Three Parliamentary Guide-books are open before us,—the Test Bonk, the
Indicator, and the Companion for 1835. The first, published by Mr. EFFINGHAM WILSON, gives the names and residences of the Members of the House of Commons, the final polls, with a list of Ministers, the Privy Council, See. To the names of almost all the Members of the House of Commons are appended extracts from their addresses or reported speeches to their constituents; whence their political Opinions are inferred, and the designation of " Reformer," or "Conservative," applied to them accordingly. These brief extracts, however, are in tco many instances vague and unsatisfactory ; and may be accom- panied by qualifying expressions not reported. As an additional criterion, the votes of the old Members on several important questions are given; but even these—such has been the chop- pi :1g and changing about of lukewarm Reformers and unprin- cipled politicians—do not afford a certain test. It thus happens, that in the Parliamentary Test Book, many are designated as Refinmers who have no real title to the name. But these are errors which we know from experience it was impossible to avoid.
The Parliamentary Indicator, sent to us by Messrs. CHAPMAN and HALL, contains more gossip than the Test Book. It sup- plies particulars of the private history and connexions of the Members of the House of Commons, with notices of the votes of the old Members, the state of polls, and numbers of the consti- tuencies.
It is unrecessary to say much of the Parliamentary Pocket companion; the third annual number of which is as neatly, and we dare say as accurately got up as its predecessors; and of them we can make a roost favourable report, from almost daily use and experience. It contains a vast deal more information than both the preceding compilations put together. hided it is the only one of tl.e three that pretends to give particulars of the Peers. The editor or compiler says truly, that no one unaccustomed to this description of literary drudgery can form any idea of the labour be- stowed in selecting the 21,120 facts to be found in the volume. Perfect accuracy in such a work is not to be expected. It so hap- pens that the first name we looked for in the book, that of Sir STRATFORD CANNING, is not to be found in its place.