Elie Country,
Mr. Galley Knight is a candidate for the representation of Notting- hamshire, vacant by Lord Lumley's succession to the Peerage. Mr. Rolleston is spoken of as his opponent on Tory principles. Lord lienry Bentinck is also named. No opposition is expected to the election of Mr. Law, Recorder of London, for Cambridge University, in the room of Sir Charles Man- ners Sutton, now created Viscount Canterbury.
The proceedings taken by the Town-Clerk of Canterbury against the Times newspaper for a false and malicious libel on his conduct as Returning-Officer at the late election for this city, have been quashed, in consequence of the proprietors of that paper having consented to give up the name of the author and to pay all costs.—Kent Herald. The Norali of Liverpool, Captain Burnley, from Demerara, was wrecked on Hoyle Bank, on the night of Saturday week. Her crew, consisting of the Captain and fifteen men, were all drowned ; except (me of the men, Kenneth Macfarlane, who saved himself by clinging to the foremast, the mainmast being swept off, with all the crew who were on deck clinging to it, by a tremendous sea. lie wits taken off - the wreck on Monday afternoon : no boat could reach it before, and he was himself mo much benumbed to switn to the boat. There were 140 puncheons of rum on board, most of which it was supposed would be saved.
Upwards of two hundred vessels left Liverpool on Sunday last, with a tolerably fair wind, which continued favourable till they had passed Holyhead, on Monday. The heavy adverse winds which have prevailed, render it extremely probable that unfavourable accounts will shortly be received of damage and loss sustained by some of these ships. The William, Captain Nuttale, for Honduras, was run down by the Louisa, for Savannah, on Monday at four r. at. : eight of the crew saved in the long-boat, and four got on board the Louisa, which put back to-day. 'rho :Meriden, for New York, with loss of mast, the Alexander, for Mobile, and the Sylla, for Sierra Leone, have also put back.
For some time past, a number of navigators have been engaged in. repairing the embankments of the river Mersey, at Dunham ; and
they had to cross the ferry at Hollins Green, to and from their work. On Wednesday morning last week, a number of these men presented themselves at the ferry, to cross the river; and they incautioustly trusted
themselves in a small punt, instead of a larger boat, which ought to have
been used. Including the two boatmen, the company consisted of' fourteen persons; a load which brought the edge of the boat near to
the water's surface. There was a swell in the river at this time, caused by the late rains, and the current was very strong. When the boat got into the current, it became unmanageable, and in a few mo- ments upset. The whole fourteen men were precipitated into the water ; seven of whom managed with great difficulty to regain the shore ; but the remaining seven, navigators, all perished. An old broom-maker named Harris and his wife, were overtaken by the storm on the night of Thursday week, while crossing the waste
ground between Millbridge and Churt in Sorry. They lost their way, it being very dark, and sat down on the ground, quite exhausted. The poor woman was attacked with cramp and died. The man found his way home.
On Wednesday night week, Jonathan Greenwood, a weaver, re- siding, in Barnsley, after working late in his shop, sat by his house tire and fell asleep. During his sleep he fancied he was still in his work- shop. and by some means his piece (drill) had got on fire : he rose from his chair during this dream, culling loudly on his journeyman for
assistance, and actually scraped the fire out of the grate with his bare
hands, still continuing to call out. A workman who was in the shop came out to him, hut a considerable length of time elapsed before he
could awake him. The poor fellow is dreadfully burnt, and it will be some aiontbs ere be will be able to resume his work. He has 'a large flunily, who by this misfortune, will be reduced to a state of destitu- tion.—S4iSield Iris. Government has offered a reward of 50/, in addition to ad. from the town of Birmingham, for the discovery of the murderers of Mr. William Painter, a collector of taxes. It appears that on the evenieg of the 16th ultimo, the deceased was returning home to Bordesly, when, crossing some vacant land called Parsonage Ground, at the bottom of Worcester Street, Birmingham, he was attacked by four men armed with Hudgeons, who knocked him down and beat him in a most cruel manner. f he bodily injuries he received were so severe, that he ex. fared in a kw days after; and a Coroner's Jury returned a verdict of Wilful Murder against some person or persons unknown. Every endeavour has been used since to discover the villains, but without success. His Majesty's pardon has also been offered, as well as the reward, to any person (except the person or persons who actually struck the blows) coming forward to give evidence.