7 JUNE 1957, Page 30



1 One seemingly in favour of afternoon snack is inconstant (7).

5 Rejected actors for the open-air theatre? (7) 9 'That my keen — see not the wound it makes' (Shakespeare) (5).

10 An archdeacon gets a reverse in the armoury (9). 11 Carriage out for a kill? (6) 12 Viper's enraged; take a deep breath (8). 14 `Where thro' the long-drawn -- and fretted vault' (Gray) (5).

15 It looks as if one of its components brings its music to an end (5-4).

18 Darkness at the trading-post lasts a couple of weeks (9).

20 The Ancient Mariner? (5)

22 Saint's upset about a retiring Liberal amid hissing (8).

24 What price an attack? (6)

26 To smuggle semi-precious stones is naturally for vagabonds (9).

27 But the compiler can never say goodbye to this composer! (5) 28 It's returned among cash abroad; it makes one wild (7).

29 Doesn't quite rank with a baron of beef (7). 25 DOWN Plainness is so standardised (9).

Biscuits useful at the forge (7).

Always innocent if decorative (9).

A tidy beast (4).

The umpire's duties logic like failures! (10)

All the Italian horns sounding together ? (5) Wine, served in a talc container? (7) `No! let me — the whole of it, fare like my peers' (Browning) (5).

The kind of union that ran to magic? (10) Guide to the Heavens? (5, 4) It's all equal to the king of beasts (9).

Acacia wherein one might expect to find Red- breast (7).

Knight gets up between doctor and colonel for a dance (7).

Fires up in the printing works (5).

`The violets and the lily-cups, Thos.: flowers made of —' (Hood) (5).

Yes, yes, says the Italian, rising (4). 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 22 23 21 13 16 17 19

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the Do Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first tw•o correct solutions opened after noon on Juno 18 and addressed: Crossword No. 943, 99 Gower St., London, WCI.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on June 21 Solution to No. 941 on page 764 The winners or crossword No. 941 are: MAJOR P. M.BOILEAU, P.O. Box 176, Kuwait, Persian Cult; and Mass A. G. mcbrrosti, 38 Carlton Place, Aberdeen.