ROSSINI'S new opera II Conte Orli, was produced at the King's Theatre on Saturday last, in such a manner as completely to defy criticism. The fault had the merit recommended in HoRAcE's epic rule, simplicity and unity ; it was solely that nobody could sing,— which severe judges are apt I o think a material blemish in the per-' formance of an opera. Let our readers imagine a play enacted ea company from the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, with a little assistance from the gentlemen and ladies of the Humane StammeringInstitution, and they will have some idea of the effect of the first execution of II Conte Ory. Under such circumstances, it were of course excessive hardihood to pronounce any opinion on the master's music. It merely struck us, that there were occasional indications of prettiness ; and notwithstanding all the drawbacks in performance, the opening of the second act was decidedly pleasing-. For the rest we can say nothing, so faithfully was the composer's secret kept by the performers.