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Tint QUEM began the week by laying the foundation-stone of the Wel- lington College, and ended it by attending a public ball. In the middle of the week she held a Court, and also received several addresses of con- gratulation on the restoration of peace. At the Court, on Tuesday, Lord Wodehouse, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of Russia, had audience and took leave on proceeding to St. Petersburg. On Thursday, her Ma- jesty received, in the Green Drawingroom of Buckingham Palace, three deputations bearing addresses. The Fail of Derby headed a deputation from the University of Oxford ; Prince Albert headed one from the Uni- versity of Cambridge ; each wearing his state robe as Chancellor. The Oxford deputation were first received. After the addresses were read, several members of the deputations were admitted to kiss hands and to pay their respects. The third address was presented by a deputation from the body of Presbyterians in and around London, whose leader was the Reverend Thomas Madge.
After these receptions, the Marquis de Breme, Senator and Director of Fine Arta at Turin, had audience, and presented her Majesty with a por- trait of King Victor Emanuel.
Prince Albert took his two distinguished German guests to the Oxford Commemoration on Wednesday. Both Prince Frederick of Prussia and the Regent of Baden have been pretty busy sightseeing during the week. The list of the Queen's dinner-guests includes the names of the Prus- sian Minister and the Countess Bernstorff, the Earl and Countess of Westmoreland, the Earl of Aberdeen, the Earl and Countess of Claren- don, Lord and Lady Wodehouse, Sir George and Lady Grey, and Colonel Steele.