7 MARCH 1835, Page 11



lately, at Hanlon St. George, the Countess PouLert, of a son. On tit,. 3d inst., at East Sheen, Lady Coaatort! Ft !SIMI. of a daughter. still-born. On the 1st inst.. in North Castle Street, Edinburgh, the Lady or ANDREW M.

.141CCRAE, Esq., of a son. On the 21st ult., at Branston Hall, Lincoln, the Lady of the Hon. A. Lentz MEL- vimar, of a son. On the 24th ult., the lion. Mrs, Joura TALBOT, of a son. On the 24th ult., Lady CrtaaLorrE ARBUTHNOT, of a daughter, which survived its birth a short time only. On the 234 ult., at Ricotta], the Lady of CHARLES MUSGRAVE, Esq., of a daughter.

On the lot inst., in Brook Street, the Hon. Mrs. STANLEY, Ma daughter.

On the 28th ult. the Lady of the lion. EDWARD CURZON. oft. daughter. At Hadharn Lor■Iship, the Lady of 11. G. WARD, Esq., M.P., of a daughter. On the 2°t11 ult., in Berkeley Square, the Lady of CRAWFORD ANTROBUS, Esq., of a son. On the 24th ult., at Empingham Vicarage, Rutland, the Lady of the Rev. Lomeli COOPER, of a son. At Brighton, the Lady of E. B. Hamm, of a son and heir. On the 17th ult., at Clifton, the Lady of ELLIOT ROBERTS, Esq., of a daughter.


On the 2.1 inst.. at Harewood, Joust THOMAS ILOPE, Esq., eldest son of Gen. the lion. Sir Alexander Hope, G.C.B., to Lady FRANCES ANNE LASCELLES, second daughter of the Earl of II arewood On the 3d inst., at Stanton Lacy Church, the Rey. JOHN HALL PARLTIY, M.A., only son of J. A. Parlby, Esq., of Macedon, near Plymouth, to Eal/Ly J ANETTA, fourth daughter of J. Hooper Holder. Esq„ of Stanton Lacy House, Shropshire.

On the 34 inst.. at Rencomb, Gloucestershire. Capt. W. H. WHITEHEAD. lion. East India Company's Service. to ELIZABETH, youngest daughter of the late Robert Robbins, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn.

On the 2,011 ult., at St. James's Church, CHARLES EASTLAND MICHELE, Esq., to MARV, only daughter of John Llewelyn, Esq.


On the 29th nit, at his house in Portman Square, Earl NELSON. in his 78th year.

On the 26th ult., at Grey's Court, Oxfordshire, Mane Dowager Lady STAPLETON, 'relict of Sir Thomas Stapleton. in her 91st year. On the ad inst.. at Southampton Row, Russell Square, in his 82.1 year, the Rev. JAMES CAPPER, M.A., for more than fifty-five years Vicar of Wilmington. Sussex. On the 24th ult., at her seat, Ashdown° house, in Sussex, at an advanced age, the Hon. Mrs. FULLER, only daughter of Lord Ileathfield. This lady was lineally de. sanded from Sir Francis Drake, the first circumnavigator. On the 3dl inst., at the house of Lord .krdeu, in St. James's Place, London, the Hon. CAROLINE FRANCES Lady HEATHCOTE, the wife of Sir William Ileathcote, Bart., of II hide]; Park.

On the 16th of February, on his passage home from the West Indies, WILLIAM COLES, Esq., in his 64th year.

On the 21st ult., at the house of John Ord, Esq., Aldwicke Lodge, near Bognor, JOHN 'TAIT SHIELDS, Esq., in his 69th year. On the 24th ult.. at Bitton, near Teignmouth, Devon. WILLIAM MACRWORTH PRAED, Sergeant-at.Law. in his 79th year.

On the 24th September, at Calcutta. Joust J. SHANK, Esq.. of the Civil Service, se- cond son oft!. Shank, Esq., of Gloucester Place, in his 1901 year. Drowned, at Whampoa, in China, by accidentally falling overboard from the schooner Sylph, about midnight on Saturday. the 20th September last, Mr. GEORG! N. GREEN, In his 25th year, supercargo of the brig Fox, and eldest son of the late Mr. Grotto! GREEN, of Brighton Place, New Kent Road, who died on the 8th of the same month.