7 MARCH 1840, Page 8

Another Presbytery is at issue with the General Assembly—that of

St. Andrew's ; which has nioderated a call to the parish of Kembaek, without testing the opinions of the parishioners by the Veto.

At a meeting held in Greenock, on Saturday last, to petition for a repeal of the Corn-laws, the Chartists carried an amendment, by which a petition for the People's Charter was adopted instead of an Anti- Corn-law petition.

At a meeting of electors of the First Municipal District in Edin- burgh, on the 27th February, resolutions were passed expressing dis- approbation of' the conduct of Mr. Macaulay and Sir John Campbell, in bringing a bill into Parliament to continue the Annuity-tax ; and declaring their determination to withhold "their support at the next election from the Ministerial candidate, unless this bill be withdrawn, and a new bill be brought in with the support of the Government, abolishing entirely the Annuity-tax in Edinburgh, in the same manner as the Church-cess-tax has been abolished in Ireland."