7 MARCH 1835, Page 21

GEORGE CRCIKsHANK begins the second volume of his Sketch-Book well.

His idea of the Gin Juggernaut is a finely-imagined moral picture of the frightful effects of dram-drinkieg. The car of the idol —a four-fronted gin temple, with its illuminated clock, huge lamps, and the flaunting priestesses serving out the poison—is crowned with a still for a dome, and rolls along on enormous butts for wheels. It is dragged by the willing and intoxicated slaves of gin.worship, some of whom, maddened with drink, fling themselves under it. Its progress is marked by ruin and desolation, crime and punishment ; while in the distance is seen a rural landscape where peace and plenty prevail. This picture contains the substance of a score of sermons or "leading articles :" and all may read and feel the force of the moral. His brother artists should thank GEORGE for the hint he has given to the owners of albums ; though the fashion is almost gone by. Here is an unfortu- nate wight with a pile of albums sent to him for embellishment. That the sufferer does not get fat upon the profits of the levies thus made on his time and talent, is shown in his attenuated form and dilapidated wardrobe. In the chapter of " Ugly Cus:omers," the incident of the red-faced fright who is sitting for her portrait, and the perplexity of the nonplusal limner, is the best-told.