' Many of our readers will recollect the charming little proverbe, written in honour of domestic felicity by M. Octave Feuillet, with the title The Village, inasmuch as it was performed at the St. James's Theatre in the original language ; the subject having first been made familiar by an English version produced at the Lyceum, with the title of A Comm Couple. Though this piece has a literary celebrity in Paris, it was never acted tjierc till Monday last, when it was brought out at the Theatre Francais,
MM. Samson and Regnier and Mademoiselle Nathalie in the pin- ciPal parts. M. Mole Gentilhomme, well known as a dramatist and journalist, and one of the authors of the drama La Comtesse de Nocailles, lately brought out at the Ambigu, died at Paris on the 27th May, in the forty-second year of his age.