7 MARCH 1840, Page 10


speculations were hazarded during the early part of the week as to the course likely 10 be adopt, d by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to meet the deficiency which it is anticipated will occur in the revenue of the current year. It will be needless to rile at all the reports that have been current; but it was generally believed till thi, morning that a funding would be resorted to; and Consols consequently declined h per cent. This morning a notice was received from the Treasury, stati g that the interest of Exchequer Bills will be raised on the 16th instant to 2.1,4 per centum per diem ; being an increase of h per cent. upon the interest now paid ; and as this circumstance has been taken to indicate a resolution to through the year without funding, an improvement has occurred in every ile,eription of English Stock; our quotations toolay being fully 6 per cent. above those of Testerday. Exchequer Bills have also improved, and the premium upon them is to-day 14s. to 16s. above.yesterday's. The additional elarge upon the country by this increase of Interest will amount to rather more than 150,000/, and, the rate of interest now paid upon the investment of money in Exchequer Bills is 3/. 8s. Md. per cent. The amount of Exchequer Bills about to be exchanged is more than 11,000,000/. ; of which it is calculated that about one-half is held as a perma- nent investment. The remainder, or 5,500,0004, would, in case of any serious decline in value, have been paid into the Exchequer at par, instead of being sent in to be exclianeed tiir new bills, and the Government would have been saddled with a bus, titan the reissue of them ; which contingency has been avoided by the inercir,.wil value imparted by the notice of this morning. We omitted hint iieck to give our usual statement of the periods fixed for closing the books of the Various Stocks, the dividends upon which which will become due in April next : it is sufficient now to state that they have all closed in the emirs,- b the week, and that the following are the days fixed for their opening-

, Open.

Three pr i at. fi-dacifd Friday, 24th April. 'furies tutu • iis per Cents. Hetitteed l'uesday, 21st „ Ditto, 1515 Thins iv, 10th „ Batik Stunk Tuesday, 14th „

India steel: Thursday, 9th „

Long Aon-itin., Saturday, 18th „ Atiliuiii..' iii Tnrtns of Years Tuesday, 21st 014 Anne:tins Monday, 13th ,.

The payir. it i :he Belgian Government of 5,300,000 francs, the first in- stalment of ti at. 1 it .10 lloilrud for interest upon the Belgian portion of the Dutch Dew. operated tiiveurahly upon the price of Dutch Stock ; and the Two-and-a-half iul ',tits; improved on Wednesday more than per cent., the price having reach, d ; hut hy yesterday's mail, intelligence was brought of a decline of nearly that etc tit in Amsterdam, and the Bonds have Conse- quently fallen back the Uhl& of the late improvement.

The demand for Ilmsian Bonds still continues, and they are quoted at 1124 1134 ex. div.

Brazilian, and the other South American Funds, are without material change.

The anticipation, cf I:2 holders of Portne4ttese Securities as to the applica- tion of a part es t I i-ni now paid to the home creditor for the discharge of 1Ice dividends upon 1! 1. Ii d', do not seem likely to be realized : the intelli- gence by the it • t liii ics- net of so litvonr:tble a character as that brought by the preceding oiss sd l'ort it te Si curities of all kinds have declined about lit per cent. : the transiletions, ho1rell r, have been unimportant, the market

having fallen in lie aliscilee ii iv ext(..I':.ive operations.

A large specolstien lii ii l c ii i.i C beea Aoing on in the Spanish Stock, promoted by seine it is ,aid, in treaty with the Government of Madrid for till-1! a ;:, (I,H11/. by effecting a conversion of the whole present amount i Active Stocb, nine bearing 5 per cent. interest, into a stock to bear 6 per (slit. interest, at a premium of 15 per cent. Ti:- present amount of Act e Stitch. in circulatimi is al■qat 4n,000,000/. ; and if the whole be exchanged in the hounivr pr..pwq.(1, the Government would certainly itcise the sumCu,: lad the difficulties iii the way of its adoption are 100 serious to give any great expectation of this scheme being ever realized. The extensive operstiehs of the la-4 few days have produced some consideralde fluctuations in the Bonds; and the price, which on Saturday was 29;, de- clined on :timidity to 2.-; it has sifice been as high as 3q, but fell again yesterday to 2S1 ; to tally la-day to 221, and after being at 29 and 29,I, it closes at 29.


The usual monthly statement of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England, publi-bed in ill- II fef fif of last night, shows a comparative fitcrefe..e in evi..".v item of f a ti, --•at,nient of last month. The circulation has increased 167,01014, the ilei,o.t.. esn,is q., the securities 242,0004, and the bullion 307,(4.VOi. Tb: 7, i■ hit i 1, 11,1!.g. this morning, and the prices of the English Funds are the situ u• a.- %,.-ti.1-11.:. In the 'foreign Market, the only variation that hits occurred i. ia •Sioffii,11 and Mexican Stocks ; the former are heavier than yesterday, ;nal niuy he quoted at 2,1i .lf, and the latter are in demand at 29t, being all ad t ■::1C11 0: l, per ci lit. oil yPAI:r(lay's prices. A mail from Rio Janeiro has arrised, !winging in(cliigenre t0 the 10th January ; when the price of the Local Stoeh hail ri-a:ti I!, Ia.:. 'Tat., and was quoted at 77 ex. div. ; the exchange was the !Wile, viz. 31 .! !. There have not, however, been any trans- actions or variathan; in the prier of Brazilian Stock in our market this ii2i5oriiiii:lig. 3 per Cent, I!. ,,,,6 nip; i lt,Ijan 5 per Cents. 107.1 41

Ditto for Annoaut Oil 1 Columbian b per Cents

It per Cent. It's,,., sbet 1, )akh 3 lanr Cents 75 7U

31 per Cent. 11.110 sled Hutch 21 per Cetits 5:14 t

New 31 per Cion, Os: 9 Mat o...■.a.se liegmcy 5 per Ctn. 331 4i

Hank Stock i.but Ditto .1 per Cents 2:15 4

Exchnoner Hiils ..... ....... 15 171.r.ni. Russian 5 pt.r (7..aes...eX. (I., 1121 1151

In shut

India Stock Spanish (Adiro.) LtIA i Brazilian It per (*Mils ...... .. /it at