A hitch has occurred with respect to Lord Londonderry's nomination
to the Court of St. Petersburg. Although a few weeks ago he an- nounced at a public dinner that he was actually engaged in preparations for his departure, yet it appears, from what has just past at a dinner given by the Russian company to Count Pozzo di Borgo, and other per- sons of distinction, at which Lord Londonderry was present, that his Lordship has not yet received the King's sanction to his nomination. When his health was proposed, he was designated as the British Am- bassador to Russia; a title to which he confessed he had as yet no right.—Morning Chronicle.
The Tory martinets pretend to be very much scandalized by the un- ceremonious manlier in which many of the Members of the House of Commons accompanied Mr. Speaker Abercromby into the Royal presence on Saturday last, when Ile went to present the Address. It appears that they carried umbrellas and sticks, and wore greatcoats and boots. Mr. E. J. Stanley is mentioned as having been in very marked
By the death of the Earl of Scarborough, a stall in York Cathedral, and the Rectory of Wintringham, in the county of Durham, are vacant.
We have reason to believe that a measure is in the contemplation of the Government which will have the effect of providing for the local administration of justice in a manner exempt from the objections made to former proposals on this subject. The Ministerial plan will reserve to the superior courts the hearing of causes involving the more im- porLaut points of law, insure an uniformity of practice in the local tribunals, and at the same time provide for the speedy and economical despatch of all business that can safely be intrusted to a local tribunal.— Standard.