The French Emperor set out yesterday on a visit to
the Valley of the Loire, and reached Orleans the same day.
"Numerous succours were afforded by his Majesty; who always had some heartfelt words with which to acknowledge the acts of devotion that have been performed in the painful circumstances of the inundations. The • Emperor set out for Blois at half-past twelve, and arrived there at a quarter past one. At Blois, Saumur, Angers, and Tours, the disasters have been immense. At Saumur the supply of bread was cut off. The water is three .yards and a half deep in the railway station at Tours. The bridge of Co and the slate-quarries at Trelonge are threatened. The inhabitants and the troops arc directing their attention to these points. The water is still rising -at the bridge of Authon."
It was stated positively in Turin, yesterday, that Count Cavour will set out on another journey to Paris. The situation is considered critical. The Rioorgineento says that "Italy is agitating; from Etna to Ticino all is in a state of ebullition."
Sir William Williams of Kars with his aides-de-camp, Captain C. C. Teesdale and Mr. Henry A. Churchill, arrived on Thursday morning at the Hotel Meurice, Pans.
The Canadian mail-steamer North American arrived at Liverpool last night, with advices from Quebec to the 24th May. Sir Alan M`Nab had resigned office. On the 23d he caused himself to be conveyed to the Legislative Assembly in a chair' to state that his colleagues were not pre- pared to give an explanation of their retirement until the 26th. Colonel Tache had been sent for," and had accepted the task of forming a Ministry.