7 MARCH 1835, Page 9


The following corrections on the Division-lists on the Address, published last week, have been announced since Saturday.

Mr. Brocklebuist, of Macclesfield, voted in the majority, not with the Tories.

Mr. Dish was absent from illness, and therefore did not vote with the majority. Mr. Mangles had the misfortune to be run over by a coach, or he would have voted for the Amendment with his party.

Captain Meynell, and Mr. Tapps, whose names appeared in the minority, were absent.

The Times gives the following account of an interview between Sir Francis Burdett and a portion of his constituents, on Monday after- noon.

" About a dozen gentlemen, among whom were Messrs. De Year, Pouncey, Pugh, Alteckett, Rowland, and Pratt, called to remonstrate with Sir Francis Burdett, but in an amicable spirit, on the disappointment and apprelwnsions which had been produced in the minds of some by his absence on the two great questions of the election of Speaker and the vote on the Address. Sir Francis Burdett heard them with patience and courtesy; and then appealed to them whether he had not alwavs declared himself an enemy to gh big a party vote? He had ever held himself. aloof from tither Whig or Tory, as a party, lie considered as well from policy as from justice, Sir Charles Sutton ought to have been reelected; but had deferred to the strongly-expressed feelings of a portion of his constituents so far as to abstain from voting ; aud he was sorry to find this had not given satisfaction. As to the amendment on the Address, he con.

sidered it not a question involving any of the interests of the people at large,

but merely whether the Whigs or the Tories shouhl have an ascendancy, and so be able to hold the King in thraldom, by reducing him to the necessity of *electing his Administration from the party then dominant, instead of (as Sir Francis Burdett ever wished) that the selection of a Ministry should be based on the fitness of the party fur office. He appended to the gentlemen whether, if they had succeeded by the vote in driving out the present .ilinistry, it would not hare placed the Whigs again in power, without any admixture of parties of moderate principles j'n-Ims the other sections which constitute the representa. Como/ the rarious iniliEiul divisions of tin pt eseat day. Mr. A'Beckett cen■ sidertd, on the contrary, that a stroug Ministry might be funned without tak- ing the extremes of any party. Sir Francis Burdett said he thought not—at least, this was not the proper thee for making the ;memo. A gentleman said they had come, not so much to complain, as to express their hopes that, in the progress of the session, Sir F. Bartlett would prove himself the s one man he was twenty years ago. Sir F. Burdett told them they might rest fully assured that, whenever any question of j ladle interest was brought forward, they would find him at his post as active and zealous in the cause of the people as ever. The deputation declared their gratification at receiving this assuiance, aud withdrew."

[Sir Francis I3urdett pretends to dread the return of the Whigs to power. ; but was lie not their humble and obsequious supporter when they were in power ? Has he not in fact been the complaisant tool of every Minister since the death of Lord Liverpool—of Canning, Wellington, Grey, and now of Wellitigton again ? Ile is in fact nothing better than an old courtier, the devoted servant of the party in power. Was there ever such assurance as to pretend that the con. tinuance of the Tories in power, or their expulsion from office, is not a " question of public interest ?" He himself admits that this was the point at issue on Thursday night. As for the deputation, they seem to have been treated according to their deserts. Sir Fransis, we have no doubt, laughed at them heartily before they got to the street- door.] from the parish of St. Ann, Westminster, also waited d on Sir Francis Burdett on Thursday, to take him to task for his Tory votes. The published accounts of the interview are imperfect; but it would seem that the persons composing this mission were more plain- spoken folks than Messrs. De Veal., Pouncey, and their set; for they nettled their renegade :Wernher a good deal, though he would give them no satisfactory assurances of repentance and amendment. Mr. J. W. Scott, Member for North Hampshire met a body of his constituents at the Town-hall in Alton on Saturday last, to explain the vote Ile had given in favour of the Address. Ile hoped that his constituents would give him credit for having voted con- seicatiously, as he had never given but one pledgv, and that was to act inde- pendently. The grounds upon Ivhiell he had given his last vote were, that lie considered the present Athuinistration stronger than any other that could be formed out of the divided state of parties, and that he thought it unfair to de- nounce their measures before it could be ascertained what they woe. Ile coma- 'muted on the different parties which now divided the public opinion, and gave it to be understood that he was prepossessed with the policy of the Stanley party. Ile admitted that he hall been a zealous supporter a the Grey Muni- ni,tration, which had unfortunately fallen to pieces ; and he added that the AIelimurne 31inistrv was broken up by the death of Earl Spencer. He con eluded by saying-, that in case of a dissoluttion, or even before if required, I.:. constituents would have the opportunity of dedarilz whether lie was won thy f their confidence; awl that if any gentleman yvesent wished to put any pleStItai to him he should feel pleasure in answering rt. An elector then said---" Are we to understand from what you have just said, that in case a requisition should be presented to you, calling upon you to vacate your seat, that you will comply with it ?" Mr. Scott replied, that he would resign his seat on the regnisition of the majority of those who returned him ; but he believed that he repre- sented the majority fairly. " That," rejoined the elector, " remains to be proved."

The following letter has been sent to Mr. Barclay by one of his con- stituents, in consequence of his vote on the Address.

Sir, if it be true (as represented) that you sopported the Address, I charge you ith having violated your most sacml promise; lmving distinctly MA unequivocally pledged youiself to support an mot•tolnielit to the Address, expressive of your want of confidence in his Majesty's present M Misters. Saelt conduct as this cn,mmtm,mt be toa cc- em-rely commented upon ; and the Representative practising such, richly deserves the Jute of Sir George Murray; which I sincetely hope may be yours when next you have occasion to visit the electors of Sunderlaud. of a !dell I am one. I ant. tke."

[Mr. Barclay, moreover, used these words, in the letter he sent to the newspapers, disavowing the imputation of Toryism—" I have fidly declared to my eonstitunits at Sunderland, that my principles will place we in opposition to his Majesty's Mini.ders." The fate of Sir George Murray has been richly deserved by Mr. Barclay.]

The maiden vote of Captain Peehell has thrown dismay into the hearts of those Reformers of Brighton who voted for him under the impression that he was an honest disciple of the Grey school ; and for

ourselves we may say, that we cannot recal the occasion on which we encountered greater or a more complete disappointment than on Friday

last, when the news was brought by the London papers that Captain Pechell the Reformer, the friend of Mr. Cullen, the supporter of Sir Godfrey Webster, the man who told us in the Rape of Bramber, that

he would never rest till he had hunted every Tory out ty' Sussex, had

virtually given in his adherence to the Tory Ministry. hitherto we have classed the gallant Member among the firm friends of ti c great

principle of Reform; but we are now compelled to erase his name from the list of those politicians in Sussex whose professions are lionourisbly redeemed by their acts.—Brighton Guardian. The independent constituency of the Borough of Kendal have con e to a resolution which we trust will be generally followed throughout tie empire. After expressing their thanks to their Representative' John Barbaro, for his votes in the present session, they have assured him,• that if the Tory Government venture upon again dissolving Parliament, they will return him free of all expense, and without putting bins to the trouble of even attending on the day of election, if that should in any way be personally inconvenient. A declaration to the above effect has been signed by a majority of the electors, and forwarded to Mr. Barham.

It is curious, that on the Amendment, the Irish Reformers we e in greater strength than on the Speakership. Lord Clements, Mr. Ralph

Howard, and Mr. C. D. 0. Jephson, voted for the Amendment. They would have increased the Irish Members to six y- three , bad not Mr.

Fitzstephen Ffrench thought proper to desert his colours, pretending

that something exceedingly pressing called him off to the Roscommon .Assizes. He is, it seems, " the Irish County Member returned by a

Catholic constituency" to whom the mysterious allusions were made last week. He has done great honour to his Catholic constituents—an honour which they could not take too speedy an opportunity of publicly

acknowledging A very fitting occasion will present itself at these same Assizes, which he has been so anxious to attend. We are told that he assured every one he met in passing through Dublin, that the Ministel s would certainly succeed on the Address, and by a considerable majority ! Mr. Fitzpatrick Ffrench is not likely to win great renown, at least as a prophet. All the Irish Tories but one (Kavannagh) were at their post ; and he did no damage to his party, as lie paired off with a Reformer. The majority of Irish Reformers over Tories was 22, not- withstanding the detection of the "returned by a Catholic consti- tueney."—Dublin Register.

The Liberal Club of Sligo have very properly passed a resolution condemnatory of the conduct of the Member for that town, Mr. Martin, in abandoning the popular cause on the question of the Speak- ership. To the gentlemen composing this club is Mr. Martin mainly indebted for his seat. If he wishes for a precedent in this case, as to the line of conduct he should adopt, he ought to follow the example of Mr. Barry, Member for Cork county, on the Repeal question, and tender his resignation to his constituents.—Globe.

There was a numerous meeting of the parishioners of St. Pancras on Thursday evening, at which the following resolution was passed. "That this meeting have seen with much surprise that the House of Com- mons have gone into a Committee of Supply without having first exacted from the Government some measures calculated to redress the grievances under which the country labours ; that as it was evident from the result of the last election for Marylebone that no confidence was placed in the faction then and still being the Ministers, that letters be written by the Honorary Secretaries to Sir Samuel Whalley and H. L. Ilulwer, Esq., requesting that they Will divide the House on every vote of money until substantial measures of reform and retrench- ment he adopted."

[This is only the " beginning of the end ;" there will be more reso- lutions of a similar description by and by, unless the National Repre- sentatives do deli. duty. The parishioners of St. Pancras should, however, he informed that the question of the Supplies is yet virtually untouched in the House.]