The King of the French has not yet succeeded in
reconstruct- ing his Ministry. SOULT and SEBASTIANI have reached Paris, but it is said both have declined the offer of the Premiership. The reports in circulation are very various ; but none of them authen- tic. The King is one day declared to have made up his mind to cashier the Doctrinaires, and form a Ministry with SOULT, Duets', and TRIERS; the next it is rumoured that the Duke DE BROGLIE and a Cabinet of Doctrinaries are to be the Ministers of Louis PH 'Lie. There seems to be a prevalent suspicion that the King would gladly obtain a temporary Cabinet of a rather Liberal composition, in order to gain a little popularity and enable him to manage the Chambers ; but that, the session once over, he would turn his Ministers adrift, and revert to his absolute courses. The character of the man certainly justifies the most unfavourable surmises. In the meanwhile, he seems to be a good deal per- plexed ; though his own knowledge of public affairs and habits of business probably enable him to dispense with an efficient Ad- ministration more easily than any other Sovereign in Europe.