7 MARCH 1835, Page 10

The Times this morning vehemently denounces the threatened mo- tion

of Mr. Hunt: for limiting the Supplies to six months. If such a proceeding is really so injurious and hazardous as the Times represents, why do not the Ministers put an end to the necessity for it, by resign- ing? It is they, not Mr. HUME, who must answer for the conse- quences of this strong measure, which their defiance of the verdict against them provokes and justifies. The measure is unusual, but their conduct is unprecedented. We trust that no consideration will induce Mr. HUME to abandon the duty he has undertaken. He must not only make his promised motion, but use the power which the forms of the House invest him with to prevent Ministers from obtaining their twelvemonth's supply. Should it be necessary, he must resort, in behalf of the Country, to the means which the Boroughmongers used unsparingly to defeat the Re- form Bill. There have been too many idle threats and vain boastings; from Mr. HOME deeds will be expected.