The Queen attended a fancy-dress ball last night, at the
Hanover Square Rooms. She arrived there, with Prince Albert, the Princess Royal, and the Prussian Prince, about half-past ten, and looked on, but did not take part in the dancing, until one o'clock. The spectacle must -have been extremely brilliant and fantastic. The dancers were formed in quadrilles, one representing "the Elements"—the oldfashioned ele- ments, not those of Mr. Faraday ; another representing "Night and its surrounding Stars," a third the "Siècle de Louis XIY," a fourth "the Alliance." The dresses were, of course, highly fanciful and splendid. The Queen promenaded the room with the Earl of Westmoreland ; after she had gone the dancing was kept up with spirit until daylight. The proceeds of this ball, estimated at 20001., will be appropriated to the benefit of the Royal Academy of Music.