English nobility. The Court returned to Buckingham Palace yesterday ; and in the even- ing the Queen, with a party of her guests, was present at the French Plays.
Her Majesty held a Court on Monday before leaving town ; and gave audience to the Baron de Benst, to receive his letters of recall by the King of Saxony. Rear-Admiral Sir Edmund Lyons had an interview, to take leave, for Stockholm, as her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden.