terms with his Orange auxiliaries, for no human being can
believe that the Ministers would not have The attempt of Sir IIErvity HARDINCE to disprove the fact of appointed their own Chairman had they possessed °majority. BLt
the Orange propensities of the present Cabinet was also unsuc- it is part of the game of dissimulation which this man is ever eessful. How could it be otherwise ? Was not the Stewardship practising, to affect liberality when he is forced to sink his Toryism.
against notorious facts such as these, time comes for voting or refusing the means of carrying on the
A dresses and the King's answers, brought the subject again be- main in office, then will the test be really applied to our Repro. fore the House. Ministers fared no better in the debate than on sentatiees. It will then be seen, whether that majority which has the previous night. Sir ROBERT PEEL, Mr. GOULBURN, and Sir condemned the Ministers will place the public money at their dis- HENRY HARDINGE, repeated their arguments, or what they were posal. It is the first duty Lf the House of Commons to guard tie -obliged to put forward as such ; and Sir ROBERT tried to soothe the national purse ; for when once that is handed over to the Ministers, -angry: Orangemen by exhortations to mildness and brotherly love, the effectual control of Parliament is gone. "Stopping the Sup But it would not do; Colonel PERCEVAL, and Mr. SHAW, but plies" Is not a subject for boastful declamation on the hustings, especially the latter, were perfectly furious; and gave Lord JOHN or a threat to be idly flung out in debate : it. is a grave, solemn, RussEss. the opportunity of demonstrating the absurdity of at- and almost awful duty, which the House o m poe, may be tempting to govern Ireland on a moderate or equitable policy by called upon to perform, when the admims
the cooperation of Orangemen. ' vickless
Political Summaries 218 Tomes ov THE DAT— Lord Joists RUSSELL, on Monday, brought the subject of the Parliamentary Proceedings-Reply The 'Furies rersso The " Practical threatened dissolution of Parliament before the House. As he
stotheAddress-Reported Disroln. Meu" 258 might and ought to have anticipated, he gained nothing by this
dresses-Orders to the Military in Tory Calculatious `,28 move; but furnished Sir ROBERT PEEL with an opportunity of
Ireland-Imprisonment for Debt- Ti■S' Muster 229 making one or two dexterous speeches. Of course Sir RoBEET
laneous Subjects . 218 Hang Iler, Quail Ile I 230 would not tell whether he should dissolve the Parliament or not ; The Court 253 Vocal Concerts 231 though he declared that he had not countenanced the rumour of The Metropolis 223 SPECTATOR'S LIBRARY— an intended dissolution. We never suspected him of such gra.
Ireland 2Z ton Irving's Tour on the Prairies tuitous folly. He well knows how to produce the effect of a threat Money Market 256 tory of the Cotton Manufacture 232 We cannot 'believe that any intention to dissolve the present
East India Shipping 26 Progress of Publication 236 Parliament is entertained by Sir ROBERT PEEL. Ho is not the Births. Marriages, and Deaths.... 227 Fine Arts 1437 man to run such fearful risks. But the party with whom he is NEWS OF 'I'H E WEE K. allied are desperate, and it would be vain to conjecture where they would stop. It is therefore the duty of the Reformers to be oit the alert, especially as we can tell them that the Tories are not THE contending parties in the House of Commons have avoided inactive. In the county of Durham, Mr. BRADDYL is canvassing; coming to close quarters this week. As antagonist armies, after and the Marquis of LONDONDERRY tells his familiars that a new severe but indecisive pitched battles, draw off for a time to election must be shortly expected. If the Marquis is in the poll- take breath, and recruit their strength for another combat, leaving tical confidence of any party, it is that of the Duke, and he isjust the space between them to the skirmishes of the light troops, so the man to speak the truth at an unseasonable time. So, we re- the Reformers and Tories in the House of Commons, as if by peats, let the Reformers take warning. On the other band, the -mutual consent, have shunned questions necessarily leading to Standard asserts positively that the supporters of Lord Joust important divisions, and occupied themselves with the discussion RussELL are asking votes for him and another Liberal candidate of neutral subjects, or such as from the manner of introducing for South Devonshire. It is not impossible that the ‘Vhigs may
them could not bring on trials of strength. dissolve the present Parliament, should the Ministers retire; and
The policy of Ministers in the government of Ireland was the perhaps the Tories are exerting themselves in anticipation of such subject of the most interesting debates of the week. On Wednes- events. But be this as it may, the Reformers have no time to day, Mr. FINN put several interrogatories to Mr. GOULBURN, re- lose, for the enemy is in the field. They should unite in parish specting the presentation of addresses frs in Orange Societies to and district associations all over the country ; and we question the King, and the " gracious" .ruanner in which his Majesty was whether they can adopt better rules than those of the London Re- officially announced to have received them. It seems that Mr. Home form Club, of which Mr. TRAVERS is chairman, and whose objects Secretary GOULBURN himself, as well as other Orange Members and intended plan vf operations were given in the last number of of Parliament, have -pregented some addresses from the Orange this journal. Clubs, which are certainly quite as unlawful as Political Unions, Although Sir ROBERT PEEL refused to say any thing explicit and more dangerous to the peace of society; though Mr. Goer.- respecting the continuance or dissolution of the present Pasha- BURN would doubtless shrink, as the Duke of WELLINGTON did, ment, he spoke with sufficient plainness on the subject of the lion would break up his Ministry; and they are political fanatics, Mr. BERNAL has been reelected Chairman of the Committee of easily roused into suspicion of him, who on the Catholic question Ways and Means, on the motion of Sir ROBERT PEEL; who as- duped them in a manner not to be forgiven or forgotten. So Sir sumed to himself the credit of acting with freedom from party Roam was terribly hampered, but compelled to digest his wrath, bias, and selecting the fittest person for the office. This assump- . We question whether it will be possible for him long to keep on tion provoked a laugh from the Opposition, and fairly enough too; of the Household offered to Lord slionEx? is not Colonel PER- The Chairman having been appointed, the House went into a CEVAL Treasurer of the Ordnance ? have not Orangemen been Committee of Supply. This was a matter of form; the more y , made Privy Councillors ? and do not the whole of this grasping voted was only to take up outstanding Exchequer Bills, and pro- faction look upon the WELLINGTON Cabinet as their patron and vide payment for public work already done. For the prospective protector ? A mere disavowal of a political leaning will not weigh expenditure of the year no provision is as yet made. When tie Last night, a motion by Mr. SHEIL for copies of the Orange government of the country, should the present Ministry still re-
ment is in the hands of unprincipled, 6."gev,exern-
men. The position of the Tory Ministers is unprecedented in modern times. Through an extraordinary exercise of the Royal prerogative, they have appealed to the Nation; and the appeal has been answered by a majority against them. In defiance of two votes of the House of Commons, they persist in keeping their places. They are desperate men, and must be opposed by vigorous and unusual methods. The constitutional mode of proceeding, in such times as the present, is to refuse the Supplies altogether, or to vote them for a limited period—say three months, instead of twelve. The last is the wisest and justest step, as the national creditor must be paid at all events ; but let the House of Commons beware how it votes even six months' pay to the Army or Navy. The Ministers being desperate men—acting at this moment, if not in opposition to the letter of the constitution, yet in defiance of its spirit and in con- tempt of all precedents and usages—who can tell what use may be made of a subservient military ? No injury to the public ser- vice, no risk of harm, can arise from voting the Supplies for three months only : it would be but a measure of prudent precaution. A Committee has been appointed, on the motion of Mr. WARD, for devising some method of obtaining and publishing correct and authentic records of the Divisions. It surely needs ntlt require more ingenuity than the House of Commons can supply, to discover a mode of avoiding the inconvenience arising from the present prac- tice. But if considerable inconvenience should arise from the best plan that can be suggested, it ought to be submitted to ; for it is the bounden duty of the National Representatives to furnish their constituents with correct means of judging of their Parlia- mentary conduct. Sir SAMUEL WHALLEY had previously pro- posed that both parties should be counted in the House, instead of the presumed minority retiring into the Lobby ; but afterwards withdrew his motion. We allude to this only as an instance of that indiscreet meddling with parts of a question, which is too common among Members, and occasions much confusion and loss of time. When different persons have turned their attention to the same subject, surely it would be advisable for them to meet and con- sult together, and endeavour to cooperate. Combination is as ne- cessary and as useful in the framing of laws as in the manufac- ture of cottons. Partners in a mercantile concern do not make purchases or contracts without previous agreement among them- selves. Each individual of the firm has his separate province to attend to, and abstains from interference with those of the others. In this way very extensive and complicated affairs are conducted with simplicity and regularity. Why do not legislators adopt some of the simple and eligible rules which govern prudent bankers and merchants, and learn to act together?
Sir JOHN CAMPBELL has again introduced a measure for amending the law of debtor and creditor, and abolishing im- prisonment for debt except in cases of fraud. The disposition of the House is evidently favourable to the bill ; and we observe with pleasure that Sir WILLIAM RAE, the Lord Advocate, has introduced a measure on a similar principle, though apparently not so extensive in its application, for Scotland. IVIrere is the Attorney-General, where the Solicitor-General, to do a like ser- vice for Ireland? Neither of these chosen servants of the Orange Tory Cabinet could prevail upon a constituency of their countrymen to return them to the House of Commons ; but, if Mr. O'CONNELL cannot undertake the task, Mr. Olouumasr or Sergeant PERRIN should not shrink from this duty.